White Girls With Wide Hips

White Girls With Wide Hips


White Girls With Wide Hips
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Skin → : Dernier : "Jess" Skin Lelutka Evo X (Snow) N/E
Eyebrow → Lexa - Lilian Eyebrows Lelutka EvoX
Blush → : Dernier : "Tiffany" Face Blush (Lelutka Evo X BoM)
Moles → addon+ Charlie Moles Light Skins FULLFACE
Necklace → (Yummy) Ephemera Quartz Necklace (Legacy)
Top →_CandyDoll_ Chaos Bralette - LoveThemAll (legacy) @Collabor88
Skirt→ _CandyDoll_ Chaos Skirt - LoveThemAll (legacy) @Collabor88
Pose→ : [ west end ] Bento Poses - Bombis [Wide Hip]P4 - Pose Stand
Backdrop → .PALETO. Backdrop:. Detroit Streets(MATERIALl)(NLight)(physics)
SAPA poses for for The Warehouse Sale
You can appreciate them on Video :)
This is a continuation and revitalization of the old pack # 57
And also borrowed details from the set # 99
I want update this pack for the wide hip soon)
Anyone who buys this pack will receive the update for free
The moment pale freaks became the new fashion, I was at a loss. I have been a pale freak for a long time. A small, plank shaped little freak with eyes like a racoon. It is how I traversed the grid and some pictures even survived my incarnations.
My style was whatever I was wearing for the latest picture I took and that was that. The latter has not changed in all honesty...
When I thought I had found my new shape I realized that more and more people found the exact same one. Even my endeavors to use different heads and skins did not yield long lasting results.
I did end up with a spectacular amount of looks. I love my big boobed gnome just as much as the wide hipped amazon who looks like she is in perpetual morning for something. And all in between. But neither felt like 'me'. It was not.. right
Fast forward to a few days ago when I stumbled onto Mai. A creation by Gaus, with the most comprehensive style-card I have seen (and I have seen a LOT of style-cards).
I even wouldn't care (much) if there were a 1000 Mai's running around.
So there we have it, a brand new 'me' under the tutelage of Gaus.
On a completely different note; Yes I have considered setting up a new blog, but in all honesty I think Flickr for now is it. So you all have to just unfollow me if you do not want surprise ramblings.
Statue (Sirene, symbol of the Warsaw, parody) in the hall of Oki Doki Hostel in Warsaw
Big boobs, wide hips and long hair - essence of typical... sirene of course ;)
The moon shone high and full above the cloudless night sky. It was around midnight when the Wood Elf, Princess Amyla, looked over the Secret City. She was a beautiful specimen; roughly 5"3 the 200-year-old princess didn't look a day over 20. This evening she wore a long white silk night gown. One which showed off her wide hips and thick thighs. It was tied together by a thin string under her heavy breasts which caused them to press up against each other, producing a heavy cleavage.
Tags: #Secondlife #Fantasy #Roleplay #Wood #Elf #Dungeon #Slave
EEP! WL: Anan Adore Light Explosion II
"Money can't buy me Love, but it can buy me lovely lingerie!"
- Added mesh body deformers for flat belly, bubble butt/wide hips to give even more versatility to your ERIKA Mesh Body! (Via HUD)
*deformers works with fitted clothes
- Added POINTY Feet (change feet shape via HUD)
- Fitted feet (now you will be able to change your feet size by shape sliders)
- Reworked shoulders for a more realistic look (previous clothes released for ERIKA will still fit)
-Added physics for butt (already included physics for breast and belly in previous updates)
- HUD of ERIKA Mesh Body and Heads are now separately
I hope to be able to release this update by this weekend (Saturday) ❤
*Looking for clothes/accessories for ERIKA Mesh body? Please check here:
*Interested in making clothes/accessories for ERIKA Mesh Body? Apply here: tinyurl.com/y9hnx377
-MARKETPLACE: (items are set to "adult", make you sure to allow all maturity levels to see the MP product) marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/229325
After the accident he walks calmly in the light showers, past the body of the dead owl lying on the asphalt, the front tires blown against the concrete's edge. The car like a drowned whale, mutilated, bites the black floor.
He walks for a while, he turns, guesses from signposts and past memories, focuses on a small house. A curtain hangs over the doorway. He leans comfortably on the edge, behind him the weak mist of light pouring through clouds, inside of him darkness.
He pulls the glasses from the pocket of his shirt, holds them in his hands then throws them throughout the floor... the lightweight coloured frames screech away and bounce twice then cling to a human body... the legs of a woman. He follows the bounce of the rigged aluminium against her quads, indifferent. He throws what he has hanging from his other hand, an old black Samsonite with fake 1970's gold inserts and overly sharp edges, to the other side of the room... a bed, an old bed. He scans the familiar headpiece, an ornate wooden bannister, then his eyes fall to the floor again... the woman is moving.
As the man's legs quickly transverse the room and his hands run to open the suitcase his eyes see the woman's fingers, half covered in darkness, encroaching then grabbing on the glasses: she is half conscious… her knees are shaking. The woman has large bones, strong wide hips and long hair, dark.
The suitcase clicks; the woman shaking on the floor does not alter the man's indifferent, stolid face. The woman's eyes are blank, large and void. She grabs herself with enormous effort, her legs twisted, her spine compressed against a wall… she stares at the man. The man looks at her, smiles, gets caught by the suitcase again, finally open.
The woman is tired, in pain, confused, shakes her head, held together by memories of the frames in her hand, she belongs to the house, a stones house, four enclosed walls and a bed, a table, small essential intimacy, the floor clean, a corner where to cook. She stares at him through her own gaze, her tired limbs, the air that makes her lungs vibrate. The man examines the content of the suitcase, a shroud of hate can be seen, shards of a past. The suitcase is full of knives, all sort of knives, to cut away, to rifle, to debone, to break down, to make ways, to ease, to simplify.
He does not know what he wants to do. His eyes wander. He is puzzled. She focuses on him, she gets defined, she collects her feelings and her feelings together make a wish, a wish for him to touch her in ways he knows how, ways she is used to, ways of before, ways of yesterday, the ways of today expected… but he has a different gaze, something odd throughout his indifference, the surge in his eyes resisting.
He closes the suitcase, he gazes at her compassionate for a moment, then he walks away. She rushes towards the door in panic, leans on her weak legs and watches as he walks out of the house, soon a shape suspended in a cloud of droplets. As she sees his shade fading she grabs the corner of the curtain and dries her lips on the drapes.
The woman retracts from the arched doorway nodding with herself in greeted understanding the shape of the path. She will cry, whispers, and her fears will return to get satisfied. With her chin the woman draws the path. Through this path he will return.
NOTE: The author of the text is myself.
Libation. Her name brings to mind many things. A bare, wide hipped bombshell with dewy drops clinging to her skin. A pale elven maiden, who worships with pleasures untold. A powerful woman, who controls that which flows and blesses and purifies with all that she has as High Priestess of the Basilica, and Magistrate of Helheim!
Or perhaps a fountain of particular persuasion.
But alas, let us simply enjoy the splendor of her dragon-born gifts in action...
Model: Libation (DelilahbluebirdAlecto.resident)
Moving on with my retro look and went for a pencil skit yesterday. I do like the look but could do with wider hips. Yeah i know i could can replicate those but that's just not me besides not all women have hips as we know them.
Dyed my hair too yesterday hence the ginger/orange tone lol. always happens in our family.
Its a little dull outside today so don't think I will be in the garden and i have watched everything worth watching on the box so i will just have to find something else to do after tidying up my room.
I’ve been playing with lighting methods, and even tried the Black Dragon viewer a few times. Today I’m playing with projectors, and attempting to get a high-key look with some color rather than stark white. It will take me some practice to get the hang of these tools, but I’m taking one step at a time. Here’s a step #1
I’m wearing this awesome top I picked up at Collabor88 today! I grabbed the fatpack for a great deal, and the ribbed fabric is fantastic. I’ve slipped into a cute mini skirt from 1313. They are super versatile and the fatpack color hud gives a ton of options. In addition to all the colors, you get a skirt with and without the straps.
And finally, let me say something about this pose. I met up with Nina over a Facebook post (the cutest little robots!) and I snagged some sweet poses. They are nice natural poses, but one thing that sets these apart is the hips. Yes, I said hips. Nina includes two versions of each pose. One pose that fits my hips, and one that fits wider hips. What a great idea!
Comparison of new "Petite" Barbie (with Skipper head) Body vs. Skipper Body.
- Main difference is wider hips and fuller thighs.
- Arm, Leg, and Torso lengths are about equal.
- They are about the same height, but Petite's longer neck makes her a tiny bit taller.
- Skipper's feet are slightly wider and slightly longer, but can pretty much wear same shoes.
New separate hip and butt pads figure enhancement regime. Brava and muchas gracias to Pam Sashaa for the concept which she demonstrates in this excellent video... www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfRo44BQkW4
All pads are made out of 5cm thick foam. Hip pads are 60cm tall and 38cm wide and made out of medium to firm density foam, and the butt pads are 28cm round and also made out of medium to firm density foam. The calf pads are made out of spare (old butt pads!) soft to medium density foam and are scooped out a little to accommodate my own calf muscle. This padding regime will give you a much nicer and more realistic derrière than using one piece hip and butt pads, as you are about to see... So lets get started!!!
See the next two photos for the application of these pads.
January 2022 - I have since made longer and wider hip and butt pads and will do another tutorial at some stage...
It’s like those people who, as you laugh a big, hearty belly laugh at something, say, ‘It’ s not THAT funny.’ It is as funny as my brain chooses to find it, not as funny as YOUR miserable grey matter finds it you sour joy.
Some of the little things that please my little mind:
1. Seeing a biker in my wing mirror, pulling over to give him space to overtake and receiving a Darth Vader-like gloved wave or an elegant leg extension in thanks. I grin inanely.
2. Observing an adult stop in the street to stroke a flirtatious cat - A shared moment between two random souls, giving each other pleasure. Of course when I stop to stroke a cat, I instantly start to worry, and feel responsible for it. ‘Oh god, by tempting this cat out of it’s front garden it is now going to run into the road and get killed and that will be my fault.’ I then have to, immediately after cooing over the creature adoringly, shoo it away callously like those Disney films about lonely boys who befriend wolves and then have to break the bond to protect their best friend from evil, clod-hopping hunters. The boys take their wolves to a barren snowy landscape and shout at them and throw stones at them until they run off, bewildered. So it can only please me if I watch someone else do it, then I feel no anxiety.
3. Waking up on the first day of a holiday, after arriving in darkness the night before, and peeping through the curtains to see a vivid Technicolor world of sunshine and swimming pools outside – rather like Dorothy arriving in Munchkin land.
4. Using the word gratitude instead of ‘thank you’ which makes me feel like I am in an episode of Spartacus. . . . .
“I’M Lucy! Gratitude barista of coffees, I have asked the gods to bless your sword.”
5. Stating that various people are a poor man’s so and so:
Gary Busey is a poor man’s Nick Nolte.
Jennifer Garner is a poor man’s Hilary Swank.
Alan Shearer is a poor man’s Jason Statham who is a poor man’s Bruce Willis.
6. In airport fragrance shops - Squirting all over yourself (keep reading, that’s not it), the perfumes you used to wear as a teenager and then layering on top of that all of your past boyfriends’ aftershaves, plus your dead nanny’s and then spending a five hour plane journey feeling as if you are sat on a plane going on holiday with all of them, re-living bizarre, confused memories of your nanny tucking you up in bed while boyfriend number 3 stuck his tongue in your ear and boyfriend number 1 made you have hysterics by dancing to Boyz II Men in a blazer and nothing else.
7. Having a new book waiting in the wings to read. All crisp and flat and one that I have researched via three hundred labyrinthine pages of Amazon.co.uk endlessly sending me to the next book I might like and the book that my next door neighbour just read, and then the one they read after that one, and what their grandmother, who is also a sexual deviant who likes kittens just like me, read and what she thought of it. By the time it arrives I am convinced it is going to be the book of books. But then the pressure is on; no moment is worthy of me starting the book. And I don’t want to start the book because then I will be closer to finishing it. I can’t read it in bed; I will start to fall asleep, in the garden? No, I will be distracted by birdsong and sweat dripping down my forehead as I sit on cement hard grass. Do I keep it as a holiday read? I might die before then and I won’t have even started it. No one ever allocates themselves actual reading time - not since school. I loved being TOLD to read in the library.
So by now I really ought to just throw the book away because it can’t possibly live up to expectation, I would be reading it so hard that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it.
8. Discovering that Paul Gauguin was as bad as I am at maths. While visiting an exhibition of his work at the Royal Academy I noticed a sum scribbled on one of his sketches:
9. Walking through crowds of people in London and deciding that whatever happens I will not deviate from my path (Just so you know, normally I am the one off the pavement and in the gutter as oblivious pavement-hogging women push four wheel drive buggies the size of minis along with babies inside them the size of hamsters, but on special days…) I draw myself up, shoulders back and wide, head high, Richard Ashcroft-like, I look beyond everyone coming towards me and I walk with elbows primed, MOVE, MOVE, MOVE, I silently chant in my head as I plough onwards. The woman at the end of an inconsiderately broad gabbling barricade of wide hipped, bosomy, floaty scarfy tourists ricochets off my shoulders, Harrods shopping bags are sent swinging ‘I hope that had LLadro in it bitch’ I think to myself. This game is even better played in a pair, but I’m not sure what happens if you meet someone coming the other way who is playing the same game.
10. At my life drawing classes, whenever the tutor comes wandering round to look at our work and make suggestions I like to make sure that I am, without fail working on a breast or a buttock or a genital. I’m dying for him to stand perusing my work and then say loudly, ”I love the texture you have brought to the scrotum with your shading, I can really sense the gnarled, saggy skin and the weary heaviness of the sacs. I think the perspective on the penis though is slightly skewed, it looks a little too foreskinned, I mean foreshortened. Next week when we actually have a male model to draw instead of Jemima I expect your penis to be EVEN better.”
me as SSBBW with padded belly, thick arms, wide hips and huge boobs
All of the 'curvy' Barbie bodies that I own.
That's so Raven, Madam Lavinia Collector Curvy, Playline Curvy, Happy Family Grandma
I haven't made any exact measurements. The following are just my observations.
For Differentiation : wide refers to difference in the head-on photo; thick refers to the difference in the profile/side view.
Raven is the smallest of the curvy bodies. Her measurements are just a little bigger than the Belly Button (not pictured) body. Her legs are also wider/thicker and shorter than the Belly Button legs. She has elbow articulation and click knees that are always slightly bent (as pictured).
As far as I know this is the only time this body was used, so there is only one skin tone variation. She matches best with the Nikki, Artsy, Trichelle skin tone.
Collector Curvy has the most hourglass figure of the bunch. Her waist's thicknes is comparable to Grandma's body.
Madam Lavinia is the first time this body has been used. She will match best to Afra/Grace toned heads.
Playline Curvy has a pear shaped body, with wider hips and smaller bust. Her waistline is the widest of the bunch looking head on, but she's not as thick as Collector or Grandma..
Playline comes in almost every Barbie skin tone. New tones soon to be released.
Grandma has a brick or square body. Her bust, waist & hips are very close in width/thickness. Her hips might actually be narrower than her bust. Her legs are comparable to the Belly Button legs, with slightly bigger thighs, knees & calves. She has Skipper-sized feet. She has click knees & elbow articulation.
And, oh yeah, Grandma has, like, no butt... at all.
Grandma came in two skin tones. This peachy one and an African American skin tone. I don't own the AA version, so I can't say confidently which skin tone she is.
Here is the fullset outfit I completed for Isul dolls. This is for the Pullip convention in June. This set was drafted especially for the Isul body, so it will be ill-fitting on Blythe or Pullip (especially the pants, Isuls have wide hips and waist). I still need to make socks, I want to roll up the pants so the socks can be seen, I think I will go with dusky olive green. There will only be 2 of this set available.
The % Devoted Skybox from ANXIETY, part of their Goodbye Neon Box, a specially priced collection available at the mainstore. You're crazy if you don't pick one up! :P
Schadenfreude Cozy Fable Hoods - Gacha at the Okinawa New Year Festival [ends Jan 7th, 2020] Carny Ram, Rare
Gemini -Julia Arm Chains - Multicolor Hud [Only Upper Arm shown]
~X.T.C PoSes~ Miss Individuality #6 [Includes wide hip poses]
It’s true. I have “birthing hips” and a big ass. I don’t always love my proportions, but I’m trying.
Traditional figure flatt
Fap Titans Nutaku
The Art Of A Blowjob
Pantyhose Foot Gallery

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