When Are Women Most Horny

When Are Women Most Horny


When Are Women Most Horny

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There are moments in a woman’s life when they can be extremely horny, while other times they will avoid intimacy like it’s the most contagious disease known to mankind. This phenomenon isn’t their fault. In fact, the fault lies in their bodies, and in the raging hormones within.
The anatomy of a woman is very different from a man. Men are equipped with enormous amounts of testosterone that can trigger horniness at any moment. Women, however, have a more complex makeup that consists of hormones that are triggered by menstruation, ovulation and menopause.
Want to know when your girl will be more likely to engage in some sensual seduction with you? Here are the best times to try and seduce her!
#1 During ovulation. A woman is hornier during ovulation, because it is biologically the perfect time to mate. Their hormones are on overdrive, because their bodies are equipped to send out pheromones to their mate.
While this is happening, a woman’s estrogen level dips briefly and soars to higher levels until the start of menstruation. At the same time, their progesterone starts to kick in. These hormones, when at their peak, can make a woman very, very horny.
Since we are human beings with intelligence and free will, women do not just jump on other men while they are ovulating. Still, the pheromones they emit are able to attract a man that they are intimate with. Even strangers may feel a strange attraction for women they don’t know, just because they are ovulating.
A woman that is already in a relationship will be more open to having sex when they are ovulating. On the other hand, if you have never been intimate with a woman, it will not matter whether she is horny or not. Although she is ovulating, it does not mean that she needs to release the sexual tension she is feeling immediately.
#2 During menstruation. It seems strange to be horny at a time like this. It is especially unprecedented because this is the time when conception is at its lowest probability. The reason for this is because the hormones in a woman’s body are undergoing a serious overhaul. They are about to crash down immediately because the eggs that the ovaries released during ovulation have not been fertilized. [Read: The ultimate guide to period sex ]
#3 At the second trimester of pregnancy. When a woman gets pregnant, there is a significant increase in estrogen and progesterone. Your sex drive increases during the first trimester, but most women don’t realize it, because other symptoms like nausea, fatigue and body aches are more problematic.
When the body starts getting used to the influx of hormones, they will start to feel relief from the initial symptoms. By the second trimester, the sex drive will increase further and decrease as the third trimester progresses.
#4 At the start of menopause. With the same concept as when a woman starts to menstruate, they can also become hornier when their hormones are about to stop being produced. The body starts to process the last stores of hormones before it shuts down to prepare for menopause.
At this time, a woman will experience a short period of horniness that can last from a few days to a few months. There is no scientific explanation for this as of yet, but many women have attested to the fact that they did feel a surge of horniness right before they started menopause.
Their hormones will be lessened after this period, but their doctors can prescribe them with supplemental stores in order to promote a healthy balance within their body. Because of that, women undergoing menopause can still be as horny as they were during their hormone-dominated teenage years.

When is the perfect time to turn a woman on?
Women are scientifically proven to be hornier during their second trimester of pregnancy, ovulation and menstruation. That last one is up for debate because most women won’t allow sex while they’re bleeding out of their vaginas.
In terms of menopause, you can never predict when it will happen so you cannot use it to your advantage. It is easy to see when a woman starts to become horny, so you will not need any predictor anyway. Still, you can at least prepare for it in case she is not very vocal and obvious about her situation.
The biggest chance of success for you when turning a woman on – apart from when they are pregnant – is during ovulation. It’s understandable that you cannot ask your partner whether they are ovulating or not, but you can observe them for the signs.
# They have a voracious appetite for sweets, especially chocolate.
# They want to have sex almost all the time.
When a woman is horny, you might assume that seducing her becomes easier. That is not necessarily true. Just because your partner is at her horniest, it does not mean that she will immediately agree to a half-hearted plea for lovemaking.
Your biggest advantage at this point in time is that when you do manage to seduce her properly, she will be a tad more aggressive than usual. You can expect some hot and heavy lovemaking because she is ovulating. Her body is actually signaling her to copulate even though her mind is not telling her the exact same thing. [Read: 7 big signs that she wants to sleep with you ]
How to approach a woman when she’s ovulating
In order to approach her during this period, you need to be sensitive about it like always. It is the same advice I would give you if she was not ovulating anyway. The only difference is that this advice focuses on the initial stages of the act itself rather than the courtship leading to your intimacy.
#1 Touch her. Touch her all the time. Kiss her cheek when you see her. Hold her hand and her waist. Rub her thighs while you are watching TV. Use any excuse you can find to touch her and she will get riled up enough to finally make love to you. [Read: How to make her wet just by sitting next to her ]
#2 Feed her. Ovulating women are hungrier than usual. You are not exactly aiming to make her gain weight. You are only satiating her other needs, so that you can focus on her primal needs. If she is happily satisfied with food, she will not be thinking about anything else, except having sex with you.
#3 Flirt with her. Make your intentions known by flirting with your partner. Do it with finesse, and don’t be crass about it. She is still a woman and she will not settle for a tactless approach when it comes to having sex. [Read: 20 flirty questions that will turn her on ]
#4 Set the mood. Use the proper lighting and make your bedroom feel like the sexiest place on earth. Place some lit candles and light some incense. If your partner sees the perfect setting, she will not think twice about jumping you before you even make it to the bed.
#5 Ladies first. In terms of foreplay, focus on her needs before yours. She will be very horny at this point in time, which will make her orgasms easier to achieve. The art of making a woman climax is not about how fast you can make it happen. It should be a pleasurable experience before, during and after it happens. So, make time to get her hot and bothered to make her orgasms more powerful.
#6 Hug her after. Yes, it shows that you care, but that is not why I am advising you to do it. You should hug her tightly, because it can make her feel giddier after she climaxes. The amount of closeness you experience can increase her arousal. This means that you will be having more sex later.
#7 Touch her everywhere. Again. After a woman climaxes, you should rub her all over her body. Do not do it awkwardly, but do it while you’re talking or recovering from your first session. Her whole body is like one big nerve ending that you can play with. This will give her unexplainable pleasure and can arouse her enough to engage in a hotter session afterwards.
Taking advantage of your partner’s horniness is simply a way for you to pleasure her when she wants it the most. Just always remember that the best way to satisfy your partner is to know her well enough to do it properly.
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Updated on December 29, 2021 @ 12:00PM

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Dr. Jenn Mann is a licensed marriage and family therapist and the relationship expert behind InStyle's long-running weekly column, Hump Day. She is best known for her hit VH1 show, "Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn," and her popular call-in advice Sirius XM radio show, "The Dr. Jenn Show." She is a bestselling author, most recently of The Relationship Fix .

I am in my mid 30's and I am so much hornier than I ever was in my 20's — I feel like I've reached my sexual peak. Is it all in my head? My husband can barely keep up with me. —Dirty 30s

You are not alone. Over and over again, in my private practice, I hear women in their thirties talk about how much better their sex life is than it was in their twenties.

Many people consider the 30s to be women's sexual prime. Many women find they have a heightened sex drive, increased enjoyment of sex, and have stronger and better orgasms.

There are many reasons why this happens. For one, in their thirties, both men and women experience a drop in testosterone levels. This decrease tends to happen more slowly in women than men, which means that a woman in her thirties with a male partner may often find that their desire levels meet in the middle. Sometimes her libido may be stronger than his.

There are plenty of other reasons why women's sexual prime happens in their 30s, too. Ahead, a few reasons why the "dirty 30s" are a real thing.

Infamous sex researcher Alfred Kinsey claimed that women had more orgasms in their thirties than any other time in their lifespan. The current research reinforces that the thirties kick the twenties' ass when it comes to cum. Researchers found 54% of women aged 18 to 30 struggled to achieve the big O, only 43% of those 31 to 45 did. They also found that women 31 to 45 were the most sexually active — 87% said they did the deed regularly. Having orgasms tends to make people want to have sex more, and having sex more tends to create a positive cycle.

As we age, we tend to become less insecure about our bodies and learn to accept those characteristics once perceived as flaws. Studies show that as women get older they tend to see a reduction in objectifying their bodies, body monitoring, body anxiety, as well as disordered eating. Any of these changes could contribute to feeling hotter — and thus hornier — in general.

Let's face it, many of us spend some time in our twenties using sex to validate our attractiveness or sexual prowess. Understanding the power of our sexuality is a process, a rocky one for most. In our twenties, there is more of a tendency to use sex to hook a partner in or to get that person to stick around. This keeps us focused on the sexual experience of our lover, as opposed to our own pleasure, which doesn't often lead to earth-shattering sex. This pressure to perform makes sex less enjoyable. By the time we hit our thirties, we may have less of a need to use sex for other things. We are able to own our sexuality and enjoy it more fully.

Statistically speaking, by the time you are in your thirties, you are likely to be in a significant relationship, engaged, or married. Even if you are in an open relationship, you probably have certain partners that you sleep with regularly and trust. Having a regular partner means that you get to know each other's bodies and how to get the job done. Your life experience has probably helped you hone your picking skills, and you have managed to find a partner you trust, which also enhances the sexual experience. You have also probably come to terms with the natural ebb and flow of a long-term sex life, which reduces your anxiety about performing every time, too.

You are probably in a more sex-positive place in your life. Hopefully the life experience that has gotten you to your thirties has helped make you less judgmental about sex and slut shaming (definitely of others, but also of yourself). The ability to let go of judging yourself and your preferences makes for a better sex life.

You don't have to put up with unsatisfying sex because you're familiar with your own body and know how to get the job done yourself — or to coach your partner if their techniques are not getting you there. Also, you have likely had enough sexual experience to realize that sex can be messy, and you are less squeamish about it. This also makes you less embarrassed about the weird noises, fluids , and funky positions that go along with a no-holds-barred sex

Your life experience has made you more confident. You have a stronger sense of self, which you bring into the bedroom. And confidence always makes for better sex. A poll of over 2,000 women found that 91% felt most "at ease sexually" between the ages of 35 to 44. So there you have it. Your "dirty 30s" are as real as those bed-shaking Os you've been having on the regular. Mazel tov, and enjoy.

In Hump Day, award-winning psychotherapist and TV host Dr. Jenn Mann answers your sex and relationship questions — unjudged and unfiltered.

by Madeline Haller Published: Jan 11, 2012
I’m the social media editor for Cosmopolitan.com, as well as a self-proclaimed expert on Internet cats (tough job, but hey, someone has to do it). I'm from the Midwest and a proud Indiana University alumna. My obsessions — in no particular order — include running, writing, coffee, red lipstick, and margaritas.
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The best tips to make sure your manhood is up to par
Just like a bottle of wine, sex only gets better as time passes—or at least that’s what the latest research suggests.
It turns out that women’s sexual satisfaction in the bedroom increases with age, reports a recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine . The researchers distributed a questionnaire to women ages 40 and up that inquired about their recent sexual activity, sexual desire, and satisfaction in the bedroom.
After analyzing the responses from 806 women, the results showed that not only were these older women more satisfied with their sex lives, nearly 70 percent were reaching orgasm.
As women become older and more comfortable with their bodies, they’re able to express what they’re looking for sexually, explains Jen Landa, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of BodyLogicMD and author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women.
But no worries, guys, you can still have the performance of a 20-year-old (even if you’ve blown by that birthday years ago). Check out these great tips that will help keep your sex drive as top notch as hers.
Masturbate More. As you age, one naturally begins to lose muscle tone throughout the body, so you better believe you’re losing it down there as well. But fear not, you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles (which are the muscles around the penis that assist in ejaculation due to their contraction) by masturbating. Your goal: Aim for 3 to 5 times a week (and hey—you could always ask her for a helping hand).
Eat for Better Sex. Aim to incorporate more fish into your diet (the American Heart Association recommends a minimum of 2 servings of fatty fish per week). The omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are not only good for heart and penis health, but research shows that they help to raise dopamine levels in the brain that trigger arousal. If the fish isn’t cutting it for you, check out our list of top food to eat for better sex.
Lose Your Gut. Having abdominal fat affects your manhood in two ways: It decreases the amount of testosterone that should be available to you, and the fatty-cholesterol deposits block the circulation to the penis. Thus hitting the gym won’t just help you look better, it will help you perform better. “A fully aroused erection is all about good blood flow,” says Landa. So if plaque and artery hardening is starting to occur (i.e. limiting the amount of blood flow to the penis), you better believe it’ll take its toll on your manhood.
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