


The most superior variant of the "who" word variant, superior over Whomst'd've .
Guy 1: Hey man , can you tell me whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es took my shit?
Guy 2: ...What?
The intellectually superior method of inquiring about the state of Gamora .
1: Where is Gamora ??
2: I'll do you one better! Who is Gamora?!
3: I'll do you one better! Why is Gamora?!
4: I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER!!! whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es GAMORA !!!!?
1,2,3 : NAAAANNNNIIIIIIII?????!!!!!!!!!
Just another one of those "funny" words that " cultured " individuals in the post-2017 meme community like to use. Often combined with panel memes such as Expanding Brain or Tuxedo Winnie the Pooh to enhance the "comedic" effect.
Cultured intellectual 1: With whomst'd've did you copulate with yesterday? Cultured intellectual 2: Excuse me sir, but I think you meant to say whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es Cultured intellectual 1: No u Cultured intellectual 2: *head explodes from collateral damage * Narrator: And not a single fuck was given that day
its pronounced whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es and its nice
whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es is a long word .
A long ass bullshit memer cunt word that only stupid, uncultured fucks know how to say, let alone use or spell,
Person 1: Whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es could have done this?
Person 2: * Punches person 1 in the throat *

35+ years in editorial & publishing, British speaker, work in American English · Author has 32.9K answers and 83.7M answer views · 5 y ·
Has "whomst'd've" ever been a valid contraction for "whomst would have"?
What is the longest grammatically correct contraction? The longest I've found is “y'all'd'nt've'd'd'I'd'nt've'd'y'all't've'd”.
Studied at Prometheus School of Running Away From Things · Updated 1 y ·
Has "whomst'd've" ever been a valid contraction for "whomst would have"?
What is the longest grammatically correct contraction? The longest I've found is “y'all'd'nt've'd'd'I'd'nt've'd'y'all't've'd”.
Is there such a thing as a triple contraction like “wouldn’t've”?
Why is the word “unironically” not recognized as a real word?
Is "shouldn't've" grammatically correct?
Has "whomst'd've" ever been a valid contraction for "whomst would have"?
What is the longest grammatically correct contraction? The longest I've found is “y'all'd'nt've'd'd'I'd'nt've'd'y'all't've'd”.
Is there such a thing as a triple contraction like “wouldn’t've”?
Why is the word “unironically” not recognized as a real word?
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It’s a fake word created by Internet people to signal ironic superior intelligence.
The “whomst” meme only started in first-quarter 2017, so we’re being really topical here.
The word “whomst” doesn’t exist in the English language at any historical time.
The contraction “ ’d’ve ” normally stands for “would have.”
And the construction “whom would have” is ungrammatical in English because ‘whom’ and ‘whomever’ already serve as grammatical Objects.
Thanks for the A2A, Jon. Unfortunately, I can't find your profile on Google (it's not always great being on mobile Quora) so your name is not hyperlinked.
The term whomst’d’ve is a most inauthentic term vaguely reminiscent of the foreboding sound made by the death-watch beetle in terms of its rhythm and perhaps in terms of its meaning. We find ourselves in a time where language is being debased. This, although mostly ignored is highly pertinent to our discussion of the term “whomst’d’ve”. Forgive me if I seem ultracrepidarian, but despite my young age I am quite familiar with this subject, so b
Thanks for the A2A, Jon. Unfortunately, I can't find your profile on Google (it's not always great being on mobile Quora) so your name is not hyperlinked.
The term whomst’d’ve is a most inauthentic term vaguely reminiscent of the foreboding sound made by the death-watch beetle in terms of its rhythm and perhaps in terms of its meaning. We find ourselves in a time where language is being debased. This, although mostly ignored is highly pertinent to our discussion of the term “whomst’d’ve”. Forgive me if I seem ultracrepidarian, but despite my young age I am quite familiar with this subject, so bear with me through this rhodomontade as I return to the subject of this discussion.
I am no Luddite, but I must say ironic laziness of this type sounds the death knell for the beauty of the English language. In my saudade for want of poetry and literature of the quality produced no earlier than a few hundred years ago I realized that to bring back the beauty of the written word we must abandon our collective acedia so as to gain the will to avoid succumbing to such terms as “whomst’d’ve”. The anodyne (and therefore dull) works of today could be transformed into the coruscant and thought-provoking works they should have been. I beg of you, remain abstemious and use only words of the finest quality as to avoid the literary and eventually mental stagnation of our species.
Join me in the use of obscure vernacular and together we can ensure the survival of the complex and wonderful literature by inspiring others to move beyond ludicrous terms such as “whomst’d’ve”.

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What does Whomst’d’ve’ly’yaint’nt’ed’ies’s’y’es mean?
The phrase “ whomst ’d’ve’ly’yaint’nt’ed’ies’s’y’es” is the most superior variant of the “who” word, and its superior to the whomst’d’ve variant which is superior to the whomst, with and endless list of variants.
The word “whomst”, which is not actually a correct word, was first popularized in 2017.
This started a train of images that featured the word next to people with their eyes photoshopped to be purple.
The whole picture looks like this for reference: whoIndexxx.Com
Hitomi La Naruto

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