Whipping Mature Stories

Whipping Mature Stories


Whipping Mature Stories
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Jack Sparrow and his crew finally reached Isla Cruces where the Dead Man's Chest was buried. There, they were reunited with Will, who had been told the location of Bootstrap. Unfortunately, the chest was guarding by Davy Jones worshipping cannibals led by Maccus, the first person to join Jones' crew and the one placed in charge of protecting his heart. Maccus was more than happy with the arrangement since it meant he had run over the island. The crew were quickly captured. Maccus notices Elizabeth's beauty and decided to keep her as a slave for what was called "raiding", while feeding the rest of the crew to the Kraken. Raiding was basically a polite word for rape. As a governor's daughter, Elizabeth would have been far too embarrassed to say the word rape. Maccus made her strip naked. Elizabeth was secured to the whipping frame, ready for her first lesson in slavery. She was now spreadeagled with her arms tied up and out to a beam above her, just high enough for her to have to stand on tip-toe, which made her back well stretched. One of the natives had kicked her legs apart and secured them. Elizabeth was left this bondage for a while. She could see the rest of the crew being into two wooden ball cages, one of the crew forced into one cage and the others in the rest. Maccus returned and announced Elizabeth's sentence. "Fifty lashes" Maccus swung his arm over his head and brought the whip down with a massive hiss and then a deep thud as it into Elizabeth's back. "One" Elizabeth's convulsed under the attack and she struggled to maintain her footing but the ropes were tied securely so her movement was limited to an involuntary spasm. Maccus swung back for the second lash. With a slight twist of his body as well this time, the whip crashed even harder against Elizabeth's back, landing with that smacking sound which only leather meeting human flesh produces. The trace of the first lash was now clearly visible as a pale coloured line straight across the broadest part of the back. The second lash mark started to emerge from the whiteness of her skin, a loud hiss and splat announced the delivery of a third. Each lash mark appeared parallel to the others, just half an inch apart ...leaving plenty of space for more! Which, indeed, Maccus continued to deliver. Two more thunder some lashes brought the first cry of agony from Elizabeth. After some further adjustment of his position, to perfect the weight transfer from his back foot forwards while swinging the whip, putting his whole body weight behind each lash, Maccud had found a steady rhythm. The second five strokes were delivered by Maccus with equal enthusiasm, leaving Elizabeth hanging in her bindings, quivering and groaning as each lash bit into her back. THWACK! "Ten" The next three strokes were delivered with similar ferocity. Another ten lashes and Elizabeth's spread-eagled back was perfectly decorated with twenty three perfectly parallel stripes. Elizabeth’s body was now constantly quivering, her chest heaving as if panting for breath, and a steady groan escaped from her mouth. Lash number twenty four flayed leather across human skin and elicited a strangulated scream. Elizabeth's body convulsed as if in spasm but the securing ropes prevented much movement. Maccus swung the whip back, ready for another snaking trajectory, hissing its way to impact across the soldiers just time. The next lash impacted a greater force and results in a devastating cut which Elizabeth thought would slice her in two. She let out an almighty roar of pain. So far the lash marks were quite distinctive as twenty six parallel lines coloured against the white skin. The twenty seventh stroke whistled through the air and landed with as much force as the others, quickly followed by a howl of pain from Elizabeth. "Twenty seven" The next three lashes flayed Elizabeth's quivering back. She was reduced to a low moaning whimper, reserving all of her remaining strength to deal with the pain which as wracking right through her body. Her back was now criss crossed with lash marks, drawing blood. By forty nine lashes, Elizabeth was deduced to a whimpering wreck. The final lash crashed right across the centre of her well marked back, forcing her one final scream. The fifty lash marks were evenly spread all over her back, from shoulders to waist. Maccus inspected the striped back. Elizabeth then saw one of the cages, the one that had one man inside, being lowered, followed by the other one. Then, the Kraken burst from the sea. Elizabeth couldn't make much out of what was going on. All she saw was the lower fall into the Kraken while the second climbed up the cliff. She knew most of the crew had made it but it appeared one of them had died. She thought it could be Jack, he was the one the Kraken was after. "Go after them" Maccus commanded the natives. Later, Will arrived leading some of the crew. Will and Maccus fought until Will shoved him off the ledge, though this would not have killed a member of Jones' crew. Will untied Elizabeth. Elizabeth was glad that she no longer wore those dresses and corsets, as it gave her time to redress before they escaped.
Vector and Chiren are the main villains. Nova wouldn't be mentioned until the ending. The problem with Vector was that because of how often Nova used his body, the character had very little agency of his own.

Instead of Zapan just happening to have a sword made from the same technology as Alita's berserker body, Alita finds it with her berserker body.

When Grewishka comes into the bar, he simply says he's working for Vector, no mention of Nova.

Take out the taking out her heart scene. It just doesn't translate well into film.

Instead of Chiren saving Hugo by attaching his head to Alita's heart, Alita is forced to kill Hugo. Hugo's death s
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It's available right now in print or PDF .

Volume 13 includes 13 tales of adult female spankings. The following erotic stories are included:

Long, Hard Spankings of Indeterminate Length
M/F -- nc spanking
A woman experienced with corporal punishment discovers _real_ discipline when her new boyfriend puts her over his knee. (1,439 words.)

Change of Pace
M/F -- semi-cons paddling
A husband is suddenly inspired to spank his wife just before she goes to work each morning. (1,955 words.)

Geek Hero
M/F -- semi-cons paddling, caning
A tech support girl makes an unusual house call. (2,454 words.)

Mommy Spanked
M/F -- nc spanking
A mother's daughter gets to watch her Mommy get spanked. (2,370 words.)

Mommy Spanked Again
M/F -- nc paddling, strapping
A mother's daughter gets to watch her Mommy get paddled. (1,492 words.)

Mommy Spanked Yet Again
M/Ff -- nc caning, paddling
This time mother and daughter are punished together. (1,780 words.)

Never More Than Six
FF/FFf -- semi-cons caning
Two mothers discuss and demonstrate caning techniques. (7,219 words.)

Slow Burner
M/F -- semi-cons paddling
A sweet love story between a woman and a man. (4,364 words.)

Testing the Waters
M/F -- cons paddling, caning
A mother insists she try corporal punishment before enrolling her kids in a strict private school. (5,500 words.)

The Trial
M/F -- nc flogging
In this tender period piece, a woman in a Puritan society is falsely accused of being a witch and is put on trial. (7,555 words.)

The Warning
?/F -- cons caning
A teenage girl receives advice from her grandmother. (4,868 words.)

Tight Trousers
M/F -- semi-cons paddling
A lawyer, in charge of his firm's dress code, uses his position to administer corporal punishment. (2,360 words.)

Undercover Boss
M/FFF -- semi-cons spanking
A boss spanks his naughty employees. (5,531 words.)

I also wrote an article on the Six Spanking Plots for their most recent issue.

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The most embarrassing corporal punishment I ever got was when I was 11. My mother was just starting to prepare me for my spanking, which had been coming both for sassing her and for playing ball in the house which resulted in a broken window.
When it came to administering the spanking, Mom always took my pants down herself. She said naughty boys were not allowed to do it. Anyway, just as her fingers were starting to unzip my short pants, the door bell rang.
My mother looked up. “That must be the babysitter – don’t you dare move!” I was so embarrassed when she returned with Sarah, my babysitter. Sarah was only four years older then me and I had a huge crush on her. She was wearing a pencil skirt, stockings and high heel pumps. She looked at me and smiled. 
To my utter shame, my mother told her: “Bobby has been a very naughty boy and I was just about to administer his spanking when you arrived. I didn’t realise how late it was, and I won’t have time to whip him. Would you do me a favour and administer it for me?” Sarah looked at me and smiled, then said: “I would be happy to.” Mom told her to pull my pants and underwear down and spank me over her lap, then she left.
When my mother had gone, Sarah looked at me and said knowingly: “I think this spanking will do you a lot more good with me giving it to you. I know you have a crush on me!”
She sat down on the straight-backed chair previously occupied by my mother and called me over, then her fingers slowly finished unzipping my pants. Sarah took down my underpants and looked down – she smiled as she gazed at my growing erection. My embarrassment was complete. Then it was over her lap for my spanking. I felt her stocking-clad thighs under me and rubbed myself against them.
Sarah raised her hand and began to spank me slowly, pausing between spanks to let each one sink in. The fire built up steadily in my bare bottom but at the same time, I also felt something else as my penis rubbed up and down against her stockings as I wriggled. With hindsight, I was on the point of coming. However, just before I did, Sarah stood me up, told me to pull up my pants and go to my room until I could be a good boy.
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All Maman stories are copyright, unauthorised reproduction may lead to legal action.
Maman is an adult website containing recollections of corporal punishment experienced during the contributors' childhoods. By proceeding, you are asserting that you are over the age of majority for the country in which you reside, and you further agree to the use of cookies on this website. Note that although this website contains only legal content, Maman is nevertheless a fetish site and should be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Maman does not advocate corporal punishment for today's children. If you are a minor or likely to be upset by the subject matter, please do not proceed any further. 


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