When His Wife

When His Wife


When His Wife

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Claudia always thought her husband was a faithful man until he brought his mistress to their home while she was asleep.
Claudia's husband, David, was an attractive and fit young man with a history of being a playboy. However, he vowed to change when he met Claudia and showed his fidelity during their five-year courtship. After getting married, the couple moved into a small but cozy Manhattan apartment.
Although Claudia loved and trusted her husband, her friends did not. They never spoke ill of David to Claudia but instead told her not to turn a blind eye. Since Claudia's work involved a lot of traveling, her friend Misha would tease, "when the cat's away, the mouse will play."
A woman sleeps while a man surprises another girl. | Source: Shutterstock
During their second year of marriage, Claudia had a five-day business trip to Arizona. While she was away, she and her husband would stay updated, but as Misha predicted, David played around while Claudia was gone as he had been for several months in the past.
The day before her return, David invited his mistress for an intimate dinner in their home. When the doorbell rang, David ran to answer it, expecting his other woman, Katrina, but to his surprise, Claudia stood before him. Shocked, David closed the door in her face. "David? What the hell! Open the door," she said.
"Hold on, honey," he said while panicking. "You're early. I had a surprise for you." When David finally let Claudia in, she was surprised to see a beautiful setup and a candle-lit dinner. "Did you make all this?" she said excitedly. "Wait, how did you know I was coming home early?"
David then lied and claimed that his wife told him about the early flight. Since she was so tired, Claudia believed that she probably forgot about the conversation because of stress at work. David requested Claudia to put on her best evening dress for dinner, to which she complied.
A woman and a man hugging in bed. | Source: Shutterstock
Meanwhile, David was contemplating canceling the date with Katrina, but by the time he pulled out his phone, she was already on the way. Embarrassed to cancel, the man just thought of another plan. He quickly went to their medicine cabinet, grabbed two sleeping pills, crushed them, and mixed it in his wife's drink.
When Claudia came back in a gorgeous red midi dress, her husband proposed a toast to their marriage and requested that they start the evening by drinking the entire glass. In a few minutes, Claudia was knocked out in their bedroom. When Katrina came, everything was back on plan.
A woman being intimate with a man. | Source: Shutterstock
Katrina and David's date went well until she noticed a lipstick mark on her drink. "Was someone here?" she asked David, to which he denied. "Really? Then why is there a lipstick mark on my glass?" Katrina continued.
She stood up and went for the bedroom door while David tried to stop her, but it was too late. She saw Claudia passed out on the bed, and before she could react, David explained, "Please, don't get mad. She's my wife, but we are not on good terms." Katrina left without a word, still shocked that the man she was seeing was married.
A woman looks shocked in front of a man. | Source: Shutterstock
The following day, Claudia woke up and completely forgot what had happened. Her husband had already left for work when the doorbell rang. Katrina stood at the door, told Claudia the whole story, and apologized, noting that she was not aware David was married.
Before leaving, she handed Claudia an envelope and said, "this has more than enough proof that your husband has been cheating on you, should you file for divorce. He won't walk away with any of your money." Claudia was surprised and took the time to take it all in, but she wasn't stupid.
When David came home that day, several luggages were waiting outside their door. On top of it was an envelope with divorce papers inside with photos of David and Katrina. He banged on the door, yelling Claudia's name, but it was too late, and Claudia had already moved out.
What can we learn from David's story?
The truth will find its way out, no matter how much you try to conceal it.
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For another similar #storyoftheday, read about a man who hired someone to seduce his wife, so that he would not have to share his riches during the divorce.
Any resemblance in this story to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
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Last updated on June 10, 2022 by Michelle Devani
My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was about time I started a blog on the topic, and since then more than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.
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Are you in a relationship with a married man? 
Are you wondering whether he’s actually going to leave his wife. 
Or do you worry that he’s going to cut it off with you and return to being faithful with the woman he married?
These questions can be enough to exhaust a woman. Hopefully your confusion will be solved by this article. It features 8 clearcut signs that a man will leave his wife for you. 
However, here’s a warning before you start.
These are only signs . It is difficult to speculate on anything, based solely on the behaviors you see. A man’s actions when you’re not around are usually a lot more telling. 
That’s why I want to recommend this nifty and intelligent online tool…
It’s a powerful yet 100% discreet communications tracker . It’ll show you who your husband has been communicating with, what online services he’s using, what contact details he’s registered...and more. 
This tool will strive to give you a full picture of your husband’s intentions - and there’s no way of him finding out that he’s being tracked. 
If you’re sick and tired of worrying whether the man in your life is going to commit to you, I’d recommend you give this tool a spin right now .
The signs below will give you further guidance as far as whether he’s ready to leave his wife.
It is indeed not a good idea to be in a relationship with a man who has a wife. However, it is all right if you know that his marriage is coming to an end. You will be confused, nonetheless, whether or not he will really leave his wife to be with you.
Lucky for you, you won't be confused anymore since this article is going to give you a list of signs that your man will say a fine good bye to his wife.
Getting into a relationship with a married man isn’t a good idea, especially when there are no problems or signs of a breakup. If he is on the verge of ending his marriage, then it’s actually wise to wait for the divorce process to begin before starting a serious relationship with him.
Even at this point, you should be prepared for whatever the outcome of the relationship might be. Being in a relationship with a married man comes with a lot of insecurities , risk, heartbreaks, and even depression. 
Do you constantly ask yourself questions like, Will he be all mine one day? Would he also leave me for another woman? And most times you might feel like you are being used . To avoid all this emotional instability you must tread carefully.
When you see him with his wife, do you wonder if they still love each other? Here’s the truth; men will say anything just to get with another woman. That doesn’t mean this man may be lying to you, but there’s also the probability that he wants to eat his cake and have it. In my years of expertise on this matter, I’ve noticed that men seldom leave their wives for their ‘side chick.’
So, if this man has made promises to you, and you want to know if he’ll wake up one morning and finally decide to end things with his wife, here are 11 signs that could tell he’s ready to leave his marriage and be with you.
Being in a relationship with a married man can be very complicated and you may have to live with constant fear about his commitment to you. But you need to know that he is also committed to his wife and children. 
You will only know if he can leave his wife for you by how he prioritizes things concerning you. When he constantly chooses to be by your side no matter what and makes you his number one priority, then there is a chance that he can leave her to be with you. 
If a married man is ready to divorce his wife to be with you, you will know when he does things responsibly. Delay is dangerous and suspicious, and if you wait for him, he may never leave his wife. 
So, if he wants to divorce his wife, he should do that as fast as possible. There shouldn’t be many excuses, he should have thought everything through before getting serious with you.
He can lie to you and break his words anytime, if he can cheat on his wife then it is possible your relationship with him is a lie. So, if he really wants to keep the relationship, then he’ll act fast . 
One of the signs that show he’ll leave his wife is when he starts talking about it a lot. Whether you ask about it or not, he will talk about it if that’s what he really wants to do. A man that is not happy about his marriage and is ready to leave, will constantly talk about ending it. 
Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted? Unfortunately this is one of the most frequent complaints we get from our readers, where they feel they aren't a priority for their boyfriend or husband. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to. Due to popular demand, our friend prepared a quick video (click to watch) that'll show you to one easy but often overlooked thing that you can say to him today that'll help him realize how lucky he is to have you (hint: it's something that taps into how men are wired).
So, when your man frequently jokes or talks about leaving his wife, it’s because he wants to. He will also talk about it to other people, maybe his colleagues or close friends and not just you. 
A wedding ring is a symbol of his love and commitment to his wife, and it is a treasure in marriage. Some religions take it as a serious matter, while others don’t. The ring on his finger shows that he is a proud married man. But if he no longer wears the ring, even when his wife is around, that shows he’s really serious about leaving her.
Most married guys in an extramarital relationship are only there for fun , entertainment, and sexual pleasure. A man that is comfortable and satisfied with talking to you and just being with you without any intimacy probably cares about the relationship more than physical pleasure. 
So, if you notice that sex is the only thing he wants from you when he is around then he will surely not leave his wife for you. True love is not just sex, it is genuine care; when he treats you very dearly and respects your opinions and decisions, you know he can leave his wife for you. A man that really wants you as a wife will constantly show that he cares for you. 
Although married men have many commitments, especially when children are involved, if he is serious about leaving his wife to be with you, he’ll start by moving out of the house. If he still stays in the same house with her, he’s probably not going to divorce her.
If he is stringing you along with promises, remember this, actions speak louder than words. So, tell him to act, not just talk. 
Dating a married man is most times kept as a secret and affairs are done in the dark. So when a man becomes so proud of you that he no longer wants to keep the relationship a secret and is not hesitant to show you in public, it means he is ready to leave his wife. 
He may also introduce you to some friends and relatives. When he doesn’t care about people’s opinion on the relationship, then you know he is ready . It is a great sign if he is no longer hiding you and is more serious about making things work.
Getting a divorce is expensive . I’m not just talking about the cost at the initial stage, but also after he has left his wife. Alimony and child support will become major financial stressors, so he should be able to talk to you about these things. 
That way, you can both plan on how to carry on like a family when he leaves his wife. Just be careful enough to ensure that his interest in you isn't because of your money. Things can be really tough if he has children but he won’t be bothered talking to you about plans for the relationship and future stability if he has nothing to hide.
If a man really wants to leave his wife to be with you, he will be sincere about it to you. He will tell you his true feelings and the reasons he wants a divorce. He would be open enough to tell you this, mostly if he is an outspoken person. 
That he says this to you doesn’t exactly mean that it is true, so don’t just believe it r ight away. They are mere words, wait, and see if his actions back those words. 
He doesn't only tell you his future plans but also his past secrets. Conversations with him will not just be shallow topics but also about deep things. And once he starts to tell you deep things about his past, his emotions, and his future, it means he trusts you. 
When he starts trusting you, That’s a sign that he is ready to go to the next level with you and even divorce his wife. 
If a man truly wants to end his marriage, there would be an obvious disconnection from his wife. If you see them all loved up in public and he is showering her with praises, gifts, and attention, you know he is not ready to leave her. But if he is arrogant, dismissive, or even ignores her altogether, it shows that he doesn’t care anymore. At this point, you should know that there is a chance he will divorce her for you.
When he stops complaining about things he complains about naturally, he rather spends time with his friends than you, he quarrels at every little mistake you make, he starts seeing things wrong with your appearance, then he’s starting drifting away from you .
When he always wants you to be around him, calls or sends you messages regularly, constantly tells you every detail about his marriage, and gets jealous when he sees you with someone else. If he also goes out of his way to support you and ensure you are happy, then he probably loves you .
When he doesn’t spend so much time at home, and would rather be alone most of the time, those are bad signs. Also, if he stops showing you love and care , makes you feel less of yourself by complaining about everything you do, and becomes very secretive, and no longer wears his wedding ring, he’s probably unhappy and considering separation.
Don’t be too available, be independent; never reply to his calls and text messages immediately, always be the first to opt-out of a conversation, and limit your social media presence. Don't post too often on your story and status, that unavailability will have him craving for your presence .
He wants his wife to be understanding, calm, and not troublesome . A man also prefers a truthful wife, someone homely, who believes in him and with who he can share his dreams with.
I hope you found this article helpful. When you find someone you love whether he is a married man or not, falling out of love can be very difficult at times, especially if you love each other. However, try your best not to be the reason a relationship-built years ago gets broken. Let me know what you think, and please don't forget to share this article with others
Does it feel like pulling teeth getting him to say how he feels about you? Some men can be very gaurded and closed when it comes to expressing how they feel - it can almost feel like they are pulling away from you. Many women make the mistake of pushing their man to say how they feel, but this is actually one of the worst things you can do as it can push him away further. To get him to really show you how he feels and communicate how much he appreciates you, there's one simple thing, although often overlooked, thing you can say to him today that taps into how men are wired and can often lead to them suddenly pouring their heart out. My friend recorded a quick free video (click to watch) that shows exactly how to do that.
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