While Parents Have Sex

While Parents Have Sex


While Parents Have Sex

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Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. Here’s what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not.

Posted May 8, 2020


Reviewed by Devon Frye

This is a very embarrassing topic for me but I really need to get this off my mind. Let me first tell you that I am a 17-year-old girl and I have a 12-year-old brother and a 14-year-old sister. We each have our own rooms but mine is (guess what) right next door to my parents' bedroom. Well, last weekend, I overheard my parents having sex. This is the second time I have overheard them and I can't stand it. I don't want to hear it and I don't want to think about it or even picture it. The idea of my parents having sex really bothers me.
I'm not sure how to approach my parents about this. I'm not even sure if I should talk to them about this. My parents have tried to talk to me about sex in the past but I am very uncomfortable discussing sexual topics with them. I learned about sex in school health classes, books, and friends. By the way, I am not yet sexually active. I am curious but I am not ready yet.
Please help me figure out what to do.
I am so happy that you reached out to me. You and many other teens have brought this issue to my attention over the years. First, let me tell you that, of course, you don't want to hear your parents having sex. I don't think that anyone of any age wants to hear their parents having sex. Nor is anyone particularly comfortable with that thought or visual.
On the other hand, your parents are entitled to have a sexual relationship and I hope that their sexual intimacy is part of a good and healthy relationship. It is unfortunate that your room is so close to theirs and you are within earshot of their most intimate moments.
So we have two things going on here. A teen girl uncomfortable hearing her parents being intimate and two parents next door who seem to have a vibrant relationship. The question is how to make everyone happy and comfortable. I think that other than blasting music in your room or covering your ears, you really should find a way to talk to your parents. I am quite sure that they are unaware that they are being overheard.
You said that you are uncomfortable talking to your parents about sex. Now, you have an excellent opportunity to work on this discomfort and open up the dialogue about sexuality . I suggest that you talk to either both of your parents or the one you are more comfortable with about your discomfort hearing their private activities. Take deep breaths while you present this. I know how uncomfortable this topic is likely to make you. Your parent(s) may surprise you by being very sensitive to your discomfort. In addition, I am sure that they will then come up with a plan to muffle sounds in their room.
I hope that a good thing emerges from this situation. Perhaps, sexuality won't feel like such a tricky topic for you after you break the ice with this conversation. I would really like to hear how this conversation goes and how your parents respond. I am sure that your parents will come up with a solution. And, after this discussion, perhaps you and your parents can open up the dialogue about other tricky topics.
Barbara Greenberg, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of adolescents and their well-intentioned but exhausted parents.

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Our conversations are sprinkled with slips, pauses, lies, and clues to our inner world. Here’s what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not.

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Viewers are besides themselves laughing at this funny video
A HILARIOUS video showing a young girl sobbing while her parents make what sounds suspiciously like sex noises behind her has gone viral.
The identity of the young girl and her parents is not known, but since being posted online has put viewers in hysterics.
A caption posted on the video reads: I hope they are just clapping their hands ((:
The girl wanders the house with tears rolling down her cheeks, as the noises grow louder behind her.
As she grows more distressed, the sounds her parents are making continue.
It's not the first time parents have been caught out by their kids doing something they'd rather not wasn't seen or heard by their precious offspring.
Kids have taken shaming their parents to extremes by revealing to their well-meaning teachers their home time antics, whether that's mummy's wine drinking habits or daddy's 'cocking' skills.
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What should I do, if I walked in on my parents having sex?
Been around the block a few times too many. · Author has 2.8K answers and 5.9M answer views · 5 y ·
Why do I like watching my dad have sex with my mom?
My parents start having sex in front of me in the living room and I get kinda turned on with it and the moaning. Is it bad?
I saw my parents having sex and now I feel scarred for life. What should I do?
I jerk off while listening to my parents having sex and I want to join them having sex. What do I do?
Why do I feel the need to masturbate when I hear my parents having sex? Am I wrong or messed up?
Entrepreneur and Investor · Author has 10K answers and 166.9M answer views · 4 y ·
Why do I like watching my dad have sex with my mom?
My parents start having sex in front of me in the living room and I get kinda turned on with it and the moaning. Is it bad?
I saw my parents having sex and now I feel scarred for life. What should I do?
I jerk off while listening to my parents having sex and I want to join them having sex. What do I do?
Why do I feel the need to masturbate when I hear my parents having sex? Am I wrong or messed up?
Do your children get turned on seeing you have sex?
Is having sex with my wife in front of my child okay?
Have any of you ever caught or spied on your son or daughter having sex and did you watch till the end?
Has any parent seen their teen kid watching their mom/dad during sex secretly?
Have you seen your parents having sex, and do you have any photos while they are doing so?
Have you ever watched your parents having sex intentionally or by accident?
I hear my parents having sex every night and that turns me on. What should I do to make it better?
I found out that my 16-year-old daughter is sexting and having sex with men for money. How should I approach her with this?
What should I do if I saw my parents have sex? I’m 13.
How should I react when I catch my parents having sex?
Why do I like watching my dad have sex with my mom?
My parents start having sex in front of me in the living room and I get kinda turned on with it and the moaning. Is it bad?
I saw my parents having sex and now I feel scarred for life. What should I do?
I jerk off while listening to my parents having sex and I want to join them having sex. What do I do?
Why do I feel the need to masturbate when I hear my parents having sex? Am I wrong or messed up?
Do your children get turned on seeing you have sex?
Is having sex with my wife in front of my child okay?
Have any of you ever caught or spied on your son or daughter having sex and did you watch till the end?
Has any parent seen their teen kid watching their mom/dad during sex secretly?
Have you seen your parents having sex, and do you have any photos while they are doing so?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
You’re old enough to take responsibility for your actions. You opened the door and stuck your head in. If you are traumatized, I’m sorry, but it’s the equivalent of putting your hand on a hot stove after your mom told you not to. Relax, nearly every adult you know is having sex or, at least, has had it. Your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents are in this group as Cooper Kensington says, or you wouldn’t be here. It won’t be easy for your parents, either, when you start having sex. It’s a normal part of life, and makes their relationship closer. By the way, if either of your parents b
You’re old enough to take responsibility for your actions. You opened the door and stuck your head in. If you are traumatized, I’m sorry, but it’s the equivalent of putting your hand on a hot stove after your mom told you not to. Relax, nearly every adult you know is having sex or, at least, has had it. Your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents are in this group as Cooper Kensington says, or you wouldn’t be here. It won’t be easy for your parents, either, when you start having sex. It’s a normal part of life, and makes their relationship closer. By the way, if either of your parents brings it up, you owe them a gracious apology. And don’t open closed doors any more.
Learn a Valuable Lesson, Learn to knock. Wait to be invited in.
Or better yet, when “the van is a rockin’ don’t come a knockin’”.
If the door is closed to your parent's room, then don’t bother them.
Going anonymous on this one, for reasons that are, or should soon be, obvious.
Although I've always loved being around kids (I was the guy playing with all the kids at any party) and they seemed to take to me, I knew I never wanted to have any of my own. Fortunately, my wife felt similarly... until she neared 40, and then went kind of crazy with this newfound unquenchable desire for motherhood. We had trouble getting pregnant at that age, and rounds of IVF ensued; following several, one was successful, after huge time, financial, and emotional costs. Our son came along, and was healthy and quit
Going anonymous on this one, for reasons that are, or should soon be, obvious.
Although I've always loved being around kids (I was the guy playing with all the kids at any party) and they seemed to take to me, I knew I never wanted to have any of my own. Fortunately, my wife felt similarly... until she neared 40, and then went kind of crazy with this newfound unquenchable desire for motherhood. We had trouble getting pregnant at that age, and rounds of IVF ensued; following several, one was successful, after huge time, financial, and emotional costs. Our son came along, and was healthy and quite adorable. Major success story from the outside, right?
I was immediately plunged into a seemingly endless spiral of resentment and depression (the real kind, clinical, requiring seeing a psychiatrist and going on medication). I knew at a profound level that I Did Not Want This. It completely destroyed spontaneity and flexibility; everything needed planning, and our son like all very small children needed to be watched pretty much 24/7. All our friendships were put on hold, since getting out of the house even for planned things was difficult. Work and other obligations were missed whenever he got the sniffles. As he grew, things got better, somewhat. There were all manner of pointless activities that he didn't care much about (karate, swimming, 20 other things), constant trips to school, play date planning, things that, as far as I can tell, nearly every parent dislikes, and only few are vocally honest about.
The therapist told me that this was much more common than I'd guess, but there was a huge taboo about saying you simply hated being a parent. So, I googled "I hate being a parent" and, Lo: it was all over the place. People overcome by tedium and regret.
Here's the interesting thing: by any reasonable standards, I'm a good parent. People are always pointing this out, how attentive and affectionate I am as a father. I want to do a good job, and I want my son to have a good life. I do love him. I just wish that someone else would be actually enjoying the process of raising him, since on an objective and subjective level, my own life is just markedly less enjoyable since he came along. That's simple honesty. The best analogy would be that, instead of being yourself, you're enacting a script, day in and day out, this pretending to be enthusiastic about something you hate. It would wear you down. You'd long to break free of it and be yourself again.
My wife knows all this, and is constantly upset by it. There's no sense of "you sacrificed your own happiness so I could achieve my dream of being a mother". Instead, it's more like "there's something wrong with you for reacting this way", and that alone has put a serious strain on the relationship. At the worst times, I've thought of walking out, but I could never do that to my son. Too many marriages in my extended family have fizzled, leaving the kids lost. But, to be honest, there are times when I just stand there and want to bang my head against the door frame, I just loathe being a parent so much. He's almost 10 now, and I console myself that there are 8 years more of this, then college. I think I can make it until then without losing it, especially since, although he's a very difficult child, he is gradually getting easier and not requiring such constant monitoring.
I wrote this for two reasons. First, for others who may be thinking "I think I won't like being a parent, but everyone thinks I should have kids, and maybe I'll love it!" Yes, just possibly; but, if you don't, you will be massively miserable. Second, for those who have a kneejerk reaction of "How can you say you don't love your OWN CHILD!" I'm not saying that. I'm saying that his coming along marked a pronounced negative turn in my own happiness, despite the fact that I do love him and am trying my best not to let that unhappiness interfere with his upbringing.
What's odd about this predicament is that no one, least of all other parents, has much sympathy for you, even if you are clinically depressed to the point of dysfunction. One is supposed to view having a child as some sort of multifaceted bejeweled gift from The Cosmos. How can anyone be so ungrateful to The Cosmos for a gift of such magnificence? And that, in the nutshell, is a big fraction of the problem of living with this. There are worse problems, of course, but this particular one is mine.
So because you asked this question I have to assume you are a child.
So first of all you should be glad your dad still bangs your mom as it shows he still loves her. Second you should do jack shit kid.
You walking in on your parents fucking is not a problem at all. We’ve all been there. I caught daddy banging mommy twice when I was younger so take it as good. Still means they are happy and thats brilliant as most marriages fail.
If you are “traumatized” and you somehow can’t sleep it off then you should talk to your mommy about it as she will explain herself most likely. If you’re parents are ver
So because you asked this question I have to assume you are a child.
So first of all you should be glad your dad still bangs your mom as it shows he still loves her. Second you should do jack shit kid.
You walking in on your parents fucking is not a problem at all. We’ve all been there. I caught daddy banging mommy twice when I was younger so take it as good. Still means they are happy and thats brilliant as most marriages fail.
If you are “traumatized” and you somehow can’t sleep it off then you should talk to your mommy about it as she will explain herself most likely. If you’re parents are very touchy with each other than that means they still love eachother as they like being close and shit.
Also if the door is closed and they are up there then don’t come in. If you need something knock first. Done.

Is it okay for parents to have sex when their children are sleeping in the same room?


Saturday, March 19, 2016 - 11:02

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In India such a scenario is quite common for at least two reasons: lack of space and parenting style.
For several days now, the internet has been abuzz with discussions on whether it is all right for couples to have sex while their children are asleep in the same room.

In February, an anonymous user said on an online parenting forum netmums.com that she had been "increasingly disturbed" since she learned that her friend and her husband had sex in the room as their children slept.
The person wrote, "My friend says it's fine - they make sure the children are asleep but I am not certain that you can be sure or that they won't wake up and lie there wondering what is happening."

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