When the Ship Sailed

When the Ship Sailed

When very young I was a pirate for nearly ten years and I commanded my own crew and ship. I was pardoned by the King of England. I can't tell you which one because it just isn't done. Pirates walk the plank or are hung. I gave my ship to my second in command and it still flies the flag and prowls the seas and there are times I wish it was still mine. I work on ships as a Mate and I enjoy it. 

I have been 1st mate on the Anna Bella for nearly 2 years now and we had left port from London A month ago. Our cargo was mixed but we were hauling a good load for the pirates if they knew. Plus we were invaded with one of the Kings' nieces. She was young beautiful and a complete pain in the ass. She has three hand maidens to care for her, which were also beautiful too. And One of them was holding onto my heart. 

I was keeping a sharp eye out on this trip as I had more to lose on this one. The woman I loved being on board. We were out three weeks when the ship was sited following us. I got the glass out and could see it was a gun ship and it carried colors Skull and crossed bones. I called for all my sails. We had just gotten to a good pull when the Captain counter maned my command and we pulled our sails. 

He was going to surrender to them. I was not. I had a hole to hide in deep in the hold back in a corner where I met Lila the hand maiden I so loved. I needed to get to her before we were taken. But the Kings Guard had already sealed the quarters where they were. 

As they came along side I slipped into my hidden place and hid. I could hear them taking the ship from the captain and crew. They came down into the hold and I could hear them looking over the goods stored down there. They didn't look deep enough to find me. I couldn't hear what was going on top side so I dressed in my old Pirate garb and began to slip up out of the hold. Nobody seemed to pay any attention to me as I came up on deck. I was just another pirate and I fit in quite well. 

I saw them break into the cabin quarters of the niece of the King And their guard stood fast but they were taken down. They dragged the women out onto the upper deck. I saw their Captain motion to them to take the girls over to his ship. He and I both followed as they dragged them onto his ship. 

"To the masts." 

I knew exactly what this was and for the life of me I could not find a way to prevent it. I could yell the Kings Niece but that likely would only expose myself. So I just followed along. I could only watch as they stripped the four girls naked and began fixing them to the masts for their gang raping. The men were stripping their cloths off and arguing about which female they wanted first. 

I was shocked to see the King's Niece stripped naked and tied in place to be given to his men for their pleasure. She was very pretty and her body very healthy. I watched as she was taken and she screamed as if a virgin but I knew better. I could not see my Lila as she was tied to the last mast down and on the back side from me. I circled trying to get her in view. As I came around to where she was in view a large group of men were around where she was tied. 

A very large black man was already firmly up inside Lila mating with her. Her head was thrown back as he pounded firmly up into her and his mouth was busy on her breasts sucking and biting them. She was thrusting her nipples to his hungry mouth. He pulled her mouth down to his and I could see their tongs working in a battle of their own. My Lila was being well pleasured and I could see she was going to be very busy for some time. 

I crossed back over on the ship I was mate on and looked things over. I wanted to see if they were moving goods to the pirate ship or if they were to take her with the goods on her. I returned to the pirate ship and the women tied to the masts as their rapes continued. I crossed to the group who was using the Kings niece and got in line. There were 8 men ahead of me and I waited as they fucked her. My turn came and I stepped up and shoved up inside her. I whispered into her ear I was Lila's friend and I would release them if I could. 

"Please don't stop this. I want them all. Let them fuck me, all of them. I want this to happen. After then if you can free us." 

I groaned and slipped from her. I rounded to where Lila was being enjoyed and got in her line. I was in line behind several black pirates as I waited. The fucking she was taking from the men ahead of me in line was it seemed very passionately done and it appeared she was very actively putting herself into each man passionately. I could hear her moans of passion as she was taken. And from what I could hear she had climaxed several times. 

The line moved and my turn came and I entered her and we began to mate. She moaned. 

"It is nice to feel a cock I know and love. My Princess instructed us to give ourselves to these men completely. I believe you can tell we are." 

"When they finish with you girls I will free you if I can." 

I fucked my Lila as usual and she climaxed for me. As I turned I saw the line was long behind me and the next guy who was black slid up into her an began to fuck her. I could hear her talking to him. 

"Oh ya. baby give me that big cock." 

I was surprised and amused at the Princess and her girls giving themselves up completely to the pirates. I made my moves to take the ship and it's cargo and I began to plan to take both ships and to become a pirate again. My planning included a few friends I felt I might trust and an open take over of the pirate ship and the women becoming the men's play toys. 

I had to think the last part over some? I loved my little hand maiden but her passion while being fucked by the pirates I felt was a little too real so in all good feelings how could I take that away from her or from them? I decided I didn't want to. 

I continued my Planning to take both ships and go back to my former life as a pirate. I slipped back to our ship they had taken and freed the friends I knew I could trust and then I began to turn the ones I felt maybe could be turned. I killed two of his crew I knew I could not trust and I freed the members of the guard I needed to retake the ship. 

And as quietly as we could we did so. Once we had taken the ship back completely I turned the soldiers loose to help hold it and I took a small crew back to the Pirate ship. We scouted the pirate ship to find the rest of the crew from the other ship. And found the Skipper and mates were locked in cages in the hold of the pirate ship. The Skipper could not be trusted and he was a fool I had full sail on the old girl and more than a good chance to have out run the pirate ship. He has pulled sail and surrendered. We went to the hold turned my mates loose and I cut the skippers' throat. 

I am not sure he was a bad man but, just a stupid one and he and my mates would have walked the plank. I stepped out on the deck of the pirate ship and told them my name. The fight was short and bloody and most of his crew were more in favor of me being in charge than of him. 

Had I been in charge of the ship taken I could have out run him. But I also had him out gunned too so more than likely I would have turned and just sunk him. It worked out so much better this way. I had the four young women brought to the helm of the captured ship. I stood them naked before the crew. 

"These young women are crew whores to be enjoyed as you desire." We raised the colors above my ship and I put my second Mate in charge of the pirate ship. And we sailed off to a safe port.











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