Whats A Dick

Whats A Dick


Whats A Dick

1. Slang for a penis.
2. A mean, aggravating , or otherwise just disliked person.
3. Short for "Richard." Rick is preferred nowadays as most people don't like being called an aggravating penis .
4. Something that gets stuck in the fan
1. I suck massive dick .
2. I'm a dick.
3. My name is Dick.
4. My dick got stuck in the fan .
can sometime be found in wrapped up boxes still attatched to the male, and given to partners as a gift.
1. the lever
2. the handle
3. the pipe
4. the slim jim
5. the chili dog
6. the start of a mans life
7. the dangler
8. the python
9. the lollipop
10. the pully
The woman grabbed my dick and released the sweet substance.
by instafindafailare February 5, 2011
an obnoxious , uncooperative and dishonest person
k#y accused his co-worker as being sinister and bitesome as a cobra ? what a fucking massive dick he is!
1. male part of body that hangs between legs
2. sounds good in front of everything if pissed of or angry
3. used to describe people as an asshole
1. check out my dick ladies
2. fuck shit dick cat
2. hey you little dick shit im gona blast you
3. that guys a fucking dick




Dicks , Sex
Magdalene Taylor
September 27, 2021


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The flavor profile of peen varies depending on the person and circumstance, but there’s one beloved food no one can stop comparing it to
The only surefire way to ever truly know what something tastes like is to taste it for yourself, and dick is no exception. But complicating that matter is the fact that taste itself is an abstract concept. As most of us don’t consider the human penis to be a food item, our descriptive powers are further limited by the fact that we can’t as easily compare it to some of our more familiar flavors.
I asked my peers, dug through various forums and reflected upon my own experience to draw one primary conclusion: Clean dick tastes like avocado . In 2019, the comparison even became a meme .
avocado tastes like clean dick pass it on
— jordan (@leomoondiary) May 20, 2019
Inverting things, Filipino influencer Bretman Rock has also discussed whether avocados taste like clean dick, rather than clean dick tasting like avocado. His assessment was that store-bought avocados do taste more like clean dick, whereas the avocados that grow on his property have more of a “buttery” flavor. Meanwhile, adult model Lucy Everleigh tells me that she believes clean dick tastes specifically like unripe avocado.
This can vary depending on the person. We all carry unique bacteria that dictates our body odor , compounded with myriad lifestyle habits that can further shape the stink . Because dicks are usually hidden away in underwear and pants, they can often sweat more easily and accumulate more odor than the rest of the body . Basically, it doesn’t take that long for the avocado taste to dissipate.
Most commonly, lightly sweaty dick is said to taste a little salty — again, like skin itself often does. But beyond just “sweaty,” it’s possible for dick flavor to manifest in wildly different ways. “Usually/ideally, dick tastes like nothing or skin,” Molly Guinn, associate editor at Digg , tells me. “Worst case? It tastes like something I could not possibly put into words.” To wit, a 2016 Thought Catalog article documented 24 people’s attempt to answer the question of what dick tastes like, and many of the responses are horrific — cheese , mushrooms , salty coins in milk , dirty laundry, the list goes on. If there’s leftover pee residue, it often tastes like how a urinal smells.
I hope and pray the Thought Catalog respondents have since had better experiences. Dick doesn’t have to taste like much of anything, after all — unlike cum, it has no inherent flavor. If for some reason you’re worried about your own taste, you should take some comfort in the fact that a good shower can wash away all your sins. And if it’s been a few hours since your last one and someone is about to taste it themselves, they’ll probably only get a hint of salt with it.
But really, there’s only one way to know what dick tastes like, and that’s to try it for yourself. Or just buy some avocados and use your imagination.
Magdalene Taylor is a staff writer at MEL. She covers internet culture, sex and the online adult industry. She lives in Brooklyn but is from God's Country, Western Massachusetts.

Medically Reviewed by Carol DerSarkissian, MD on June 23, 2021
Penis Conditions Erectile dysfunction : A man's penis does not achieve sufficient hardness for satisfying intercourse. Atherosclerosis (damage to the arteries) is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction. Priapism : An abnormal erection that does not go away after several hours even though stimulation has stopped. Serious problems can result from this painful condition. Hypospadias : A birth defect in which the opening for urine is on the front (or underside), rather than the tip of the penis. Surgery can correct this condition. Phimosis (paraphimosis): The foreskin cannot be retracted or if retracted cannot be returned to its normal position over the penis head. In adult men, this can occur after penis infections. Balanitis : Inflammation of the glans penis, usually due to infection. Pain, tenderness, and redness of the penis head are symptoms. Balanoposthitis : Balanitis that also involves the foreskin (in an uncircumcised man). Chordee : An abnormal curvature of the end of the penis, present from birth. Severe cases may require surgical correction. Peyronie’s Disease : An abnormal curvature of the shaft of the penis may be caused by injury of the adult penis or other medical conditions. Urethritis : Inflammation or infection of the urethra, often causing pain with urination and penis discharge. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are common causes. Gonorrhea : The bacteria N. gonorrhea infects the penis during sex, causing urethritis. Most cases of gonorrhea in men cause symptoms of painful urination or discharge. Chlamydia : A bacteria that can infect the penis through sex, causing urethritis. Up to 40% of chlamydia cases in men cause no symptoms. Syphilis : A bacteria transmitted during sex. The initial symptom of syphilis is usually a painless ulcer (chancre) on the penis. Herpes : The viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause small blisters and ulcers on the penis that reoccur over time. Micropenis: An abnormally small penis, present from birth. A hormone imbalance is involved in many cases of micropenis. Penis warts : The human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause warts on the penis. HPV warts are highly contagious and spread during sexual contact. Cancer of the penis : Penis cancer is very rare in the U.S. Circumcision decreases the risk of penis cancer. Penis Tests Urethral swab: A swab of the inside of the penis is sent for culture. A urethral swab may diagnose urethritis or other infections. Urinalysis : A test of various chemicals present in urine. A urinalysis may detect infection, bleeding, or kidney problems. Nocturnal penis tumescence testing (erection testing): An elastic device worn on the penis at night can detect erections during sleep. This test can help identify the cause of erectile dysfunction. Urine culture : Culturing the urine in the lab can help diagnose a urinary tract infection that might affect the penis. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): A urine test that can detect gonorrhea, chlamydia, or other organisms that affect the penis.
Penis Treatments Phosphodiesterase inhibitors : These medicines (such as sildenafil or Viagra) enhance the flow of blood to the penis, making erections harder. Antibiotics : Gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and other bacterial infections of the penis can be cured with antibiotics. Antiviral medicines : Taken daily, medicines to suppress HSV can prevent herpes outbreaks on the penis. Penis surgery : Surgery can correct hypospadias, and may be necessary for penis cancer. Testosterone : Low testosterone by itself rarely causes erectile dysfunction. Testosterone supplements may improve erectile dysfunction in some men.
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The penis is the male sex organ, reaching its full size during puberty. In addition to its sexual function, the penis acts as a conduit for urine to leave the body.
The penis is made of several parts: • Glans (head) of the penis: In uncircumcised men, the glans is covered with pink, moist tissue called mucosa. Covering the glans is the foreskin (prepuce). In circumcised men, the foreskin is surgically removed and the mucosa on the glans transforms into dry skin. • Corpus cavernosum: Two columns of tissue running along the sides of the penis. Blood fills this tissue to cause an erection. • Corpus spongiosum: A column of sponge-like tissue running along the front of the penis and ending at the glans penis; it fills with blood during an erection, keeping the urethra -- which runs through it -- open. • The urethra runs through the corpus spongiosum, conducting urine out of the body.
An erection results from changes in blood flow in the penis. When a man becomes sexually aroused, nerves cause penis blood vessels to expand. More blood flows in and less flows out of the penis, hardening the tissue in the corpus cavernosum.
Wein, A. Campbell-Walsh Urology 9th Edition, Saunders Elsevier, 2007.
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