When denominations became so large and organized, they slowly became the equivalent of fast food chains.

When denominations became so large and organized, they slowly became the equivalent of fast food chains.


When denominations became so large and organized, they slowly became the equivalent of fast food chains competing for members, not saving souls. Creating a Fast food version of Sermons and prayer. Of course then that happen you knew these larger denominations would become apostate first. As the Demons of Apostasy infect the church like an airborne virus.

The church has always been infected with false teachings and false prophets. But in recent years, the problem has become much worse. Large denominations are now competing for members, not souls. They are creating a fast food version of sermons and prayer, and apostasy is spreading like an airborne virus.

The root of the problem is that people are more interested in numbers than in truth. They want to be part of a large, successful organization, not a small, struggling one. So they flock to the churches with the biggest buildings and the most exciting programs.

But size does not equal spirituality. In fact, many of the largest churches are the most apostate. They have abandoned the truth of the gospel in favor of a gospel of prosperity and self-fulfillment. They offer feel-good messages that make people feel good about themselves, but they don't challenge them to turn from their sin and follow Jesus.

As a result, the church is in danger of becoming irrelevant. It is becoming more and more like the world, and the world is becoming more and more like the church. When that happens, the church will have lost its saltiness and will no longer be able to preserve the gospel.

The solution is not to try to make the church bigger or more popular. The solution is to return to the basics of the gospel and to proclaim the truth without compromise. We need to preach a gospel that is offensive and exclusive, not a gospel that is palatable and inclusive. We need to call sin by its name and urge people to repent. We need to challenge people to follow Jesus, not just admire him from a distance.

It's time for the church to take a stand against apostasy. It's time to be the salt and light that Jesus called us to be.

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