Where to Buy Seals and Stamps in Moscow

Where to Buy Seals and Stamps in Moscow


If you are looking for a place to buy seals and stamps in Moscow, then you have come to the right place. Here you will learn about how seals and stamps are produced in the city, and why our prints are better than those of other companies. We produce изготовление печатей и штампов for personal and business purposes, and we love what we do!

Production of seals and stamps in Moscow

If you need to order stamps and seals, you need to choose the right company. It is better to order them from a company that uses laser engraving technology. The laser engraving process will make the stamps and seals last longer. Moreover, you need to select a company that is familiar with the specifications of various types of stamps.

The Russian Post reported this situation to the authorities. Nina Fetisova, a postmaster at the city's stamp factory, told the Federal Customs Service that the production of stamps and seals in Moscow was suffering from unfavorable conditions. She explained that the postal service was facing problems with processing international mail and issuing postage stamps.

In Russia, seals and stamps are produced by local and foreign craftsmen. The craftsmen need to master highly specialized techniques and can only learn them after completing an apprenticeship. In the pre-Classical period, the craft of engraving seal-stones flourished in Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean basin, and Central Asia. They included both human and animal iconography.

Seals and stamps are our favorite and main product

Seals and stamps are a popular item in Moscow and are available in a variety of sizes. The type of stamp that you need depends on where you plan to use it. Seals can be carried in a pocket or automatically. They are a very useful accessory for travelers.

Why are our prints better?

When a print is created, the ink and paper used will change with time. Most people do not want their prints to turn yellow. Also, if the print is in close proximity to the kitchen, fumes from cooking will change the color of the print. A print with a higher definition will look better over time.

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