Where you can find a saved copy of Telegram, Discord, Twitter, and Facebook account?

Where you can find a saved copy of Telegram, Discord, Twitter, and Facebook account?


A sudden discovery was a site that automatically saved Telegram, Discord, Twitter and Facebook account data. Finds avatar and profile name by ID

Search by Telegram ID

In the last screenshot, the same account is saved in Matrix, at different times.

By Discord account ID

In the search results you can see the details of the Discord accounts whose ID is written in username after the phrase _discord_. Knowing the account ID it's possible to find the account on that site.

By Facebook and Twitter account IDs

What is this search for?

Search resources that have archived copies of accounts are in short supply, and there are no solutions for Discord. The more sources, the better.

If, suddenly, the standard methods of turning an ID into an account are not effective, it's worth trying this resource. 

Needed when working with a remote account. Banning an account or deleting an account by yourself erases information from the resource, but here, at least the name and profile picture remain on the site in 1020p quality.

What site are we talking about, and where to search?

Matrix.org, and the app in the screenshots is Element on Android. To start searching, sign up, and open a search for Matrix profiles in the app, this is done through the "invite users" button. Once you click that, a search bar will appear.

Can I search in a Telegram bot?

Yes, you can in @UniversalSearchBot. However, only by Telegram ID. Send the ID and wait for the bot to respond.

It will give you the first three profiles from the search. You'll get the name of the account, the server where the account is automatically created, and the avatar.

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