White Girls Fighting Naked

White Girls Fighting Naked


White Girls Fighting Naked
Topless woman rips off rival's knickers and smashes her face into pavement during brutal fight
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Two women, one topless and one knickerless, have a brawl in the street
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One of the women is seen running at her opponent and shoving her into a barrier before leaping on top of her and punching her in the face in Rio
A topless woman ripped off her rival's knickers after slamming her face into the ground during a vicious brawl in the middle of the street.
Footage has emerged of the brutal fight, showing the women exchange a number of punches, caught on a mobile phone by a passer-by.
One of the women, wearing white trousers and small black top, is seen pummelling a woman in a black dress repeatedly in the head and smashing her face into the ground.
At the start of the horrifying clip the woman in white runs at her opponent and shoves her into a barrier before leaping on top of her and punching her in the face.
She loses her top in the commotion before the pair then stumble back onto the pavement and crash into the gutter of a road.
The woman in white trousers then picks up her rival by her hair and slams her face into the ground.
She then shockingly snatches at her pants and rips them off.
A man eventually intervenes and the topless woman storms off.
The clip is believed to be filmed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and was uploaded to Reddit yesterday.
Viewers were left stunned by the scene.
One wrote: β€œPhew. She barely saved her dignity by pulling the other chick's pants off.”
And another added: "I would be so embarrassed if my wife did s*** like this.”
A third also exclaimed: β€œWow, this is one of the best fights I have ever seen.”
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Arranged girl fight in a back yard. These two really go at it. Unlike most girls, both are skilled and know how to fight.


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