Whore Of Babylon

Whore Of Babylon


Whore Of Babylon

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10 Details About the Whore of Babylon


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In Part 7 of the Revelation Series video, we discussed the whore of Babylon discussed in Revelation Chapter 17. There are some characteristics about her that should be held in your analysis.
This isn’t physical prostitution, but spiritual. In the Bible, Prostitution often symbolizes idolatry or religious apostasy, spiritual adultery. There are a lot of instances like in Isaiah Chapter 1 verse 21 when Jerusalem was called a harlot or whore. She is selling an apostate religion that pushes people away from the Most High. We are not talking about a literal woman, but an idolatrous church.
The “waters” represent the various peoples and nations of the earth like verse 15 tells us quite clearly. Being that she sits on them, it’s saying that she has worldwide influence.
The kings of the earth, the rulers and political leaders of world history have opened their arms to her influence. The whore of Babylon will ally herself with these world’s political leaders. Adultery not in the sense of physical marriage but meaning going after other gods.
The Whore of Babylon’s influence will extend beyond the world’s rulers to the rest of mankind. Again, this imagery does not describe actual wine & sexual sin, but pictures the people of the world being swept up into the intoxication & sin of a false system of religion.
The scarlet beast the woman is sitting on is the Antichrist. For a time he will support and use the whore’s false religious system to effect world unity. But he will then take more political control like verse 16 eludes to. Scarlet is the color of luxury, splendor & royalty.
The whore is also dressed in purple & scarlet. She is portrayed as a prostitute who has plied her trade successfully and become extremely wealthy.
Now on a side note this is one huge reason why people tie the Roman Catholic Church into solely being the Whore of Babylon and rightfully so, as we see that the ministers of this faith mimic this dress often. Just because they are showing us their connection to this wickedness does not mean they should solely be linked to this Chapter. Now please understand, they absolutely should be linked. You cannot separate them from the Whore, it’s just that, they should not solely be linked to the Whore alone.
Prostitutes often dress in fine clothes and precious jewels to allure their victims like Proverbs Chapter 7 verse 10 says “And there a woman met him, With the attire of a harlot, and a crafty heart.” The religious harlot Babylon is no different. She dresses herself in luxury to lure the nations into her grasp. People are attracted to wealth and power and she displays it to lure the adulterous inhabitants of the earth in.
This is just more evidence of the harlot’s great wealth. Just as a prostitute might first get her victim drunk, so the harlot system deceives the nations into committing spiritual fornication with her.
During those times it was normal for prostitutes to wear a headband with their name on it for they were not ashamed. In the end all false religion stems from Babel. The place of the first one world religion and one world government. This label shows us this is the foundation of this wickedness.
Very simply, the harlot has killed many of God’s saints and Christian martyrs throughout the ages, and will do so again during the Tribulation period.
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Using Reference from Isaiah 47, Jeremiah 50 & 51, and Revelation 18 The Lord is against Mystery Babylon. By reviewing what He says in regards to Babylon you will be able to properly determine that the United States of America is Mystery Babylon.
I have been an consistent follower of your ministry that ELOHIM has given you stewardship over I am so grateful for the teachings that Ruach Hakodesh gives you to help us have a clear understanding of what’s really going on in these last days!so that we will be prepared Spiritually for the times ahead.MASTER please continue to Bless Brother Ron& Family as they continue to live the HOLY Word that is written for our instructions and guidance, Open the hearts of those that tune into the Truthunedited channel in YAHSHUA HOLY NAME we pray Amen we Love and pray for You Guys strength ♥️
Very enlightening!!! I am definitely sharing with my family and Church family!!! I’ll continue to pray for you, family and ministry!!! God bless!!!
I think the whore of Babylon if Free Masonry. A religion ince about 70 ad . Study the Knights Templar, Scottish Rite, York Right , any country, any religion . The Catholic religion falls under them .
Thank you for providing the word my brother may Elohim bless you and your family in Jesus name Amen
Can you please make a video on the sabbath. I need clarity
Look at any calendar you can find and see what the 7th day is
We need to pray and prepare for the coming of our Lord Yashua!
Thank you once again Ron, thank you for your obedience and love of our FATHER to speak TRUTH. I have been looking to bless the ministry for all the knowledge I have benefit from. I don’t have PayPal but would love to bless you. Please let me know another way I can do this. You are in my prayers. Love and Blessings.
Thankyou so much for the teaching and revelation, as you have portrayed with the leading of the Holy Spirit…
You mentioned that the US fits so many of Babylons attributes, but I also feel the UK (the Mother persay) also fits a number of those attributes.. Both either side of the Atlantic Ocean – only in YHWH time will we know/see how things unfold.. Stay blessed in Yashua name.
I love the breakdown of these biblical verses, it gives understanding and clear meaning to Elohim words. May the Most High continue to bless you keeping us informed
Thank you your research and knowledge is badly needed and important to me in these times your videos help me stay on the path of God strength is necessary for me to continue and your videos help me a lot I’m still trying but lots of times I feel I’m only hanging on by thread
Amen and God Bless you brother. I still view the Whore of Babylon as the United States of America. There aren’t any descriptors of the Whore that do not align with our current socio-economic culture. Our government is run by the true Satanists – the elite 1% shadow government that is comprised of the myriad of occult secret societies, and is tied tightly to the Catholic Church.
I want to thank Our Father in Heaven for blessing my family through blessing you & your family as well as a great thanks to everyone who has helped in making this channel possible. My Husband and I have united on so many topics that we have not always seen eye to eye on which had made a HUGE impact on our daily lives and also members of our family who are waking up and becoming less worldly in their walks. We appreciate truthunedited.com more than you know & your channel is truly planting seeds here in Jackson,Mississippi as well as Colorado, Colorado Springs. Your videos are an amazing study guide for all ages. My 6 year old also watches some and truly pays attention. God bless you & yours and we will be helping as much as possible in the upcoming months.
Your ministry is a blessing to me…
May Elohim bless you and your beloved family…
The Father brought you to us, it wasn’t a mistake but by the power of the Holy spirit in these last days. You opened my eyes to many hidden secrets of this evil and sinful world….
I live in Liberia, West Africa
Since last year I been following you up until now…I always used your videos to preach and tell my family and friends that we’re in the end times than we can truly imagine…..but there is still doubts in their hearts and minds…am really worry and scared of my family and friends….because they don’t believe in Jesus or Jahshua…and they don’t believe truly that we’re in the end times….
I always have dreams about Elohim’s judgment…each time I have dream like that it will usually falls on me…am always being judged…
Someone unseen in my dream will tell me make ready or prepare to meet your God …Time is running out…after such experience….I will felt weak to pray or go to church….moreover, I will have a strong feelings in me or an inner talks …kill yourself, because you’re not worthy ….you are a sinner…God will not accept you….I can’t find my way out….I will listen to many audio tips or watch a godly clips but no avail….am always falling back….
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