When Should Athletes Wear Rash Guards for Maximum Benefits?

When Should Athletes Wear Rash Guards for Maximum Benefits?


Rash guards have become an integral part of the attire for many athletes, especially in sports like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) where they provide numerous benefits. However, understanding when to wear a rash guard can maximize these advantages. In this guide, we explore the situations and scenarios where athletes should don this essential piece of sportswear for optimal results.

1. During BJJ Training Sessions

Wearing a rash guard during BJJ training sessions is a no-brainer. Here's why:

  • Hygiene: BJJ involves close physical contact, and practitioners often sweat profusely. Rash guards act as a barrier, reducing direct skin-to-skin contact, and help in preventing skin infections.
  • Reduced Gi Burn: If you practice BJJ regularly, you're familiar with gi burn – the abrasions caused by friction between your skin and the gi fabric. A rash guard provides a protective layer, reducing the risk of gi burn.
  • Comfort: Rash guards are designed to wick moisture away from your skin, keeping you dry and comfortable even during intense training sessions.

2. When Competing in IBJJF Tournaments

The International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) has strict regulations regarding attire during competitions. If you're participating in IBJJF tournaments, an IBJJF legal rash guard is mandatory. These rash guards are designed to meet the federation's guidelines for fit, design, and color. Wearing one ensures you stay compliant with the rules while competing at your best.

3. During No-Gi BJJ Training

No-gi BJJ involves training without the traditional gi uniform. Rash guards are a fundamental part of no-gi attire. They provide grip for your opponents, making it challenging for them to secure submissions. Additionally, they offer the usual benefits like hygiene and protection.

4. While Rolling at Open Mat Sessions

Open mat sessions often involve a mix of gi and no-gi training. Wearing a rash guard allows you to seamlessly transition between the two styles, providing you with an added layer of protection and comfort when needed.

5. In Hot and Humid Climates

In hot and humid environments, athletes are prone to excessive sweating. Rash guards with moisture-wicking properties help keep you cool by transferring sweat away from your body. This cooling effect can significantly enhance your performance and prevent overheating.

6. When Participating in Ranked BJJ

For those pursuing ranked BJJ, specialized BJJ-ranked rash guards are ideal. These rash guards feature distinct colors and designs corresponding to your belt rank. They serve as a badge of honor, showcasing your progress and dedication to the sport.

7. During Submissions and Drills

When practicing submissions and drills, rash guards come in handy. They provide a better grip, especially when you're attempting various holds and locks. Plus, they reduce skin friction, making these training sessions more comfortable.


Understanding when to wear a rash guard can significantly enhance your athletic performance, hygiene, and overall experience in sports like BJJ. Whether it's during training sessions, IBJJF tournaments, no-gi BJJ, open mat sessions, or ranked BJJ, these versatile pieces of sportswear provide a range of benefits. So, gear up in a high-quality rash guard, like the IBJJF legal rash guards from Submissionary, and elevate your performance while staying stylish and compliant with the rules of the game.

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