When can I get a payout?

When can I get a payout?

Last updated: March 14, 2022

Payout schedule | Payout limits | Billing cycles

Payout schedule

We will send you a payout twice (2) a month if you have passed the minimum payout balance limit.

  • on the 25th day (or on the nearest business day) of the calendar month — for payments collected from the 1st to 15th day of the calendar month,
  • on the 10th day (or on the nearest business day) of the calendar month — for payments collected from the 16th to 31st day of the previous calendar month.

Once sent, it should arrive within a few days, up to a month, depending on your payout method of choice and your country.

Payout limits

There are certain limits that have to be in place. We need to ensure everyone is safe and smart about the costs.

  • €100 minimum payout balance to a bank card.
  • €100 minimum payout balance to a bank account.

Billing cycles

There are two billing periods:

1) 1st to 15th day of the calendar month

2) 16th to 31st day of the calendar month

Depending on the day you check your balance, one of these billing cycles may be either current or previous.

The current period shows the amount collected but not yet settled to you. It will change every time you receive a payment until the billing period is closed.

The previous period shows the amount collected and settled to you. This amount doesn't change unless you didn't exceed the required minimum balance for payout.

If you don't reach the minimum payout balance during the billing cycle, the collected amount will be shown as the balance for the previous period for the duration of the next cycle. It will be settled to you on the next billing date when your total collected amount reaches the minimum payout balance.

If you haven't reached the minimum payout balance for more than one billing cycle, the amounts will be added and shown as the previous period's balance.

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