When Is National Steak And Blow Day

When Is National Steak And Blow Day


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It's Steak And Blow Job day on the 14th of March.

The most recent detection of references to Steak And Blow Job Day was 1 year, 5 months ago.

There were many celebrations relating to national holdiays written about on social media that our algorithms picked up on the 14th of March. In total we detected 117 total unique days being shared such as Breakfast Day which had 36,127 people talking about it, or Napping Day having 9,254 tweets.

The day shown for 'National Steak And Blow Job Day' is based off how much chitter-chatter and buzz there was on March 14, 2016 across social media making references to 'Steak And Blow Job Day' . Our algorithms examine all of the references to National Days across social media and updates whatnationaldayisit.com hourly, with our homepage displaying the current national day, including others such as: Nap , Pi or Potato Chip Day . This crowdsourcing of data method to assess the National Steak And Blow Job Day date is used as opposed to being connected with any Government sacntioned lists :D Hurrah for democracy by concensus!

We've put together the following resources full of nifty tips on how to increase the reach of Steak And Blow Job Day.
The resources include: graphs, badges, and resources on what steps to take to boost Steak And Blow Job Day's visibility.

We don't have an international authority or governmental remit to declare any officially celebrated "national Steak And Blow Job day" . We only aim to programatically reflect what 'National Day' it is based of what The Internet Says It Is . We believe this is much more fun as it reflects the nature of how the most amusing / interesting national days are often created organically and grow based off popular social trends and sharing, as such we don't add new days to our database unless they are organically observed on social media.

Yes? No.. Sort of | Maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What's really intersting is how whilst some National Days like National Daughters Day are seemingly celebrated internationally irrespective of geography, some very popular days (That often become the No. 1 National Day on our homepage) are in fact locally very specific and are offical holidays celebrated on a Country's national calendar. Take National Rambutan Day for instance, Rambutan is a popular Souteast Asian fruit and not seen so much in the UK, Europe or the USA. Some regionally specific trends subsequently become immensely popular internationally and worldwide, partly fuelled by widely shared 'National Days', National Pabebe Wave Day being one such example.

We're now tracking the sentiment around every mention of Steak And Blow Job day to show how people feel about Steak And Blow Job. See if people like Steak And Blow Job here .
We're detecting how Steak And Blow Job affects other things more widely than just being a celebrated day. See how Steak And Blow Job affects company share prices.

Yes, this is strangely enough entirely possible. The date shown for National Steak And Blow Job Day can change, if for instance several hundred people tweeted about Steak And Blow Job Day in early April, then in May a few thousand people tweeted about Steak And Blow Job day, then the date shown for National Steak And Blow Job Day, could come up twice :D

We have also detected mentions of Steak And Blow Job day on;

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There's Another 'Holiday' Today, And It's Not Pi Day

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There’s a bunch of unofficial and silly holidays people celebrate in different parts of the world almost every day of the year. There’s a National Spaghetti Day, a Super Mario Day, a National Zipper Day, a World Party Day, and of course, there’s Star Wars Day. You get the idea. 
While a lot of these holidays are strange and/or funny, they’re all pretty harmless. But then we get one like what we’re “celebrating” today that kind of needs a second look, not to mention a NSFW tag.
Steak and Blowjob Day is apparently a real thing and it’s observed every year on March 14. Yup, exactly one month after Valentine’s Day and the same day as the other, more mainstream holiday called National Pi Day. Unlike other holidays that are a bit more vague (wtf do we celebrate on National Panic Day?!), S+BJ Day is pretty self-explanatory: it’s a day where men are expected to be served a fine steak dinner followed by, well, fellatio.
There are a few websites claiming to be the official home for the observance on the internet (we’ll let you google those yourself), but none actually claim to have started it. What we do know is that S+BJ Day was almost certainly invented by a guy named Tom Birdsey, a radio DJ back from Boston, Massachusetts in 2002. That would make this year’s, um, festivities its 20th anniversary. 
Then again, there are those who say that the idea actually came from another American radio host (what is it with questionable holidays and radio DJs?)—Dave Rickards from San Diego, California, who supposedly first proposed Steak and Knobber Day a full four years earlier in 1998. 
Whoever first dreamed up of this cultural observance, the parameters remain the same: men (supposedly) deserve a day to enjoy two of life’s greatest pleasures, and what could be better than having them both on the same day?
But of course, it’s not exactly that simple, not if women have anything to say about it. The day itself might have been invented as a joke, but in today’s world where everything is fair game, and every cultural touchpoint is scrutinized endlessly and weighed against prevailing social norms, S+BJ Day has become yet another issue for feminists to rally against the patriarchy. For the holiday’s detractors, the very idea that there is a day devoted to women to once again display their subservience to men is insulting. (That’s if you’re operating under the assumption that oral sex is a chore that the giver must get through rather than something that both parties find pleasure in). 
Of course, we might be overthinking it. For a lot of people, S+BJ Day is just another day cooked up by bored bros out for a few laughs; a distraction from the humdrum sameness of everyday life. Then again, there are probably much more people out there unaware that there was even such a thing, until articles like this one called their attention to it. If you’re offended, then we owe you an apology.
But if you’re grateful for the extra knowledge and the #TIL (today I learned) moment, and fully intend to celebrate, well then, you’re welcome.

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There's Another 'Holiday' Today, And It's Not Pi Day

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There’s a bunch of unofficial and silly holidays people celebrate in different parts of the world almost every day of the year. There’s a National Spaghetti Day, a Super Mario Day, a National Zipper Day, a World Party Day, and of course, there’s Star Wars Day. You get the idea. 
While a lot of these holidays are strange and/or funny, they’re all pretty harmless. But then we get one like what we’re “celebrating” today that kind of needs a second look, not to mention a NSFW tag.
Steak and Blowjob Day is apparently a real thing and it’s observed every year on March 14. Yup, exactly one month after Valentine’s Day and the same day as the other, more mainstream holiday called National Pi Day. Unlike other holidays that are a bit more vague (wtf do we celebrate on National Panic Day?!), S+BJ Day is pretty self-explanatory: it’s a day where men are expected to be served a fine steak dinner followed by, well, fellatio.
There are a few websites claiming to be the official home for the observance on the internet (we’ll let you google those yourself), but none actually claim to have started it. What we do know is that S+BJ Day was almost certainly invented by a guy named Tom Birdsey, a radio DJ back from Boston, Massachusetts in 2002. That would make this year’s, um, festivities its 20th anniversary. 
Then again, there are those who say that the idea actually came from another American radio host (what is it with questionable holidays and radio DJs?)—Dave Rickards from San Diego, California, who supposedly first proposed Steak and Knobber Day a full four years earlier in 1998. 
Whoever first dreamed up of this cultural observance, the parameters remain the same: men (supposedly) deserve a day to enjoy two of life’s greatest pleasures, and what could be better than having them both on the same day?
But of course, it’s not exactly that simple, not if women have anything to say about it. The day itself might have been invented as a joke, but in today’s world where everything is fair game, and every cultural touchpoint is scrutinized endlessly and weighed against prevailing social norms, S+BJ Day has become yet another issue for feminists to rally against the patriarchy. For the holiday’s detractors, the very idea that there is a day devoted to women to once again display their subservience to men is insulting. (That’s if you’re operating under the assumption that oral sex is a chore that the giver must get through rather than something that both parties find pleasure in). 
Of course, we might be overthinking it. For a lot of people, S+BJ Day is just another day cooked up by bored bros out for a few laughs; a distraction from the humdrum sameness of everyday life. Then again, there are probably much more people out there unaware that there was even such a thing, until articles like this one called their attention to it. If you’re offended, then we owe you an apology.
But if you’re grateful for the extra knowledge and the #TIL (today I learned) moment, and fully intend to celebrate, well then, you’re welcome.

Discover the best of culture, business, and style from Esquire Philippines. Visit Quento for more stories and subscribe to our YouTube channel for new videos. 

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We recommend reading: How To Tell Steak Doneness With Hand?
Steak and Blowjob Day is an unofficial joke holiday that takes place on March 14th, one month after Valentine’s Day, and is celebrated by eating steak and blowing it up. As a dude-centric response to Valentine’s Day, it incorporates the two things that guys are stereotypically fond of: meat and more specifically, the consumption of meat.
Steak and Blowjob Day is observed annually on March 14, one month after Valentine’s Day, which is observed on February 14.
The date, location, reason, and manner in which Steak and BJ Day will be observed in 2021/2022 are all listed here. Steak and BJ Day are two of my favorite things. Steak and BJ Day is a non-official conditional holiday that is observed on March 14th. It was created as a male counterpart to Valentine’s Day, which explains why it is observed precisely one month after this occasion.
Instead of March 14, some people recommend that March 20 be observed as Steak and Knobber Day, either because the former was declared by another radio DJ Dave Rickards in 1998 as Steak and Knobber Day, or because the latter coincides with Pi Day, which commemorates the mathematical constant Pi (pi).
″Steak and Blowjob Day″ was established on March 14th, according to one of the several websites seeking to be designated as the ″official″ page of the day. Straightforward, effective, and self-explanatory. There are no greeting cards, no flowers, and no special nights out; the name says it all: just a steak and a BJ’s cocktail. That’s all there is to it.’
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