White Men Having Sex With Black Women

White Men Having Sex With Black Women


White Men Having Sex With Black Women

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  There is no doubt that white women have good sex, looks, and desire when it comes to pleasing black men. Black men cannot stay away from white women because white women offer something black men understand, and that is fear. When it comes to black women, a black man can beat her and she will obey, however, a black man understands he has no chance in court when a white woman complains. So, he controls her with his penis and b******t. Black men have a problem today, see, a white woman sees big cock, while black women see black men as no child-support-paying, abusing, lying, and afraid of responsibility. The black man is in trouble, whenever white women start thinking like black women.

I see them everywhere in porn. Black guys and white women. I see them dating together in real life too. I mean black guys do usually tend to have much bigger cocks but some of the guys can get kinda ugly looking. But even the uglier looking black guys can still usually seem to attract decent average looking white women at the very minimum. I mean I get that white women love guys with big penises and strong sex drives but why not just have sex with the muscular and athletic good looking ones instead of the gang-banging types? Or is there some sort of rape fantasy I’m forgetting about that comes with group sex involving black guys? Either way I can totally understand how black guys like the easy sex that comes with white women. I mean if an assumption about my penis was enough to catch a girl’s interest, I’d be totally down myself. But at the same time I still can’t understand why some black guys obsess over white women. Just use them and forget about them is my personal philosphy. They aren’t really meant as relationship material given their negative qualities and self-centered attitutudes.
Why do white women and black guys love having sex with eachother? Is there a reason why black guys and white girls hit on eachother so frequently?
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Home > Sexuality > Why do white women and black guys love having sex with eachother? Is there a reason why black guys and white girls hit on eachother so frequently?
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First of all, black men don't tend to have a bigger dick than men of other races, let alone "much larger dicks." That's an urban legend spewed by the porn industry and black supremacists these days, and we can know if we get to see the statistical studies about penis size and races, they all indicate that there's no significant variation between races when it comes to penis size. Well, I trust science over people's feelings, the porn industry and black supremacists... Second, white women don't love black guys because a legendary giant cock or a mythical stamina or sex drive that porn addicts claim that black guys have (you can do the same if you take 50mg of the same pills as porn actors do 1h before fucking the porn actresses, i. e., viagra). White women love the STATUS that black guys have in our society. Were black men depicted by the media as nerds, losers or boring, they wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. Also, white b*tches love spiting white men. And then they complain when I return the favor and fuck Asian girls to spite them. I'm in a far better position than them since I can marry an Asian girl and get a happy and stable relationship with her. Meanwhile, black men tend to cheat on white b*tches and treat them really bad. Maybe because they're like every other men and don't respect easy women...
Absolutely I agree. The women that make themselves easy don’t get any respect
Women tend to have an attraction to those 'bad-guy' types, and since a lot of black guys have that mean, muscled-up, super-confident gangsta charisma, that's probably what it is. Just look at those rap albums. Those guys always have that hateful look, like they wanna kill somebody. I've noticed a lot of white women who go for these black guys tend to have their own similar look too. Not real educated, kind of chunky, big ass, tattoos, dark clothes, no makeup, and dark hair, always with a single pony-tail pulling it all back.
personally i find black guys more "manly" on average but its not a fixed rule
I would generaly agree with that sentiment. On average it seems like black men are a lot more athletic.
@oralqueen That is true. It is due to their culture and the way they are raised. Feminism didn't really have much of an impact on the black community like it did on white people.
@Jamie05rhs Even still I think part of it might be evolutionary. A lot of black men are muscular and fit because the weaker ones died off during slavery
@Jack9949 That's kind of a fucked up thing to say.
@Jamie05rhs Nah like its not an endorsement of slavery tho. I’m just saying that’s how it went
On average black men have 13 to 15% more free testosterone in their blood. That can make them more dominant and agressive, affects muscle growth, and possibly secondary sex characteristics (BBC). It also leads to medical problems.
@jerdanro Ye. An I’m saying slavery was like survival of the fittest.
Stupid as it sounds its something different I'd assume
I worded that like I had bloody stroke. I think a few people specifically those who fetishize it just see it's either rebellious or as something different.
Some white women have an attraction to black guys. Even if they're ugly to us it doesn't change that she finds him attractive. It's the same way some white men are attracted to Asians, latinas, Indian women etc. White women think that they are far more attractive, but still some white men choose exotic looking beauties.
Well I think white women are just so narcissistic that they refuse to give credit to anyone besides themselves. I’ll bet many of them probably are secretly jealous of the big butts that latina women typically have.
Maybe, but in reality a lot of the white women where I live have decent size asses. Enough to make me hard when they walk by. I think it's the way some white men desire the unique, interesting beauty and darker skin tone of other races that makes some white women scratch their heads. I've heard some white women say Asians have no tits or booty, or make fun of her eyes. They don't realize how attractive she really is to some white guys. They don't get it, just like when we see a tatted up black rapper with some rich white girl. They don't look good together to us, but in her mind she wants him.
Well I mean like I can kinda see where they’re coming from but I feel as though brown skinned women are just a nice contrast from what I’m used to. But they’re not too radically different from what I’m used to seeing
Porn is fake silly. You sit there and jerk off so much that now you're starting to believe all that depravity. Porn addiction is real. And really sick.
Lol mate. I’m just saying they love eachother
They don't have anything up on anyone else. You quoted porn as your example. So if all porn if fake, your claim is invalid. Sorry.
Because white women are beautiful; and because black men are either primal (due to a more ancient culture), have larger penises, or both.
Yeah, thats not true. Average penis size is average and the only study that was not self reported on the subject, found that their was no racial diffrences in penis size. Also "more primal"? What does that even mean? Also statistically white women overwhelmingly date and marry white men. Statistically the second most stable marriage is between between white men and white women and the most stable is between white men and black women so if anything one could argue the exact opposite of what is being claimed.
@hellionthesagereborn Well. I mean if you study sized in different countries West Africans are the largest.
And that is where a lot of African Americans descend from
No, they are not. In every one of those "studies" its self reported i. e. the guy states what the measurement is and that is taken at face value, other studies state that men tend to add an extra inch when they self measure as well. The only study where it was done by scientists, it wasn't self reported, and it was objectively measured with a consistent way of measuring, they found no difference in penis size no matter the race. Also the world record holder for largest penis is a white man, white, black, and Asian men are over 99% identical genetically speaking, again statistically women in general are far less likely to date outside of their race and the most common interracial relationship is white man hispanic woman. So this is incorrect across the board. So like I said, we know for a fact that their is no differences in penis size. Some have suggested that darker skin can mess with our perception (darker skin distorts depth perception by absorbing more light) which could possibly be a thing but as far as I know their is no actual study done on the subject, but beyond that their is no difference. Also penis size isn't even a proper measure of female pleasure as the clitoris is on the outside and they masterbate with their fingers (much smaller then a penis), so even if it was true (again, its not), it wouldn't make sense (even if what the asker stated was true which again, statisticaly speaking that isn't the case). Here is my question, since you believe that blacks have larger penis's (they don't), what are your feelings on claims and studies that show whites are more intelligent then black people?
@hellionthesagereborn White people are not more intelligent than black people.
By "more primal" I mean they have bravado, they have pride and swagger, they are not ashamed of their testosterone, they are not afraid to approach women and ask them out, they are smooth, they are dominant, and they don't care about feminism (it holds no sway over them.). That is the behavior that is accepted and expected of a male in their culture. (White people, on the other hand...)
So your going to claim that we are genetically different enough that we have significant biological differences (as far as genetics is concerned) to give black men a larger penis but would reject that the same genetic differences would make other groups smarter? Is that logically consistent? Thats my point, you can't claim one myth is true because it makes one group look good, but then reject another because it makes them/you look bad. We are genetically so similar that their is no biological purpose to a larger penis, in fact its a detriment in many cases (which is why the average size is average, to big and your inflicting pain on the woman and that means no sex and less likely to reproduce, to small and your not able to provide her pleasure and so your less likely to reproduce. Average is average because its the most efficient (and again, all races and groups are average based on objective measurements). I would directly refute that. That is quite literally just perception, one that I can say personally is bullshit (I've met plenty of arrogant black men, they didn't have much reason to be but they where (and again, this is not generalizing all black men (though since your generalizing I feel like I shouldn't have to say that, but just in case)) and we can say that statistically this is not the case. If this was the case then when it comes to dating black men would be considered the most desirable yet statistically that is white men not black men. If this was the case, that would mean that black men white women relationships would be far more common yet they are one of the least common.
That would also mean that, or at least would make one assume that black men white women marriages would be the most stable as the black man has more bravado (Arrogance would be the term I would use) etc. yet those are the most unstable relationships and the most stable marriages are actually between white men and black women (the group that should be most attached to black men statistically as they are black, have the most interactions with black men and women in general and black women specifically are least likely to date outside of their race). So the evidence isn't their for that. What I see is that black men are far more willing to hit on anything that moves which means high success rate but also high failure rate (this is due to an extremely high rate of fatherlessness within the black community that causes increased rates of promiscuity). From what I have seen their is a lot of arrogance from the black community as well (because of the way society is structured we are not allowed to criticise black people).
As for "white men" some are affected by feminism, no doubt about that, but I would say that black men actually hamper their ability to acquire women by acting childish (this is coming from black women) and treating the women they are with like their mothers (again, this comes from black women and the women who date black men. Obviously, again, this is not all but it is many and I have personally witnessed that several times. That is almost certainly due to fatherlessness (over 60% of blacks are raised without a father) which makes them more impulsive and less traditionally masculine i. e. providing for their families, marrying (blacks are the least likely to get married), etc. Being babied by their mothers (or not raised at all) causes a lot of these disfunctions). White men on the other hand are far more likely to follow those traditional roles and be protectors and providers and to marry which is suggested as the reason (again this was stated by black women) to be why black women are far more likely to stay married to a white man. Again, genetics/biology has nothing to do with this, if we go down that road then you have to accept it when others point to their race being genetically superior in other areas (and I doubt you want to go down that path).
Bro... Penis size has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence. And the reason American Caucasians have higher rates of educational attainment than African-Americans is because most black people in America live in cities and their school systems suck balls. It's not the black kids' fault. You put them in better schools and you will see the difference. They are NOT intellectually inferior!
White men are only still more desirable for women because of the existence of white privilege. And also because of institutional wealth that is still held by many white families in America.
The reason why black man- white woman marriages sometimes do not work out is because white women are feminist and black men are not.
And penis size has absolutely nothing to do with race, that was my point. Your saying that if its a good stereotype its absolutely true but none of the bad ones are. That is not rational. That was the point I was making. Also again, we have the scientific data that shows that their is no difference in penis size so again, its a false claim. As for the intellectual argument, well one I was not saying that blacks where inherently less intelligent, your the one arguing biological determinism not me. I'm pointing out that if your going to claim that your group has a biological difference that is significant, then it follows that other groups will have biological differences that are equally significant. If you cannot handle that claim, then don't claim it. As for the argument that its because of crappy schools no, that is not the case. I mean its true that many of the schools suck (which is why I don't understand why more blacks are not for school choice as it would alleviate that problem), however that is not why they fail, they fail because of fatherlessness (which increases rates of academic failure among many other things). Back on topic however, I will repeat unless your ready to accept that other groups are better then you simply because of their race, don't claim that your better then others in other areas because of your race, its hypocritical. You either accept all of it or none of it, you cannot have it both ways and still remain logical.
As for the claim of white privilege, that is completely and utterly not true. We know its not true and you know its not true because at no point has anyone ever been able to define and/or quantify what white privilege even means. What does desirability have to do with being white? If that was the case white women would be the most desirable group but that is actually Asian women not white women. So unless "white" privilege is actually "white privilege for some but not all white people", then we can safely say that is not the case. As for whites being rich, that is also a flat out lie (where do you get this stuff?). Appalachia is almost entirely white, its also been consitently poorer then any other region in the country since the 1700s. So those white people don't have wealth. In fact the richest ethnic groups in america, in order, are Indian, Thai, Filipino, Jewish i. e. not whites. Even Nigerian americans out earn most whites as do many other non white ethnic groups. So we know for a fact that what your saying is not correct. Also according to your argument black people have larger penis's because of race, yet your going to turn around and claim that white people have more wealth but it in no way is related to their intelligence? Again, this is hypocrisy, its one or the other, does racial differences have such a massive biological difference that it changes who we are fundamentally, or not? You have to pick one (I have stated it doesn't yet your trying to argue it does).
As for your claims about white women black men marriages, that is not true. Again, if that was the case black men and black women would have higher success rates yet that is not true. So its not due to "feminism".
Why are you guys wasting your time with this fucking incel? Look, @Jamie05rhs , you need a lot more than the shit you read on www.incels.com if you wanna show evidence to back up your claims. By the way, you have no sci evidence to prove that black men have larger dicks. And don't come up with self-reports because they don't carry scientific validity. In addition, African-American culture is not ancient in any way, but post-1970s urban culture. You make every radical feminist I met look smart in comparison to you. Even the most ex
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