Where To Sell Used Panties

Where To Sell Used Panties


Where To Sell Used Panties

Buy & Sell Used Panties Online


Hows do I sell used panties?

Sign up for a free account on snifffr .
Fill out all your profile details including username, about you, age, country.
Complete the fake check .
Upload pictures and videos of your choosing to your gallery.
Decide on what used panties you want to sell. Upload them to your shop. Include images and a description.
Get in touch with buyers through the online chat or private message buyers.
Agree on the price for the used panties and arrange a payment method.
Receive postal address details. Ensure you have received payment before shipping the used panties.
Ship the used panties to the buyer. 

sign up FREE. Buy or sell used panties


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How do I sell used panties? How do I sell used panties anonymously? These are the questions millions of potential used panties sellers deal with on daily basis. Selling used panties online is fun, safe, and profitable. With trusted online marketplaces like snifffr, it’s even easier and more exciting to make extra cash from selling used panties without revealing your identity. snifffr is simply amazing as it adds fun and flexibility to the otherwise complex process of converting the panties we no longer need to cash. If like many others you have been wondering how do I sell used panties on snifffr, here is a detailed guide to enable you to have a successful, fun, and easy time selling used panties.
snifffr is an adult member-oriented online community for potential used panties sellers and buyers. To start selling and converting the old panties you no longer use into cash, you have to create a free account by filling in your personal and contact details like username, email, preferred password, country of residence, date of birth and type of account. The content posted in snifffr is strictly for adults so only those above 18 years of age can create an account with us. Once your account is ready, add a decoying and attention-grabbing picture to your cover and profile pages. Make sure to accurately and carefully fill out your bio if you want to stand out and attract more willing buyers. Adding your interests and hobbies to your bio description will enable you to attract customers who share similar hobbies and interests with you.
You may choose to remain fully anonymous on snifffr. There are no requirements as to what personal information you need to display. This is entirely your decision. Some sellers choose to disclose more information as they have no issues with this. During the free sign up process, please pay attention to what information will be disclosed. Your email address will not be disclosed. Your date of birth and country will be disclosed to other users.
Completing the fake check verifies your account and earns you more trust from potential customers. To complete the fake check, visit the fake check page. To complete the fake check, on an A4 piece of paper write the words SNIFFFR and today’s date. Then take a photo of you holding the paper. Submit the image to snifffr for approval. Ensure you do not try to Photoshop in the piece of paper. Your fake check will be rejected if this attempted. Once you have passed the fake check, you will receive a ‘fake check approved’ badge on your profile.
Once you have completed the fake check process, you will need to start adding fresh and entertaining videos and images to your gallery. Keep updating the videos and images as often as possible to remain relevant. Your customers will enjoy the videos. It helps them get to know you. The videos and images can be of anything you like.
Even up to this point, the question, how do I sell used panties, is not yet fully unanswered. Completing your profile, uploading videos, filling out your bio and completing the fake check process are some of the things you must do if you have to sell used panties on snifffr. The next step how to sell used panties will be to add panties to your shop. After uploading used panties to your shop, they will be fed automatically to the snifffr shop for potential customers to see. The panties in the snifffr shop include all the used panties for sale available on snifffr.
Even if you have the most ensnaring profile, descriptive bio, and most sniffy used panties, you need to do more. If you are like most used pantie sellers, you are now wondering so how do I sell used panties and make quick cash? For you to sell more panties and make more money, you must be responsive and active. When customers text you, respond back quickly and professionally. If they don’t, try engaging them via the private messaging functionality or online chat to inform them about the used panties you have for sale and convince them to buy.
Used underwear sellers who do best, are those who remain active. Selling used panties is like any other business. The more effort you put into your used panties business, the better you are going to do. The best way to think about how do I sell used panties is to think of it as a business.
After building relationships and agreeing on the price, you have to agree on the payment. The way you receive your funds is totally up to you. snifffr does not arrange payment for your used panties. This should arranged and agreed upon between the seller and used panties buyer . Popular payment platforms include Google Wallet and Venmo. It is entirely up to you to decide on what platform to use. If you are not sure what payment method to use, then discuss this with the buyer. Alternatively, you may choose to get in touch with other used pantie sellers. Ask them what payment method they choose.
PayPal does not all transactions for payments in the adult industry. It is therefore recommended to avoid PayPal. It is also very common for used pantie sellers to have an Amazon wish list. The seller will provide the buyer with a link to their wish list. Instead of receiving money for their used panties, sellers will accept a gift. This is quite popular. snifffr makes no recommendations as to what payment platform you should use.
To help elucidate the question of how do I sell used panties and earn extra cash, you must provide a valid return shipping address. If you want to remain anonymous, you shouldn’t give your real postal address to be used as the return address. Many used panties sellers will use the buyers address as the return shipping address. This is done in order to remain anonymous.
Your reputation determines how much you earn from selling used panties on snifffr. To help with this, there is a review system. Sellers and buyers of worn panties receive stars. There is a 5 star rating at best. Used underwear buyers like to deal with sellers who have a 5 star rating. Used underwear sellers should go the extra mile to ensure they receive their 5 stars. Selling dirty panties can be competitive. Therefore, you should do what you can to stand out from the crowd. Positive reviews are a great way to make this happen.
The final answer to the question of how do I sell used panties is to keep your snifffr panties shop fully stocked. You can’t sell what you don’t have. Clients often consider sellers who have more panties in their shops as this gives them peace of mind and surety that they will have a wide range of choices to choose from. Therefore, if you want to sell more and make more from selling used panties on snifffr, you should keep your shop fully stocked.
For more information on how to sell used panties , please take a look at the blog or frequently asked questions page. There is loads of information on snifffr to help you. There is also a ‘ how does snifffr work ’ page which can provide further assistance. If you still have questions, then you can always reach out to snifffr support . Responses are usually provided within 24 hours.
Best of luck selling your used panties!
To use Private Message, please purchase snifffr coins or pass the snifffr fake check.

" Much more than just the ultimate place to buy and sell used panties. "

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Earn money the easy way

Ladies! Do you know that you can earn extra cash quickly and easily and save on laundry at the same time? There are hundreds of buyers just waiting to purchase your used panties. Our online marketplace is one of the biggest of its kind, and we offer exceptional benefits such as your own private online store.

100% Safe and Anonymous
We take your privacy seriously and whether you're buying or selling used panties, all of your details are anonymous at all times. Every deal that you are a part of is guaranteed 100% safe and completely secure.

Own Shop System
Our unique ShopSystem allows you to enjoy all the advantages of your own private online store. Post articles with details of the goods and services that you would like to buy or sell, and set your own prices. Your own ShopSysytem and comp card, plus a classified ads section are just some of the useful features that you can use to attract customers to you.

What can You Sell?

The world of adult entertainment and fun is at your fingertips, and you can sell a wide range of goods and services from your own private online shop. Sell digital goods including videos and photographs, or charge a fee for intimate private livecam sessions. Used panties are one of the most popular items that providers can sell but you can also sell other types of underwear and lingerie such as stockings or garter belts. Clothing, particularly fetish clothing such as leather and rubber is also in high demand.

Lots buyers waiting
We have hundreds of panty sniffers who are just waiting to hear from you. Set up your online store and start selling today. You'll be surprised at how quickly you make money and you can take direct orders for future panties.

Set Your Own Prices
Set your own prices for used panties and adult services and items. You can set your own prices depending on the type of underwear, the length of time the panties have been worn or any number of unique, personal selling points that make your panties exclusive to you. This applies to all goods that you sell via your private online shop.

Our great service for sellers
Our marketplace provides exceptional services for all sellers. Anonymity and privacy is guaranteed. You're free to post articles of your choice to advertise your services. Use a range of great tools and features to make setting up your own panty business even easier. Set your own rates and prices. Our exclusive ShopSystem is at your disposal and some of the benefits you can enjoy include - comp card, classified ads, picture album, video links, your own message system, chat for deals and communication with buyers.

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25 Websites for you to sell used panties online.
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Do you want to know more about how you can make money online by selling your used panties online?
The idea of selling your used panties is nothing new. The sale of used panties has been happening since before the internet made it more mainstream.
Yes, it is legal to sell your used panties online. However, there are a few countries where the sale of used underwear is not allowed.
Always do more research and make sure that it is legal to sell used panties in your country.
You must be 18 years and older to sell your used panties online.
Selling your used panties online is for adults only!
Some of the links on here are affiliate links, and I may earn if you click on them.
AT NO EXTRA cost to you. I hope you find the information here helpful! Thank you!
Yes, it is safe to sell your used panties online. There are many websites you can sign and join to sell your used panties online.
If you are not comfortable showing your face when selling your underwear, you don’t have to. There is no need for you to meet clients in person.
When you send your used panties to your clients, do not use your own address and do not add a return address on the package.
Payment options include the following:
Deciding on how much you will charge for your used panties online, there are factors to consider.
You can charge between $5 (on the very low end) to $150 ( on the high end).
Keep track of the expenses you have:
Buying new panties to sell, $2 – $10
Shipping panties to your clients will vary depending on the country you live in. Make sure you work out the cost of shipping and include this when working out your sale price.
The packaging you use to ship panties to your clients
Fees are payable to the platform(s) you are using to market the sale of your used panties.
Please remember that you will most likely not be making thousands of dollars a month when you start selling your used panties online.
There are people making thousands of dollars. For example, read this article on a woman who makes over $1 700 selling her used panties online.
However, when you start selling your used panties, treat it as a business from day one. Put in the time and effort, promote and market yourself online.
Make sure you upload quality, eye-catching photos. Remember, you want potential buyers to click on your photos and hopefully make a purchase.
Do not use blurry photos. People want to see what they want to buy.
Remember, when taking photos, you do not have to show your face.
Stand out research on the different websites selling used panties online and see what the top sellers are doing to make money. Then, get ideas and tips to use selling your used panties online.
Use different backgrounds, get creative.
Have a variety of pantie styles for sale:
Give potential buyers as much information possible like:
There are many websites where you can sell your used panties online like:
Many of the websites not only let you sell your used panties online but also:
Intimate items you have used or worn.
When you sell your used panties, it is a good idea to offer extras on top of what you are already selling. The longer you wear your panties for the more you can charge.
Some examples of extras you can offer:
Panties that are worn for a week or longer
Panties you have worn while pleasuring yourself
Panties with stains, mention what type of stains you offer
Photos, videos requests for clients
Offer a combo of dirty panties and dirty socks
Competition is stiff. Make sure you find a unique selling point.
Offer special requests for clients that are not being offered by other sellers online.
Sofia Gray was launched in 2015 and ensures complete buyer and seller anonymity.
Sofia Gray claims to be the largest and the safest marketplace to buy and sell used underwear online.
Sofia Gray charges a monthly hosting fee for hosting your store.
The “most active sellers” can sell around 8-10 panties a month, according to the website.
Sign up with Sofia Gray, visit their website and follow the steps to open your own shop.
Pantydeal is a community where people can enjoy their sexual fantasies, including buying and selling used panties online.
Pantydeal has a busy marketplace with over 1 000 000 buyers and sellers registered on the site.
On Panty Deal, you have your own online store, sell your items and set your own prices.
Selling prices for used panties range from $5 to as much as $100 for one panty on Pantydeal.
Panty.com makes it easy for you, the seller, to connect with thousands of buyers who purchase used panties daily online.
To sign up and join Panty.com, visit their website and register.
It is free to register and will only take you a few seconds to do.
Panty.com is open to people worldwide.
Whether you live in Australia or South Africa, you can join and sell your used panties on the platform.
Both men and women can join and sell their underwear on Panty.com
It is not just young people selling their used panties for money online.
Knickery does not charge a commission on sales. Instead, you get to keep the money for each sale you make on Knickery.
Pantry Trust was started in the late 2000s and is a peer-to-peer community operated by its members.
Pantry Trust is a panty fetish website dedicated to a growing community where people can share their panty fetish.
Pantry Trust has a membership fee, and membership cost is $50 or fifty pounds.
The good thing is that you get to keep a 100% of ALL your earnings.
Please note that Pantry Trust does not accept PayPal as a means of payment.
When you make a sale take special care packing your used panties for clients.
Before you send your used panties, please make sure you have fulfilled a request if you had one.
Place your used panties in a ziplock bag. Please do not put wet or damp panties in the ziplock bag. Doing so will affect the personal scent of the pantie. You want your unique smell to remain on the panty.
Let your used panty be completely dry before placing the panty in the ziplock bag and closing the bag.
Place your used panties in the ziplock bag. If you want to, you can wrap your panty in lovely tissue paper. If you want to add a personal touch, add a little thank you note.
Place nothing else in the bag you do not want to affect the smell of your used panties.
Use a padded brown or white envelope ( the ones with bubb
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