Where Was How To Plan An Orgy In A Small Town Filmed

Where Was How To Plan An Orgy In A Small Town Filmed


Where Was How To Plan An Orgy In A Small Town Filmed
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How to Plan an Orgy in a Small Town

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With a title like "How to Plan an Orgy in a Small Town", you can pretty much expect that this will be an adult film...and it is very adult at times. Sex is talked about throughout the film and the ending consists of a lot of folks getting naked and having steamy sex. However, despite all the sex talk and nudity towards the end, it's not as gratuitous as you might imagine and the nudity isn't especially graphic or gratuitous. Beneath it all, it's a story about people and characters...albeit rather horny, repressed and screwed up ones. So, if you are easily offended or embarrassed, you probably should look elsewhere. Otherwise, it's a pleasant film and I'd like to see more from these folks in the future...more films that is, not necessarily more of them...if you know what I mean. When the story begins, Cassie is a teenager and is about to lose her virginity. However, instead of a night of love and passion that she'll never forget, it turns out to be a night of total embarrassment that she'll probably never live down! The film then jumps 12 years ahead. Cassie apparently left this small town long ago and her way of dealing with the embarrassment and nasty 'friends' is by writing a column about sex...and now she's considered a worldwide sexpert. However, when her mother dies, she forces herself to return to this hated Canadian small town and deal with the folks she's longed to forget. At first, they are stuffy and nasty...just as she expects. In particular, Heather treats her awfully...just like 12 years ago. However, something strange soon happens...this same snooty and stuck up Heather decides to see just how liberated Cassie really is and suggests that she host an orgy! Plus, Heather has a hidden agenda through all this. Cassie at first declines...but eventually, oddly, agrees. But the road to hot, sweaty, amoral sex is a very bumpy one...especially since everyone, including Cassie, end up having quite a few sexual hang-ups. Will this crazed orgy take place...or will it simply be a case of all talk and little, if any, action? The film's plot is all about sex...there's no way around that. By the end of the film a lot of folks are having sex..in fact, pretty much everyone is. That's not exactly a surprise. But what makes the film worth seeing isn't the bits of nudity and titillation but the little stories you see as well as the fullness of the characters. I enjoyed most of the stories though I felt that they were occasionally a bit uneven and difficult to believe. At times, it seems like a comedy but at other times it's a bit dark and even sad..plus who acts like these folks?! This made the experience of watching the film a bit odd to say the least. And, overall it was still a very good and very original movie...and it's worth seeing with someone you love. By the way, writer/director Jeremy Lalonde has mostly helmed short movies before this film and I expect that he'll only continue to improve with future projects--so he's definitely someone to watch. Also, interestingly, like quite a few new films lately, this one was crowd funded and seems to have made the most of a rather small budget.
The title implies sex and the category implies laughs. This misleads the viewer before they even begin watching the film. Therefore, halfway through, you are disappointed. I felt really bad for the guy who had the birthday party - everyone was mean to him for no reason. Comedies aren't supposed to make you feel bad and disappoint the viewer for over an hour. Fail. This is an example of how a bad title can ruin a movie. Oh, by the way, it's also a terrible and unbelievable story. Never in the history of film has more clothing been worn during sex scenes. It wouldn't surprise me if multiple actors passed out from dehydration or heat stroke trying to film all that sex in all of those clothes. The most prudishly directed film of this century. RealReview Posting Scoring Criteria:
Acting - 1/1
Casting - 1/1
Directing - 1/1
Story - 0/1
Writing/Screenplay - 0.5/1 Total Base Score = 3.5 Modifiers (+ or -) Believability/Consistency: - 0.5 Total RealReview Rating: 3

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It took me two attempts to get through this movie, and the only reason I did is that I'm the type of person who absolutely insists on watching an entire movie unless it is completely unwatchable. I fell asleep on the first attempt, and got through the second time though it wasn't any better. I was wide awake on both attempts. This movie is not that horrid, but it is quite boring with a predictable and unfunny script. The acting is not great but I've seen the stars of this (the two main female leads) in other movies where they were fantastic, so I think the real problem here is that they didn't have much to work with (again, the script). It just seems like a lazy, boring movie, where they probably got funding from a studio based entirely on walking in and saying "hey we can get these two sexy women to be in a movie that's about an orgy" and then they coasted on that. It's not at all funny and even less sexy.

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I'm surprised this doesn't have more reviews. I went in not expecting much more than a naughty indie film trying to sell the movie on the title and the premise. I came out the other end charmed and laughing at the honest silliness of it all. It's a truthful look at small-town folk who feel it's time to infuse a little excitement into their lives. Jewel Staite doesn't even have to try and she's adorably down to earth, and the rest of the cast fills out the ranks in fun, albeit sometimes one-note, tones. If you're expecting excessive nudity and R-rated raunchiness, you're looking in the wrong place (although there's a brief topless streaking scene early on - the only real nudity in the movie). Instead, this really is a small-town/intimate/true-to-life look at what happens when lifetime friends and neighbors decide an orgy is the answer to all their woes. Things get awkward, personal discoveries are made, and the movie ends with the most inspiring/heartfelt/upbeat orgasm face montage and streaking scene you'll ever see. It sounds funny, I know, but it's a sweet film with a sugary adult ending. Give it a try. I was pleasantly surprised.

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This movie is not funny and not sexy. The story is ultra basic and so are the jokes and the characters. None of them are likable and the entire movie could have been summed up in a four minute short. Avoid unless you need something to put you to sleep. A real waste of one of my fave actresses, who normally is very funny. I can't believe she's in this.

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Don*t expect too much: the trailer let you expect a funny, clever story with good actors and some tasty erotic. The story is good, but presented uninspired, many gags are lame and flat and finally, the graphic could easily be described as prude. OK, right: a movie with a story like that does with the right skills not need nudity at all. But with a scene the male actor clawing into the breast of the him riding woman to avoid nudity the film becomes hypocrite and lame ! The most explicit scene is a young, half naked no name actress, the rest is uptight avoidance. If they would play everything fully clothed, it would at least be art. Grow up, America !

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This movie was not funny at all and also wasn't even just plain "good" or sexy either. I'm not sure how this even got made. It's like a bunch of people just got in a room together with a camera and said "I bet if we made a movie with the word orgy in it people would give us some money for it!" Terrible movie in all aspects.

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It's easy just put on this movie and tell people to watch it because this movie was boring as hell!

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A trauma of adolescence, combined with a cold parental reaction, help shape the main character Cassie in a story about shaking the past and being fearless (within reason) about the future. If you had told me that I would like a movie that has at its core the theme of "_____-shaming" I would have laughed that off. Or a movie in which the usual character arc might befall a "homophobic" supporting character. But the movie carries the viewer along and up to the titular premise with a plausible and likable series of events led by a solid and charming cast. Canadian fans will spot a pair of actors known for The Listener. Firefly/Serenity fans will be pleased to see Jewel Staite as the lead in what is essentially both a rom-com and social satire. From the opening chords of music, there is a firm grasp of nostalgia and a gravitas given to situations from the backstory that could have been mishandled but instead give a sense of emotional stakes and a rooting interest. In a culture of obligatory affirmation, it is an accomplishment that this movie manages to stay funny and full of heart and show some empathy for the weirdo outcast nerd along the way. Definitely worth checking out. Some people might be intimidated by the word Orgy in the title. The full title suggests that there is more going on and the potential absurdity of reality versus expectations have been richly mined in this movie.

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How To Plan An Orgy in A Small Town is hilarious. I saw this film in a theater in Toronto and the whole theater rocked with laughter. The cast was great and I once again marveled that Jeremy LaLonde can take a large group of talented actors and have them mesh so well. The movie tells the story of small town hypocritical prudishness but with humor. This is an adult film but it does not show too much or become vulgar. The movie is risqué and very funny. I do recommend seeing it on the big screen if you can, but by all means see it wherever you can! The movie is available on Demand, Amazon & Itunes as well as some theaters in the US and Canada. I thoroughly enjoyed the film from beginning to end. Don't take my word for it, go see it! :)

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If your say, in your late teens or maybe early twenties you might just like this film. Younger people are easier to please in my experience. I'm sure that's the audience target because much over that age group and I think you'll probably be too sophisticated to find this film entertaining. The film is really let down by the script which is neither clever, insightful or funny, it's just juvenile. It's verbal Slapstick. The 'plot line' and I use the term advisedly, doesn't quite hold up or ring true. It contradicts itself as does the characters. With a better script and direction it could have been far better. I'm not sure what it was trying to say,I expect nothing.

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This movie is just not funny. I am not sure what else to say since I don't think this movie has anything else going for it at all either. I was very disappointed. The two main actresses in this are actually very good in most other things I have seen them in. The main reason we watched this were because these actresses were in it but the movie was just awful. I don't know if they just turned in an unusually bad performance or if they were just coasting or in it for a quick pay check, or if they just had nothing to work with as far as a script and director went, or some combination of these things? But it was just a very bad, boring, unfunny movie. Also very unoriginal and predictable, and most of the other actors were just plain bad. Highly recommend skipping it.

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First off, I feel like this movie instantly gets 50% better if you're Canadian. It's cast is made up entirely of a "oh right, I remember her/him from X tv show" for most people in Canada. Also, for those expecting a softcore porn film starring alumni from Ginger Snaps, Firefly, Private Eyes and Mutant X I'll say right here you will be very disappointed. Despite the title this movie is mostly about the "planning" part of the orgy rather than the orgy itself. Other than one topless scene with a non-leading actor there's zero nudity. Oh, there's a couple of dudes butts. If you wanted porn there's an entire internet of it out there. How To Plan An Orgy In A Small Town is just one of those films where it seems like everyone was having fun making it and enjoying the simple premise to its fullest. Performances across-the-board are rather made-for-tv but given that this isn't a film meant to take seriously it does actually work in the movies favour. There's just enough ham in the delivery that makes the film work but doesn't delve into self-parody. The premise is rather simple: sex columnist Cassie returns to her small town that she was shamed out of town years ago, and in order to prove that the town isn't as dull as Cassie has described it as (in the article that made her famous) her old teenage rival wants Cassie to help plan an orgy. Of course several people have their own reasons for wanting to be in the orgy, and the natural awkwardness is what drives like half the plot. Again, this is a very Canadian film. There's just something innately funny about the way people try to be polite about describing the "stank" of an orgy. I can see how this type of comedy might fall flat if you expected a film with this title to be more vulgar -- the laughs do come from a place of niceness. Helping matters is that the ensemble is rather strong. The entire cast fit their roles perfectly; no one is acting outside their comfort zone. Jewel Staite really does nail the role of Cassie, and it helps that she is so naturally easy to root for no matter what role she plays. Every character is rather one-note but their notes are solid. Bonus points for having Katharine Isabelle not be wasted in this movie. It's a small film with a simple premise, don't go expecting anything more. If the trivia is to be believed it was filmed in just over 2-weeks, mostly in a few houses that are close to each other. Pay attention to the title! I'd say definitely give this a watch if you just want to laugh at the natural awkwardness that comes from trying to plan an orgy with people who are completely alien to the concept, or are a fan of any of the actors involved. It may take awhile for the ultimate "climax" but the ride is enjoyable.

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I see the bad reviews, and I guess I'm off the mark. I thought it was adorable. A wonderfully awkward depiction of a taboo that has probably happened! You have to be from a small town to really understand I guess, having lived in one, and still knowing friends that live in them, this was a little walk down memory lane to the people and places of my youth. I thought it was a good little Canadian film, with solid performances.

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My eyes were rolling through this movie. Not at all funny, not at all sexy, not at all any point in trying to watch this immature mess of a childish movie that wants so bad to pretend it is adult. Truly a terrible movie.

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That's ok. We all agree on that one: the first 15 minutes are very boring, just blabla and snail pace. But instead of moving to another flick, I remained on it because this kind of indie always deserve attention. And especially if there is some kind of orgy involved. After the uninteresting introduction, as we know more about the town and the characters, it gets more and more interesting. Because at some point, many of us want to know how this thing happen, and what/how we would handle such a case. No matter what you read here, it is funny. The mayor is funny. The le
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