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Where get mdma in paris

Where get mdma in paris

Where get mdma in paris

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Am I doing damage by rolling too often? Is the 3 month rule real? How often should I wait? There are also good reasons to wait between rolls: Anecdotally, people who use MDMA frequently seem to use high dosages. In the same way that alcohol harm is proportional to dosage, any MDMA neurotoxicity concerns are proportional to dosage. Studies in primates suggest that repeated inappropriately high MDMA dosages can induce neurotoxicity, though MAPS believes that the 80 mg and mg doses used in research are likely safe and effective. To reduce any neurotoxicity risk, stick to dosages that are as low as possible, ideally between 80 and mg. This finding contrasts with many previous findings—including our own—and emphasizes the need for continued caution in interpreting field studies of cognitive function in illicit ecstasy users. The origin of the three month rule is a quote from Ann Shulgin, widow of chemist Alexander Shulgin: Ann Shulgin is thought to be the origin of the three month rule: Effect of ecstasy MDMA on cerebral blood flow: Studies of MDMA users suggest that many people use MDMA heavily for a few years, find that the positives decrease and the negatives increase, and then quit. People with this common experience are probably less likely to be giving advice on reddit, so it can be hard to appreciate how common it is to burn out on MDMA. Based on that and observations of other people, Ann suggested people use MDMA no more than 4 times per year. Debby Harlow noticed that many people seemed to get only about 10 special rolls and after that the experience was merely pleasant, but not magic. These numbers may not be exactly correct for everyone, but the general experience is common: Try to learn from the experience and grow your skills at recreating without drugs some of the freedoms MDMA offers. Taking MDMA before going out is not a sustainable way to deal with social anxiety. In ten years from now, MDMA may be legally available and used in therapy. All the theories about replenishing serotonin are untested ideas. It is not even known if loss of magic is associated with depleted serotonin or with brain damage or with some other mechanism like simple learning. Retrieved from ' https: Views Read Edit View history. Navigation Main page Recent changes Random page Help. This page was last modified on 14 May , at

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