White Browed Tit Warbler

White Browed Tit Warbler


The white-browed tit-warbler (Leptopoecile sophiae) is a species of bird in the family Aegithalidae. The species was first described by Nikolai Severtzov in 1873. It is resident in the Tian Shan and central China as well as in the Himalayas where it is mainly found in winter. Its natural habitat is boreal forests.
Расписна́я сини́чка, или обыкнове́нная расписна́я сини́чка, — вид воробьиных птиц из семейства длиннохвостых …
Текст из Википедии, лицензия CC-BY-SA
Перевести · A tiny purplish-blue bird with a chestnut cap, a soft pink belly, and a pale brow that is not always prominent, and more often grayish than white. Lacks the pale head of Crested Tit-Warbler. …
Перевести · White-browed tit-warbler The white-browed tit-warbler is a species of bird in the Aegithalidae family. It is resident in the Tian Shan and …
Перевести · 05.06.2020 · White-browed Tit-warblers. The White-browed Tit-warbler s ( Leptopoecile sophiae) are found in China, India, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. They …
Перевести · 10.06.2020 · The White-browed Tit Warbler is a species of bird first described in 1873. Image credits: Imran Shah They live in the Himalayas, the Tibetan Plateau, and much of Northwest China …
White Browed Tit Warbler Spituk Ladakh
Tit-Warbler White browed DSCN9269 70
This Rainbow Bird Is Called The White-Browed Tit-Warbler And That Might Be The Silliest Name 😍
White-browed tit-warblers are incredibly small, incredibly colored birds that live in central and southern Asia. They are believed to practice cooperative breeding, in which not only parents care for their young but also a team of other birds. These birds are called helpers.
Перевести · 1. LAT Leptopoecile sophiae (Severtzov) 2. RUS (обыкновенная) расписная синичка f 3. ENG Severtzov’s [painted, white browed] tit warbler 4. DEU Purpurhähnchen n 5. FRA roitelet m de la reine Sophie
Перевести · 17.11.2017 · I first knew this species as Severtzov's Tit-warbler but it now seems to be known as White-browed (Leptopoecile sophiae), although its brow is actually a pale …
Перевести · 19.06.2020 · White-Browed Tit-Warbler Is An Adorable Fluffball Of Paddle Pop Colours. We’ve seen some beautiful Paddle Pop skies during sunset and sunrise over the past weeks. In the midst of a global …
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Крошечная пурпурно-синяя птица с каштановой «шапочкой», бледно-розовым брюхом и бледной бровью, которая не всегда заметная и часто более сероватая, чем белая. Не имеет бледную голову, как у хохлатой расписной синички. Гнездится в высокогорных лесах и кустарниках, но зимой спускается в предгорья. Обычно встречается поодиночке, небольшими стаями или в составе смешанных стай. Издает высокие четкие ноты, обычно в парах.
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White-browed tit-warbler - Wikipedia
White-browed Tit-Warbler - eBird
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White Browed Tit Warbler

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