Where Do You Cum

Where Do You Cum


Where Do You Cum
My fiance' and I are both virgins and have agreed to not have sex until our wedding night (we want that to be a special time for the both of us). While I have never had sex before, I do understand quite a bit and have read up on several things. My question then is where is the best "place" (if you will) to ejaculate after sex? She is going on birth control soon so it wont be a big deal if I let it go inside of her, but is that the best place? Should I pull out right before? What is more enjoyable for her? (that is my main focus b/c I just want it to be good for her!) Please any help will be appreciated (ladies your info is really what I'm looking for!)

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11 Answers - ( Newest, 30 March 2017)

I know what they do in p*rn, but in real life what do guys normally do with the sperm when they pull out of a girl?
Where do guys ejaculate when they pull out?
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I honestly, don't care where I come as long as I get to come and not have to hold it in. But preference would be in her mouth, on her chest/stomach or back. Every once in a while on her face when I get that urge, but most of the time I find that unattractive, but every once in a while it turns me on.
I try to finish on her stomach or back/butt depending on position, but sometimes it shoots too far and gets a bit messy. Its easy to clean off of skin, not hair or the bed.
My boyfriend shoots on my tummy or butt depending on my position
Is it gross? It kind of turns my stomach in p*rn. I've only had sex with a condom, but my boyfriend rerally wants to try without and I'm a little worrired about where it's going to go when he pulls out. I'm glad to see guys don't go just for the face.
Well in the beginning It did kinda scare me, but just between us girls it is a big difference a condom and no condom just make sure you do foreplay before you go in naked. Shooting the gun too soon can be dangerous (especially if you are not on the pill) because it feels Really really good! Getting a little mess on your tummy or bottom is almost worth it. Just make sure HE wipes it of for you. Hope this helps! Best of luck
Ya I have heard it's much better without a condom. I just don't think I can handle come on my face. I told him today we could try it if he will shoot it only on my stomach.
I always shoot it on her stomach. It's the easiest place.
on her stomach or boobs if I'm quick enough and my girl lets me =]
Depending on the position, just outside of the vagina...on the belly or on the butt, unless it is requested elsewhere.
I usually shoot it at her boobs or back.
My girl's black so I like to shoot on her face and make it look like a chocolate bunt cake.
On the bed. I leave "pecker tracks".

Here's How Ejaculation Actually Works
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Ejaculation may feel like a glorious mess, as uncontrollable as an avalanche or a runaway train. In reality, it’s a tightly choreographed court dance: integrating three different branches of the nervous system, triggering cascades of contractions in smooth and striated muscles, all accompanied by the electrical storm of orgasm. Here’s how it works.
Ejaculation is the endpoint of a process that begins with a touch. Skin covering the shaft and glans of the penis is filled with nerve endings sensitive to pressure and vibration. Stroking that skin sends signals to the brain that say ‘sexytime!”
The brain bundles those signals into the gestalt of information that it’s getting from other parts of the body: eyes, nose, imagination, and if sexual arousal develops, it responds by making that penile skin even more sensitive to touch. More touching further increases sensitivity, in a positive feedback loop that can build to a show-stopping involuntary eruption.
When enough stimulation trips arousal over into orgasm, it also triggers a storm of activity in the three ejaculatory centers deep in the brain. These areas, in the hypothalamus and the midbrain, fire off a pattern of impulses to coordinate the release of sperm from the testes, the creation of semen, and tie the final contractions tossing semen out of the body to the feelings of orgasm.
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Before the spurting can begin, sperm need to be brought out of storage and put in position. And despite the tails, they can’t yet swim for themselves .
Instead, smooth muscles in the walls of male reproductive organs contract in a coordinated wave. The conveyor-belt like movement takes concentrated masses of sperm from the epididymis where they matured and dumps them into the urethra at the base of the penis. Along the way, they pass by a series of glands (like the seminal vesicles and the prostate) which each squeeze out specialized fluids that dilute the sperm and create the complex goo we call semen.
Semen accumulates at the back end of the penis, inside the base of an erectile structure called the corpus spongiosum (or in older papers, the corpus cavernosum urethrae ). The corpus spongiosum is the odd man out of the three erectile structures inside the penis: unlike the two erection-producing corpora cavernosa that run alongside it, the corpus spongiosum is softer and flares at its tip to form the glans. Its base also swells slightly, forming a structure called the urethral bulb.
The urethra plunges into the middle of the bulb in a sort of turducken of sexual tissues: urethra at the center, erectile tissue surrounding it, all wrapped in layers of muscle. As semen fills the urethra, pressure starts to build in the bulb. The muscular conveyor belt from the reproductive ducts keeps pushing more fluid forward, and the bladder prevents back-flow by sealing its opening into the urethra. (The fact that the bladder closes up shop is also why urine doesn’t spurt out at orgasm.)
With nowhere else to go, the semen inflates the urethral bulb like a water balloon. As the bulb swells to 2-3 times its normal diameter, it adds “I’m full” signals to the erotic mix.
The whole process–called emission– has taken about 3 seconds, and it’s been paired with a growing feeling of inevitability. Now we’re ready for the big finish.
This is the point at which wads are shot, loads are dropped, rocks are shot off. The euphemisms are telling: the main event– expulsion –is completely involuntary, a reflex run by the spinal cord, no brain input needed. And once it starts, it can’t be stopped.
The signal that tells male genitals the big moment has arrived comes from a group of neurons near the base of the spinal cord called Onuf’s nucleus. Once triggered, their signals take control of the muscles at the base of the penis and touch off a series of strong involuntary contractions.
One of the muscles in question, the bulbospongiosus (also called the bulbocavernosus in old texts), surrounds the entire urethral bulb and the rear of the corpus spongiosum. A second surrounds the urethra proper. Together, they form a muscular pump that can throw semen out of the body with a surprising amount of force.
When the right signal arrives, the pumping starts. Both muscles contract together rhythmically, raising the pressure in the urethral bulb in pulses and pushing semen through the urethra in spurts. Each high pressure push is followed by a short period of relaxation which lets the urethral bulb refill with semen. Sensory feedback from the pulsed contractions tie into (and may intensify) the brain’s orgasmic cascades.
The pressure change in the urethral bulb is substantial: each contraction also creates sympathetic pressure peaks in the blood inside the erect corpus spongiosum. The first few squeezes are so forceful that semen doesn’t simply travel the 5 to 6 inches of the penile urethra to its opening in the glans–the first few spurts can fly one to two feet through the air beyond it.
The muscles follow up the first three or four strong contractions with several seconds of slower, weaker pulses, moving between 2 to 5 milliliters of semen to the outside world. Once that’s done, at least for a while, all that’s left is the mopping up.
Top image GPS via Flickr | CC BY 2.0 ; other images Henry Vandyke Carter from Gray’s Anatomy (1918) via Wikimedia
Contact the author at diane@io9.com .

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Explore how cumming inside feels, why it’s a major turn-on for men and women, safety, precautions, clean up — and ultimately, if it’s right for you.

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Bottom Line: Cumming inside feels differently for men and women but the pleasurable sensations and physical reactions serve as very erotic turn-ons. Some women feel a rush of heat or wetness when their partners cum (although not all women do) and many enjoy knowing that their partner was satisfied. Men also feel closeness with their partners after cumming inside, which makes them feel bonded.
Bottom Line: Cumming inside is enjoyable for both partners for many reasons. It’s the exclamation point of lovemaking and accents the intimacy of the moment, but it also acknowledges our softer, more sensitive side — as well as our most basic instincts and erotic desires. It can increase spontaneity and enable people to explore their human nature more freely, but it is also an erotic act that can be a fetish for some.
Bottom Line: The choice to let a man cum inside you should be weighed against the potential for pregnancy (whether you are on birth control or not) and the intimidating risks of STIs and STDs whenever you have unprotected sex. Semen can temporarily affect vaginal pH, which may lead to irritation or infections in women who are prone to them. Additionally, some people may have allergic reactions to semen; in such cases, cumming inside is ill-advised.

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Bottom Line: The Dripstick from Awkward Essentials is a convenient, quick, safe, and disposable way to clean up cum before it runs. While it takes some getting used to and can feel a little like inserting a tampon, mastering this product will change the aftermath of your sex life forever.

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Bottom Line: Cumming inside may not be the cleanest way to reach climax but with some planning and healthy investment in quality towels or products, handling the aftermath doesn’t have to be an awkward nuisance.

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» Sexuality & Sexual Health » Everything You Want To Know About Cumming Inside
There are a lot of questions and curiosity when it comes to cumming inside: 
As with everything else in life, there are pros and cons associated with cumming inside your partner or allowing your partner to cum inside you, including the risk of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases and infections.
If you’re considering taking your sexual prowess to the next level, it’s important to understand this intimate act in all aspects — especially if you’re trying to determine whether it’s the right choice for you and your partner.
Cumming inside refers to what happens when a man ejaculates in a woman’s vagina or anus during penetrative sex.
Popular slang for the act of cumming includes: nutting, busting a nut, jizzing, blowing your load, or blowing your wad.
Similarly, “ creampie ” is a term often used to describe ejaculating inside your partner — specifically, the act of seeing it fill an orifice.
While a man can technically wear a condom and cum inside a man or woman, for the purposes of this article, we’re referring specifically to the sexual act of finishing inside without one.
According to several of our sex forum participants and team members, not necessarily.
“I don’t feel the ‘spurt’ like they write in all the romance novels,” one woman said .
“Sometimes if the man stays still while shooting and it comes out with enough force, I can feel it hitting something inside me down there,” another explained, adding that his penis has to be large enough and deep inside her for those sensations to occur.
“If we aren’t moving too vigorously, I will feel his penis get bigger for a few moments and then begin pulsing,” one forum user noted . “I am also conscious of things getting wetter down there. But I don’t actually feel spurts of semen.”
Although no two experiences are exactly the same, there are plenty of women who enjoy having their partners cum inside of them — they just don’t always feel it.
A woman’s vaginal sensitivity and physical position during climax can affect her ability to feel a man ejaculate inside, but it’s also possible that the cum itself is a factor, as well.
Our Editor-In-Chief, Alison Huff , said:
“Usually, the most I feel is a sudden rush of heat as it’s occurring, but it also depends on what position we’re in when he finishes. I have to wonder, too, if the amount of cum has an effect on whether or not I feel it. Not that I’ve ever measured the amount afterward to find out, but it’s possible that the size of the load makes it easier (or harder) to feel as it’s happening.”
“I think it’s the peak of enjoyment, holding [his penis] tight inside and it just vibrates, fires like a gun, and releases.”
“I love feeling the man shudder and groan as he cums deep inside me. It’s so delicious and satisfying.”
“I haven’t had many partners, so I don’t have a lot to compare, but to be able to actually feel him release still blows my mind.”
These are just a few ways some of the women in our sex forums described their reaction to having their partners finish inside of them.
“I actually enjoy feeling wet the next day,” one forum user said . “Reminds me of the night before or the times to come.”
For women who find enjoyment when their partner finishes inside them , this part of the act plays a large role in their sexual satisfaction.
A 2018 study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found the following results after interviewing 240 heterosexual, sexually active women about this very topic:
Susan Milstein, who holds a Ph.D. in Human Sexuality Education and sits on our medical review board , said, “ For some women, just knowing that their partner ejaculated can make them feel good about the experience.”
“It’s about them enjoying the actual feeling of a guy ejaculating inside them,” she explained. “That warm sensation can help turn them on and some women may get off on that feeling.”
Carol Queen , who holds a Ph.D. and is a staff sexologist for Good Vibrations, agrees.
“For some, internal ejaculation is more erotic and/or emotionally satisfying. It can make couples feel bonded,” she explained. “Some people fetishize it.”
“Finishing inside a partner feels like you’re eating the biggest, reddest, juiciest bison steak you’ve ever had the pleasure of sinking your teeth into,” says Jesse, a 42-year-old man from Sweden.
For many men, cumming inside a woman is considered to be the sexual Holy Grail because of how good it physically feels for them.
“It feels like being enveloped,” Chris Fernandez , CEO of Women’s Health Interactive, said. “You’re inside of something that’s warm, that’s protective, that’s inviting.”
“It’s carnal, instinctual, passionate,” he noted. “It just really kind of bonds two people together.”
“It’s almost like an expression of the truth,” Chris added. “It’s just a wonderful experience.”
David, a 29-year-old from Wisconsin, told us that finishing inside his wife makes him feel very close to her.
“Being physically wrapped around her womanhood is an incredibly emotional experience.”
Jamie, a married 42-year-old from Philadelphia, PA, explained that when cumming inside his wife, “There is a sense of total satisfaction and a release from primal energy that spews forth from the body. This is increased when my wife orgasms at the same time I’m releasing inside of her.”
Others find the act of cumming inside to be the ultimate representation of bonding physically and emotionally with their partner.
“I find a very deep connection when I release inside,” one member of Women’s Health Interactive’s sex forum said . “There has never been a time when it wasn’t wonderful.”
“One of the most connecting moments is after her orgasm and my ejaculation,” he explained, referencing “that time immediately following — when both bodies are trying to calm down from the intense release.”
“It’s in this moment when there is semen inside her and I know I have given her that special part of my substance,” he said.
“We just stay physically connected (inserted) and kiss passionately, I let her know how much I love her, [and] we look into each other’s eyes.”
Men and women may enjoy cumm
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