White House Administration It's Time to Turn On Messianism Before It's Too Late !

White House Administration It's Time to Turn On Messianism Before It's Too Late !

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

Brain cells 🧠 in the right nutrient environment try to form connections with each other, while neglecting such recommendations as "social distancing." 

To some in our reality, Friends obviously lacks connections between the cells of their brain and the cells themselves. 

It would be nice if someone with an overabundance of such cells, or just a good intention, would share them with their lack; for example, with the same main infectious disease specialist. 

White House Administration Time To Turn On Messiahship Before It's Too Late

 Just a small example; 2 days ago she was a terrible unvaccinated nurse. She is now a good-looking, vaccinated, coy nurse.

 PA hospital nurse tests positive for COVID-19 after receiving first dose of vaccine

 Dozens of people who were once very "dangerous" for society, due to the fact that they could be distributors of covid, the survival rate from which is more than 99%, in Central Florida became infected with covid after full vaccination.

 If we deviate from the sarcastic tone, describing what is happening in the United States and Western democracies sur with vaccines, then, according to the media, the largest number of covid is recorded in the states with the highest level of vaccination against this very covid.

 As previously reported by the Editors, news agencies based in the United States are reporting school closures due to "adverse reactions from teachers and staff to the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine." It has become, Friends, too widespread a phenomenon that your silence about these facts could not be considered a crime, since it is no longer a question of one human life at all.

 In our states, people are being given antioxidant vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna, as well as vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, the last company known for the production of detergents and hair shampoo, is currently fighting for its name in several protracted lawsuits due to discovered; “J&J had known for decades that there was asbestos in baby powder.

 All this is reminiscent of the story of the Gates polio vaccines, from which, if you do not take into account death and the African continent, more than 400 thousand people were disabled in India alone. Previously reported; Most of the polio in the world today is caused by the release of the virus from the polio vaccine: WHO is now adventurous and aggressively advancing the development of a vaccine to stop the epidemic caused by the original vaccine. You also know their criminal desire to announce the third wave of the virus. The editors support the prudent comment and position of the White House representative, not supporting the strange intention of the WHO leadership.

 New polio vaccine poised for emergency WHO approval: A vaccine designed to prevent harmful mutations is seen as key to eradicating polio.

 Obviously, Friends, the situation in the United States, the European Union, the countries of the North Atlantic Union, in general, democracies arranged according to the Western model is only getting worse, as more and more uneducated people begin to think that they are doing the world a favor by getting a vaccine, while not caring about to get acquainted with the statistics or at least with the information published by us and in the press. In general, it is amazing how blinkered and influenced people are. It is enough to tell a well-known physiognomy on TV a couple of times that, for example, the same Gates is a fine fellow and cares about the health of the world's population, as the plebs begins to blindly believe in this, and this despite the fact that this same Gates openly said that he was not going to vaccinate his own children, this same Gates talked about his plans to depopulate the Planet by vaccination, this same Gates conducted pandemic exercises in New York at the Rockefeller Plaza complex in October 2019, when there was no pandemic in sight, this same Gates called "Let's prepare for pandemics as for wars", this same Gates had very close friends, such as the eugenicist-pedophile Epstein and repeatedly flew him to his pedo-island, where they took sperm for breeding a super-man, this same Gates exhibited some kind of double and said that it was he himself who was grafted from covid and many other criminal activities presented by the editorial board in large materials.

 In connection with all this, Friends, and also considering that our community is actively looking for new breakthrough areas of infrastructure development that could give new impetus to the economy and employment of the population, unite society, unite different confessions to unite multinationally. We are witnessing a completely opposite desire to abolish the existence of our common nation, the Americans, and we see concrete steps being taken in this direction by the enemies of the United States 🇺🇸. Yes, this is a common and simple Truth.

 Why should the US President 🇺🇸 not openly declare the real nature of the covid and why it was designed, assembled and released by those whom we call the fascist Global - Kagal? Why not stand up openly, so to speak, to all your tall stature and say that the World is at the last line, beyond which the world will erase itself with an eraser. The world will abolish its own existence Why not the US administration "turn on" messiahship right now in anticipation of the upcoming big date of victory over Nazism in World War II by May 8th. Is this the only thing that can delay the death of all mankind, for its death, as it is said, by many Great Ones, is in any case inevitable? Why not give the World this Crown, through the publicity of all the plans of the Global - Kagal?

 It would be possible to start messianism with the media, presenting suspicion to several especially zealous journalists of all kinds of stories and articles. Let them create stories on TV about the death of the President of Burundi and Tanzania and about the one that is just too timely for Global - Kagal died, right before the covid pandemic, for example, Nobel laureate Carey Mullis, who said that PCR tests are not designed to detect viruses, and which made it clear; a friend of Gates, the head of the CDC, one of the main protagonists of the covid panic, Fauci is a swindler.

 False Ideas of a coherent agenda will ruin the United States Friends, they will not save either us or our situation with you. For this we have passed in our century-old history quite recently, by historical standards, twice, both in two world wars.

 With great respect and hope to you!

Vladimir Lagutkin 

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