When online seminar has unique video content, don't look them up, instead, download the video file instead

When online seminar has unique video content, don't look them up, instead, download the video file instead

This is applicable to live videos which are restricted to subscribers only , and have a only a brief duration. This has never been an issue for me. Because I use the WiFi hotspot mobile in the motel that is next to my home, I experience very infrequent and slow Internet connection. I'll occasionally take water to their offices. They then update their password each week. I save money by not having to purchase my own internet. What is the time-saving benefit of just having a home cable connection? I prefer to connect to the Internet at the motel and avoid that. This allows me to to be more discrete. I prefer not to be able to identify my address when I use the Internet.

You can find an interesting online seminar from your investing advisor, or a guest lecture from a prominent professor at my school or an underground stream. My slow internet connection is making it difficult to stream video. It takes me about 2 more times longer to download videos onto my computer, as I will demonstrate below. That means my connection is 30% faster than the speed I need to view videos without buffering interruptions and smoothy. So I've discovered the most effective method to get around that speed restriction and simply save online videos to my laptop, to watch it over and over without having to stream it again and again, as my Internet connection can't handle this kind of load...

Here's the most recent I've done. I open Chrome browser, Firefox, Safari, or any other browser that supports inspect tab. Right click on the page to open the inspect page. After that, go over to the network tab and find the video playlist. It will usually include the m3u8 extension. It could also be a file with a different extension. However, those characters will be present which means it's a particular playlist for the video stream. What happens is that your video stream is divided into several small files that the internet browser downloads in succession and then plays them in order to ensure that you get a continuous video stream. This is a seamless procedure that requires more transfer than the file's size. But this is how the MPEG stream is created and it's not a reason to complain.

Finally I right-click on the playlist file and copy the URL (into the clipboard) Then I go to the website to download online video. I type the video playlist URL in the input box, press submit, and am presented with several download options. They provide possible file sizes as well as the time to transfer. The higher the quality of the file, the larger it'll become. I prefer to pick lower quality even if it's slow for my Internet.

I set download the file, usually it's mp4 for video format. It can take a long time however the payoff is well worth it. It's difficult to watch live, so I save videos online to my personal computer. This lets me keep up with all data available. It's my way of doing it to keep my brain with new concepts and concepts. This is how I bring all this to life when I save video and avoid WiFi. I suggest you try it too. No buffering, lagging, just smooth streaming.

keep vid

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