Whore Vs Slut

Whore Vs Slut


Whore Vs Slut
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In the heirarchy of insults is one of these any worse than the others? Why is it when women insult each other they go for these words? Any suggestions for better ways to insult a rival?
1 being the most offensive 4 being the least
Edited to say, I think C**T is the most offensive by far though
Where is bitch on the list! That is by far, the most offensive word.... especially if a man uses it toward a female..
haha, i was going to say Bitch is a compliment ;), although a man can't say it
Slut is inherently more offensive than whore... at least whores get paid for it, sluts just do it because they're horny. Skank implies dirtiness, and it's basically a slut who doesn't bathe frequently. Tramp is a cheap whore who will do anything for anyone. I'd rather be a whore than a tramp or a slut, and anyone who calls me a skank gets one to the mouth.
There's always a better way to insult someone, and I choose not to use their sexual proclivities to do it. insulting their intelligence is much more satisfying, and depending on the opponent, may actually be fairly easy! You can get a better rise out of someone if you're just outright patronizing.
"I'd rather be a whore than a tramp or a slut, and anyone who calls me a skank gets one to the mouth."
Dargonchilde, thanks for the laugh. I totally pictured the scenario in my head. LOL!
I'm learning. I never really thought about the differences between these insults.
really? i use skank all the time (in a joking manner), like "she's such a skank" because it seems like the most harmless of the three. I grew up on Lady and the Tramp so I never learned the negative side of the word until I was a pre-teen, i don't know why i put whore as worse than slut, they are both pretty close in offensiveness, i just feel like whore is used more by men to be deragatory or something, IDK
To me tramp implies the speaker is in a movie set in 1950. It's hard to be insulted by that. I just avoid the others in the name of sexual freedom. It's your cooch and I don't judge you for what you do with it. Skank is more insulting to me but C**t is the worst by far.
i didn't know people still said "skank" or "tramp." 
whore is nicer than slut, because at least a whore is getting paid. 
When someone is being an ass.. I go right for the "c" word. It's not that bad to folks in the U.K., as I've heard them use it nonchalantly. LOL.
I try really hard not to comment on people's sexuality, though. Usually people that we would normally label with those words.. they need to get some mental help, and I'd rather not add to their shit storm.  These people are the ones that do sexual things for attention or self worth. They don't need any more negativity than they are already giving themselves. I'm not talking about sexually mature adults who know what they want and like ot get freaky.
i hate the term whore though. that's number one worst in my book.
hearing the word cunt is weird, i only say it when i really really hate someone.
tramp to me describes clothing, so i don't ever call anyone a tramp..i say their clothes are trampy lol

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We all harbor secrets. Some are big and bad; some are small and trivial. Researchers have parsed which truths to tell and which not to.

Posted March 13, 2012


Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

In the first two weeks of March 2012, we lived with the reaction to Rush Limbaugh's tirade against a woman with whose views he disagreed.
Why Are 'Slut' and 'Whore' Insults?
Throughout the furor that resulted in many sponsors withdrawing their support of his "shock jock" show, women have failed to question whether slut or whore are "legitimate" insults against women and if so, why is it that they are. Rush Limbaugh used these words because he knew how much power they had to incite a visceral reaction. And the reaction was to protect the "honor" of Sandra Fluke. Feminists, who should have known better than to accept a patriarchal notion of who a woman should be, went on the warpath to "ruin" Limbaugh's career .
As for the word whore, getting money for something people give away is not seen as entrepreneurship but as a sign of poor morals. And yet hundreds of years ago when women were oppressed, courtesans became famous for their skills in pleasing men. Now that we have career options, this is no longer a legitimate one. And why? Because of our notions of women's power, which say that no woman would choose to get paid for sex unless under the power of a man.
Women are raised to be "good girls," which includes being sexually circumspect. Any assault on their purity can threaten a woman's psychological well-being because of the significance of this "good girl" social norm to one's perception of self-worth . Of course, a boy does not get bullied for many sexual partners but for not being able to get any.
And yet, we were supposed to have gone through a sexual revolution where women were free to do with their bodies as they wished. If we are free to do with our bodies as we wish then who is a slut? And what does that word really mean?
The international "Slutwalk" movement is a sign that women are beginning to take back these words and its about time. We can either own them or toss them into the word garbage pile. These words devalue women by their mere existence and not because of any behavior that they may describe. It is time that these words no longer hold women's psyche hostage nor should they inspire men to the chivalrous defense of our honor. Instead, they will just be words that describe but not judge or tarnish one's "reputation."
Ruth C. White, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.S.W. , is a stress management expert, diversity consultant, and mental health advocate, and author of The Stress Management Workbook and the forthcoming Everyday Stress Relief .

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We all harbor secrets. Some are big and bad; some are small and trivial. Researchers have parsed which truths to tell and which not to.




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Mar 18, 2007

Hello everybody:
I want to know what is the difference between these vulgar words:


because in Spanish all of them are traduced like "PUTA".

Bitch is a nasty, unpleasant, contentious woman, any woman you don't like or feel threatened by, or any woman at all (for rappers)
A whore (technically) takes money for sex; a slut just sleeps around, although the line between these two is somewhat blurred. When you're insulting someone, you don't always strive for the utmost accuracy!
Although the blurred line of these words, thanks a lot for you accurate answer, K.

I think Bitch es "perra"
Whore es "puta"
Slut es "zorra"

at least it's like that in México.
Although you can call your teacher, perra/puta/zorra, without implying she sells sex or she sleeps with a lot of people.

Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2014

I agree with elwopper I think the same because another thing...don't could be maybe "bitch" is the most offensive and vulgar.
Bitch referring to a woman, does not necessarily imply sexual activity, but often only unpleasantness and unreasonableness towards others, that I thought was covered by zorra , which is almost a literal translation. nyc.5's arpia seems good to me too, (btw welcome aboard!) but most appropriate when one is thinking mainly of the nastiness of a woman's behaviour without any sexual connotations

Whore is an old word for prostitute and often used in the Bible. It is sometimes heard in everyday speech, especially in a derogatory sense for a professional prostitute (which political correctness now terms sex worker ) but mostly for an allegedly wanton or promiscuous amateur. Generally, the equivalent of puta . The English word has currently considerable vogue amongst Black Americans where it has been reduced to 'ho' (plural hoes?) and seems on occasions to refer to any woman. Golfa, unmentioned thus far, would be another synonym.

Slut seems to have been taken over by the pornographic industry with the meaning of a very active and highly experimental female sexual partner ( guarra ), but originally, it means a woman who neglects the house and herself and (at least to me) conjures up a picture of a woman in a scruffy dressing gown and fluffy bedroom slippers with her hair in curlers, a cigarette dangling from her mouth, sitting idly, listening to pop songs on the radio, in a filthy kitchen full of unwashed crockery and and unironed clothes. Intimate contact with the milkman may also be involved.
One thing I've never quite understood is to what extent the word "bitch" has the connotation of "prostitute".

Because of expressions like "son of a bitch" versus "hijo de puta" in Spanish and other Romance languages, for a long time I thought that "bitch" was generally well translated as "puta". Yet some native speakers have vehemently denied to me that "bitch" means "puta".

Still, I would like some more opinions. What does everybody think? Were the natives who told me this right, or were they perhaps unconsciously being a tad euphemistic?

(My question was inspired by a recent thread in the English Only forum , but I thought it was best suited for a bilingual forum.)
I would say bitch is the same as puta in some contexts, for example when talking about a teacher, "that bitch gave us another assignment", "la puta esa nos ha dado otro trabajo".

In that context it has no sexual connotation. With sexual connotation, however, a bitch can be a woman that's somewhat slutty, cheap, and mean to the people around her. In this way, a son of a bitch is just like in Spanish "un hijo de puta".
Una pregunta. ¿Se puede traducir bitch como arpia o víbora?

Una pregunta. ¿Se puede traducir bitch como arpia o víbora?

a son of a bitch is just like in Spanish "un hijo de puta". MilicianA

I agree. However, it may be worth pointing out that that son of a bitch is used frequently in the USA but seldom in the UK. So common is it in the States that it is often abbreviated to S.O.B. It has never been part of my own vocabulary however annoyed I get. There are plenty of British equivalents. Strangely enough, in the very American lyrics from Bernstein's "West Side Story" the term is applied to a female. I suppose that whereas hija de puta is easily said when angry daughter etc. is not.

My father is a bastard,
My ma's an S.O.B.
My grandpa's always plastered,
My grandma pushes tea.
My sister wears a mustache,
My brother wears a dress.
Goodness gracious, that's why I'm a mess!
I myself have very little experience with the British English; all my statements are based on AE. However, the reason why in Spanish you can say hija de puta is because in Spanish you have gender, in English we just have arbitrary words that through conditioning may have acquired a gender-slanted meaning. That's why for us it would sound weird to say daughter of a bitch. But that at the side.

I agree that S.O.B. can be used for a woman, I would even say for non-animate objects (this paper is a son-of-a-bitch) and exactly because of that I think it is also considered more a general statement of having the characteristic of "being lousy, messed up". As far as I know, in Spanish the latter isn't applied.
I don't think you would ever refer to a woman as an SOB. "West Side Story" is 50 years old, and song lyrics often push the limits of usage. Also, note that there is a lot of gender-bending in those lyrics.
Thank you all very much for your replies.
Existe otra palabra que nadie ha mencionado creo, ramera y fulana son sinónimos de whore, exclusivamente para la que cobra por tener sexo.
There are two other words you can use to say whore in spanish: ramera and fulana, referred only to the woman that takes money for having sex.
To made all this clear (or obscure, who knows...) in Argentina we don't say perra or zorra as pejorative but in the 80's we would say yegua (filly) meaning the same than bitch in English
“ Bitch ” no es una traducción precisa de la palabra “puta”, ya que no implica nada sexual. Es una palabra ofensiva para una mujer que, en la mayoría de los casos, implica un carácter desagradable, sangrón, enojón, y/o antipático. (Algunas voceras feministas han dicho que la palabra conlleva connotaciones sexistas, alegando que procede de una cosmovisión machista en la que es aplicada a cualquier mujer no sumisa.)

A menudo la frase “ hijo de puta ” se ha traducido como “son of a bitch”, y viceversa, simplemente porque es la aproximación más cercana que existe. No obstante, esto no significa que “bitch” debería de traducirse como “puta”; es una traducción únicamente en el sentido muy general de que es un insulto que se dirige a una mujer.

Recordemos que, en cuanto a los insultos, cada cultura tiene sus palabras ofensivas que conllevan toda una mentalidad cultural específica. Es muy significativo que, en Sudamérica y España, la acusación ofensiva es que el prójimo es “hijo de puta”; o sea, que su madre vendió su cuerpo voluntariamente. En cambio, en México, se le acusa al adversario de ser un “hijo de la chingada”, el producto de un acto violento de violación. Octavio Paz escribió un ensayo entero, “Los Hijos de la Malinche”, al respecto, analizando el significado cultural de dicho insulto muy mexicano. Es un capítulo del libro El Laberinto de la Soledad ; pueden lee
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