White House Adviser Tacitly Admits Biden Isn't a 'Relevant Official,' Was Passed Over with Critical Information

White House Adviser Tacitly Admits Biden Isn't a 'Relevant Official,' Was Passed Over with Critical Information

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Original link from www.westernjournal.com

The Biden administration has the problems many liars have: When pressed, they can’t make the various narratives and excuses they’ve offered up mesh into a single coherent and cohesive time line.

This time, it’s the unprecedented baby formula shortage in the United States that has tripped them up.

One of Biden’s behind-the-scenes handlers must have made a judgment call of how to extract Biden from a discussion about the government’s involvement that he obviously cannot handle.

The current narrative is the president wasn’t briefed on the crisis earlier because he was not relevant to the situation. The White House would rather admit Biden’s uselessness than incompetence, apparently.

RNC Research captured a CNN exchange between journalist Jake Tapper and Biden’s Economic Advisor Brian Deese that floated the face-saving gambit.

CNN’S JAKE TAPPER: “Karine Jean-Pierre, your press secretary, just said this has been a whole of government approach. That doesn’t include the president?”

BIDEN ECONOMIC ADVISOR BRIAN DEESE: “Relevant officials from across the government were focused on the effort” pic.twitter.com/vfNxQUA3E2

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 1, 2022

We are expected to believe that the Food and Drug Administration knew issues were coming last fall. They started inspecting the Abbott Nutrition formula plant in December and shut it down in February.

Biden was out of the loop until at least April.

Are you surprised that the Biden administration would consider Biden himself "irrelevant"?

Deese claimed, “Relevant officials from across the government were focused on the effort.” How could the chief executive not be relevant in a developing situation that impacted millions of Americas?

If Biden was not briefed, it would help explain the bizarre public defensiveness and apparent cluelessness.

Biden himself has offered conflicting versions of his involvement.

Biden claimed officials needed to be “mind readers” to know about the shortages caused by the federal Food and Drug Administration’s actions.

RNC Research showed another moment when Biden was digging the hole deeper.

First Biden claimed no one knew how impactful the shutting down of one formula facility would be. Then Biden admitted CEOs knew a major problem was coming: “They did, but I didn’t.”

BIDEN: “I don’t think anyone anticipated the impact of…the Abbott facility.”

REPORTER: “Didn’t the CEOs just tell you that they understood it would have a very big impact?”

BIDEN: “They did, but I didn’t.” pic.twitter.com/ge0go5gAPp

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 1, 2022

In a third clip, RNC Research showed not-ready-for-prime-time press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre flub the explanation of accountability for communicating within Biden’s staff.

Jean-Pierre set up the Tapper and Deese sequence by describing “a whole of government approach.”

Then, when asked for details, Jean-Pierre provided a non-responsive response: “The president deals with issues on a regular basis, and that boils up to him. It’s just a, there’s no specific person I can call out to you.”

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE can’t name a single White House staffer who briefed Joe Biden on the nationwide baby formula shortage.

But she did say “the president deals with issues on a regular basis.” pic.twitter.com/1Kp2Hv2bFJ

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 2, 2022

Jean-Pierre was unable or unwilling to give a real answer.

(It’s hard to decide which option is less desireable.)

So many terrible things are being done to our country, with Joe Biden acting as a rubber stamp for radical policies. Now even administration insiders are implying Biden is not part of the planning because he is not calling the shots.

Biden makes a good scapegoat to take the blame off of the real perpetrators, but we need to demand answers on who actually is “relevant” in driving the destruction Democrats are doing to the United States.

Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at Remodernamerica.com.

Richard Bledsoe is an author and internationally exhibiting artist. His writings on culture and politics have been featured in The Masculinist, Instapundit and American Thinker. You can view more of his work at Remodernamerica.com.

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