Who are the ideal people for Facelift surgery?

Who are the ideal people for Facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery provides you to get rid of the wrinkles, swagging, lift drooping, and all the facial features. Facelift surgery is medically known as rhytidectomy which is done by both men and women on every side of the world. This is a surgery which is done by most people. Because aging is the most uncomfortable zone for almost all people. So most of them are undergoing this surgery to prevent aging. And it is very important to keep in mind that this procedure cannot be done to permanently stop aging; this is just a temporary process. So it is very important to keep in mind that the surgery needs to be repeated in the future. And also should have a realistic view of the before and after-effects of the surgery. 

Who are the right people for the surgery?

Before choosing the surgery the candidate should have an idea about the reality of the process. It is very essential to know about the advantages and disadvantages of facelift surgery before making a decision. And also make sure that how many changes will be there after doing the surgery. For this surgery age is not an important factor, the main points that need to be considered are the type of skin and the health condition of the candidate. 

This surgery is normally done by people above 40 years old. The doctor will be having more discussions with the candidate. He will be discussing the current condition of the candidate and also the medical condition of the candidate. It is very important to go for a full-body medical checkup for the candidates to ensure there are no health issues. If the doctor feels that the candidate is not fit for the surgery then he will advise an alternative procedure. 

The other factors that are considered before the surgery

  1. Bone structure

The underlying bone structure of the face should be healthy to support the facelift surgery. If the patients are having a weak bone structure then this can be covered by extra implants or fillers along with facelift surgery as an alternative.

2. Skin elasticity

For facelift surgery, it is very important to have good flexible skin. The skin elasticity will help in the success of the surgery this will also help to retain the flexibility of the skin in the future. Facelifts help to remove the wrinkles and sagging skin by stretching the skin. Thus the elasticity and flexible skin will help the process.

3. Loose skin

If the candidate is having loose skin then this will help to tighten and trim the skin in the face and neck.

4. Good health

Facelift surgery is a very sensitive procedure where healing is very essential and a time taking process too. Thus it is very important to the candidate to be healthy and also discuss the pre-medical conditions with the doctor.

How is Facelift surgery performed?

The surgery is done by lifting and lighting the underlying muscles to retain the youthfulness of the face. It also helps to reduce the fat of the face by removing it. After the discussion with the doctor, the candidate and the doctor will select the most suitable type of facelift surgery. The surgery is usually done by providing general or local anesthesia. The incision is done depending on the type of facelift surgery. In the case of traditional facelift surgery and mini facelift surgery, the incision is done at a length from the temple in the headline to behind the ears till the end of the scalp. After the incision, the process continues by separating the skin from the underlying tissues and muscles. And the tissues are repositioned and the fat is removed. 

During the process, the muscles are also lifted. And then the fat is removed and the skin is placed back on the new muscles. 

How long does it take to heal from the surgery?

The bruising and swelling will be there after the surgery. It is quite natural. And it will be more serious for about two days. And this will not be visible after two weeks. In some cases, doctors will put a bandage on the patient's face. This is to decrease the swelling and the bruising. It is also mandatory to put a drainage tube at the incision area to drain the blood and the fluid.

Facelift surgery is very complicated and difficult to heal. But proper rest can help in smooth and fast recovery. And the recovery will also depend on the type of facelift. More extensive surgery requires more time due to its complexity. But if you are opting for the traditional facelift surgery then the patient will be healed within two weeks. And the recovery time is even shorter for the mini facelift surgery. The doctors will advise you to stay away from outdoor activities for a minimum of four weeks.

So Facelift surgery is getting more widely done by many people. Proper rest and care will help to provide your face look more good and healthy.

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