What's Tui Na?

What's Tui Na?

Tui Na originates in Taiwan, and it's sometimes called"Taiwanese acupuncture". The expression Tui Na is used widely throughout the world, and its significance is largely confused by Westerners. In traditional Chinese Medicine, tui na describes the four meridians along which a person's energy flows. Tui Na isn't usually used as a pleasurable pastime, but instead for the cure of particular disorders, such as pain or stress.

According to the traditional teachings of TCM, tui na therapy seeks to promote stability in yang energies by restoring chi to the qi through subtle, slow strokes with palms and needles, using acupuncture needles, and stimulating specific points along meridians. It originated in China and was later brought to Japan and other parts of Asia. Many practitioners of TCM feel that acupuncture and tai chi are the same thing, although both rely on different approaches. While TCM does not directly use the terms, TCM-based therapies frequently use the term Tui Na when referring to the therapy.

Many TCM schools now use a simplified version of tui na. In fact, many schools prefer simplified versions of traditional Chinese medicine because they don't have to deal with the potentially confusing aspects of TCM terminology. Because of this, simplified versions of acupuncture, herbs, and other forms of therapeutic massage commonly referred to as Tui Na is used extensively in TCM practices. But some TCM practitioners still prefer traditional Chinese medicine, arguing that some medical conditions are better treated with a holistic approach which Tui Na can not provide.

When performing a Tui Na massage, the therapist typically begins by placing pressure on specific meridian points across the patient's body, then working from the outside into the inside of all the identified meridians. Each session can last for half an hour to one hour, depending upon the needs of the individual. The therapist will often begin with gentle stimulation of the human body's vital energy points, followed by more targeted stimulation of specific acupoints. Each session usually ends with a client standing upright, having the usual post-treatment feeling of pain relief, and possibly some slight flushing of the facial skin.

Because TCM uses the concept of tui na (the sound of flowing water) to signify the flow of qi through the body, and the concept of linking meridians to the heart chakra by means of symbolically drawing blood to the heart via acupoints located there, both the therapist and their individual learn how to interpret the flowing water. The two types of massage treatment are separated only by the location of the acupoints on the body. Therefore, a tui na massage to the facial area of the face can be done on the hands and feet also, while a Shiatsu Qigong massage on the abdomen can be done on either the feet or the hands.

TCM practitioners also learn to identify various signs that will indicate when it's time to perform a specific treatment. Additionally, they also learn to read patterns in the movements of the individual during the massage. Although it's not necessary to carry out this procedure using acupuncture points, many TCM practitioners feel that it provides better results and a deeper comprehension of qi flow. They use both the hands and feet, or both, in doing the treatment.

Find more information Tuina is one of the Chinese massage techniques that are most closely connected with TCM. Tuina is the contraction of the meridians and channels that run across the body, connecting all parts of the nervous system and providing a unification of the various functions of the organs, cells and systems. These channels or meridians are collectively called the meridians. The expression'tuina' literally means'all knowledge' and refers to the entire body of knowledge that exists within the body. This knowledge is the source of the body's energy and is thought to be the basic foundation for the proper functioning of the body.

Many TCM specialists think that acupuncture and Tui Na are interrelated and that they derive from the same root or foundation. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat an assortment of ailments in the East and West. From the TCM world, the healing energy that's released during a session may stimulate the flow of qi through meridians and channels. When the flow of energy is unrestricted, it can foster the restoration of the human body to its pre-diagnosis and unique state of health. As the energy is restored, the individual experiences improvements in his/her health, along with the alleviation of many ailments and the absence of others.

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