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Margot Cleveland is The Federalist's senior legal correspondent. She is also a contributor to National Review Online, the Washington Examiner, Aleteia, and Townhall.com, and has been published in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

Cleveland is a lawyer and a graduate of the Notre Dame Law School, where she earned the Hoynes Prize—the law school’s highest honor. She later served for nearly 25 years as a permanent law clerk for a federal appellate judge on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Cleveland is a former full-time university faculty member and now teaches as an adjunct from time to time.

As a stay-at-home homeschooling mom of a young son with cystic fibrosis, Cleveland frequently writes on cultural issues related to parenting and special-needs children. Cleveland is on Twitter at @ProfMJCleveland. The views expressed here are those of Cleveland in her private capacity.

Visit on Twitter @ProfMJCleveland

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A Russian woman, a drug dealer, and two of his compatriots may have stolen a laptop from Hunter Biden in 2018, Hunter told a prostitute in another sex video, leaving the president’s son concerned he may be blackmailed because of his father’s political position.
While the salacious video of Hunter Biden released earlier this week exposes more details about the troubling lifestyle of the president’s son, it reveals much more about a corrupt and complicit media, a corrupt and incompetent intelligence community, and a corrupt and compromised Joe Biden.
Late Wednesday, The Daily Mail published what it called “unearthed footage” of a naked Hunter Biden telling a prostitute that “the Russians have videos of me doing crazy f-cking sex!” According to The Daily Mail, “after filming himself having sex with the woman using his laptop in January 2019, Hunter left the camera rolling as he recounted a Vegas bender in which he spent ‘18 days going round from penthouse suite to penthouse suite,’ sometimes costing $10,000 a night.”
The video then captured Hunter telling the prostitute that during the summer of 2018 he had nearly overdosed from drugs while partying in Las Vegas with his drug dealer and two other guys. When he came to later, “there was this Russian 35-year-old, really nice, pure brunette,” Hunter explained. He then discovered his laptop was missing.
“I think he’s the one that stole my computer,” Hunter said on the tape, apparently referring to his drug dealer. “I think the three of them, the three guys that were like a little group. The dealer and his two guys, I took them everywhere,” Hunter explained. “They have videos of me doing this. They have videos of me doing crazy f-cking sex f-cking, you know,” Hunter added. “My computer, I had taken tons of like, just left like that cam on,” Hunter continued, “and somebody stole it during that period of time.”
The prostitute is then heard asking Hunter if he worried the Russian thieves would try to “blackmail” him. “Yeah, in some way yeah,” Hunter replied, noting his father is “running for president,” and that “I talk about it all the time.”
Like the videos, emails, and text messages recovered from the MacBook Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware repair shop and reported on by The New York Post in October 2020, the footage published Wednesday by The Daily Mail exposes recent disturbing and illegal behavior by the president’s middle-aged son.
But like the New York Post’s earlier reporting, the issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or his illegal behavior. Rather, the latest video reveals the corruption—and more—of the media and the intelligence community, while also establishing how greatly our current president is compromised.
When the New York Post broke news of the contents of Hunter Biden’s abandoned MacBook shortly before the election, corporate media framed the story as misinformation and refused to report on it. Leftist-controlled social media outlets went further by de-platforming The New York Post and blocking the sharing of the article.
The corporate media’s bias in favor of then-candidate Joe Biden was clear to all but the most hardened partisans on the left, but Wednesday’s reporting from The Daily Mail now reveals another reality: that while the corrupt media ignored the story, even a hooker saw the significance of a missing laptop containing Hunter Biden’s sex videos.
Did he worry about being blackmailed? the prostitute asked, followed by Hunter acknowledging that was a genuine concern since his father intended to run for president. The elder Biden announced his candidacy just two months after his son’s first computer went missing. Yet when The New York Post reported the existence of the Hunter Biden sex videos on the abandoned laptop, corporate media ignored this huge political scandal.
The corruption revealed, however, extends much beyond the media, to the intelligence community. Here, recall that after The New York Post reported on the contents of the Hunter Biden MacBook, “50 former senior intelligence officials,” led by former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son ‘has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’”
That letter, clearly intended to turn the Biden scandal into a Trump-Russia scandal, now takes on a new significance in light of The Daily Mail’s reporting.
Hunter Biden believed that sometime in the summer of 2018, Russians stole his laptop, which contained videotapes of Biden engaged in sex acts with prostitutes. Either U.S. intelligence knew of this or they didn’t, but both scenarios are equally damning.
If U.S. intelligence agencies knew of this fact, then why would “50 former senior intelligence officials” proclaim to Americans that The New York Post story had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation?” Simply put: to counter the scandal and influence the election for their preferred candidate.
Further, re-reading the intelligence officials’ letter in light of The Daily Mail’s reporting reveals how manipulative Clapper and his cronies were. In the earlier portions of the letter , they spoke of a “Russian information operation,” which suggests the information published by The New York Post was accurate, but released by Russia to influence the election. But in closing the letter, they quoted “media reports” saying “the FBI has now opened an investigation into Russian involvement in this case.”
“According to USA Today,” the letter continued, “federal authorities are investigating whether the material supplied to the New York Post by Rudy Giuliani. . . is part of a smoke bomb of disinformation pushed by Russia.”
By quoting USA Today’s claim that federal authorities were investigating whether the reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop is “disinformation,” former intelligence officials succeeded in changing the narrative of the story. What began as them claiming the story appeared as a “Russian information operation” ended by sleight of hand, representing The New York Post’s story as consisting of “disinformation.”
Surely some signatories of that letter would have known Hunter Biden believed Russians had stolen his laptop with the compromising information. Or, if not, that would just show how incompetent our intelligence agencies are.
Here we are not speaking merely of the former intelligence officials who signed the letter. At the time The New York Post published the videos, emails, and texts from Hunter’s MacBook, in October 2020, intelligence agencies would have been focused on any issues related to the then-Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, for months, which clearly would include risks caused by his addict son.
In December 2019, the FBI seized the MacBook Hunter had left at the repair store. It is unbelievable to think the FBI did not promptly review the contents to determine if it was in fact Hunter’s and to determine whether the material on the laptop created a national security risk. It is also beyond the pale to think agents did not ask Hunter about that laptop.
Yet ten months later, when The New York Post published the video and email messages, someone at the FBI told USA Today they were investigating whether the story was Russian “misinformation.” To date, though, there has been nothing but corroboration of the materials published by The New York Post, so who at the FBI suggested the content was “misinformation?”
Further, after recovering the MacBook from the Delaware repair store, a competent intelligence industry would have then also discovered the second missing laptop—the one Hunter told a prostitute in January 2019 he believed the Russians had stolen. Did agents know of that fact? Did they brief Joe Biden on the fact that the laptops contained information that could subject Hunter, and thus Biden himself, to blackmail?
These questions have nothing to do with Hunter Biden’s disgraceful behavior and everything to do with whether our intelligence community is incompetent and corrupt.
Wednesday’s revelation also raises the question of when Joe Biden learned of the second stolen laptop. Did he know it was missing before the intelligence community did? Did he tell intelligence officials so they could investigate to determine if Hunter had been ensnared by Russian operatives?
Finally, while the latest tape concerned only Hunter’s sexual improprieties, the risk that Joe Biden is gravely compromised extends much beyond a potential sex scandal involving his son. Americans need to remember that Hunter’s MacBook contained much more than videos of Hunter engaged in illegal drug use and sex with prostitutes: That laptop also included text messages and emails that implicated “the Big Guy” in a pay-to-play scandal.
So news that Hunter believed Russians stole another laptop raises serious national security concerns over whether foreign adversaries hold sway over the senior Biden based on the president’s own misconduct when he was vice president or a senator.
But don’t expect the corrupt press to pose these questions to the Biden administration—proving they have even lower standards than Hunter’s prostitute.
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Allegations have surfaced on social media that the infamous “Laptop from Hell” belonging to presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter contains photos of him together with a topless niece, aged 14 at the time.
The photos have been presumably seen by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani who, together with former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, personally turned over the evidence to jurisdictional authorities in the state of Delaware.
Rudy Giuliani just told Greg Kelly that there are pictures of Hunter Biden walking around naked with a 14 year old girl.
Hunter sent a text admitting this to his father, Joe Biden.
— Robg🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🐣🍎🧱🏋️👑🇺🇸 (@reubing) October 20, 2020
Dates from leaked messages suggest that the girl at the center of concern is the currently 16-year-old Natalie Biden , who is active on social media, campaigning for her grandfather Joe Biden.
Natalie is the daughter of Beau Biden, whose death saw the blossoming of a romantic relationship between his widow and his brother Hunter, who was married to someone else at the time.
In effect, Natalie’s mother was with Natalie’s father and then with Natalie’s uncle. And then Hunter somehow ended up with a large personal trove of photos of the underage Natalie on his laptop.
UPDATE (November 2020): No compromising photos of Natalie with her uncle have surfaced so far. What’s been leaked from the laptop is a video of Natalie and two girls dancing for what seems to be a cameraphone. Here is a still from that clip.
The screenshot above is when she was fiddling with the camera.
Revolver Exclusive: Inside Source Alleges Underage Photos Found On Hunter’s Laptop Were of a Member of The Biden Family https://t.co/hDJiphwNHr
— Jack Posobiec 🍊 (@JackPosobiec) October 21, 2020
Hunter Biden has three daughters with his first wife Kathleen – daughters Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy. He has several other children with various women.
Joe Biden has been accused of swimming naked in front of female Secret Service agents and even of cupping the breasts of the girlfriend of a male agent. He has also been accused by former staffer Tara Reade of forcefully inserting his finger into her vagina.
#Biden 's never far from a sin (again)– Lip-smooching young granddaughter Finnegan It's not only #Hunter Who can rip things asunder Don't let #JoeBiden *creep* to a win again pic.twitter.com/alsSNW6jX4
— Randall Bock (@DrRandallBock) October 21, 2020
Joe Biden and granddaughter Finnegan
拜登過去在公開場合與孙女FinneganBiden接吻小畫面也被挖出。拜登近日往北卡進行競選活動,19歲孫女F與他同行,兩人一前一後走下飛機,互動相當親暱…拜登過去曾多次親吻自己孫女,但不是「臉頰碰臉頰此類禮貌式接觸,而是直接以雙唇觸碰孫女雙唇。據悉拜登去年7月12日、今年 2月3日當眾與孫女接吻…😨 pic.twitter.com/4cgRZrNoNM
— 任公梦 (@Rengongmeng) October 26, 2020
"Finnegan's milkshake." Is Biden trying to send his supporters some coded QAnon-style message? pic.twitter.com/eBonKcCm7I
— Arun Gupta Insane Anglo Warlord (@arunindy) October 19, 2020
A comprehensive report about the ongoing federal probe into Hunter Biden’s tax filings published by the New York Times on Wednesday night confirmed the existence of the first son’s infamous laptop. In October 2020, The New York Post exclusively reported on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop that he ditched…
With less than 10 days to go before the presidential election, the rumor mill is churning. The latest circulating on social media: Hunter Biden has died of a crack overdose and Joe Biden is on his way to the hospital. Apparently, that's the same anonymous social-media denizen who correctly reported…
Former U.S. vice president Joe Biden's son Hunter issued a statement on Wednesday that he is being investigated by the U.S. Attorney's office in Delaware over taxes. One of the emails from the infamous Laptop From Hell gives an idea of how much income may be at issue. In a…
hhahahaha Ahhh, Makes 2020 all that better to see these pedo freaks caught, now slap the cuffs on him, don’t delay!
They wont cause half of Americans love chikd rape and incest yeah the democrats well the living ones anyway the dead ones that voted are unaccountable
Kill all dementedcrats
Oh God,not this Q psyop “all elites are dead or in gitmo and every dead celebrity is actually alive and helping trump take down the cabal” 🤦🏻‍♂️
They’re all disgusting creeps and psychopaths. Which are known to be drawn to positions of power.
Gaslighting, predatory psychopaths.
When you understand that, all the “conspiracy theories” suddenly seem a lot more probable.
there no justice if the elites are allowed to flaunt the laws and we the unwashed must be jailed
i be;ieve that hunter binder will die from drug overdose.
Yes. But the damage to our country and our children has been done.
Always hope! Love it when these types self-destruct. They think they are indestructible just like Putin.
I do believe he was already taken care of. He and his pedi father.
The 100% fake news is not so fake news anymore.
I have seen several of Hunter’s videos and a lot of the pictures and emails. Just on his behavior with small children alone, he should be in jail.
I have seen several of Hunter’s videos and a lot of the pictures and emails. Just on his behavior with small children alone, he should be in jail. . . private parts are blurred. Notice the child in the background???
I have seen several of Hunter’s videos and a lot of the pictures and emails. Just on his behavior with small children alone, he should be in jail. . . Like father, like son… Joe Biden targetting and squeezing senator’s niece’s nipple
She is an adult at 12 years 6 months and 1 day. A “Bogeret” in jew world. I’d bang her.
Then you should be executed along with all the other paedophiles!

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