What would you've done

What would you've done


if I started to speak?
I am a bit of a lark. I was the one who called the police on my landlord when he wanted to kick me out of my flat because I didn’t pay rent. He’s no longer my landlord. And I’ve had to move more than once, not because of anything I’d done but because I couldn’t afford to pay my rent. I’m still paying for the flat I moved into when I left my last flat, which I paid for in advance. But I have no memory of the conversation that led to this.
Hey, I do have a question. I don't know if this is the right place to ask it. But I'm not sure where else to ask.
I'm a little nervous about this, but it's so important to me. I know that I am not the only one who feels this way, and I want to know what you guys would do if you had to choose between two things.
1) Your child's life and the life of someone else.
2) Your child's health and the health of someone else's child.
Thank you in advance for your answers.
if you were a teenager in the 1980s?
In the UK, we have a tradition of listening to our parents and their opinions on how to conduct our lives. In this year’s issue, I’ve got a panel of teenagers talking to me about their parents’ views on life.
It’s interesting to hear from people who are at the beginning of their teenage years, and to compare their attitudes to their parents with those of people who have seen their own parents through the same experiences.
if you were a woman who was being harassed by a man?
What would you do if you saw someone you knew being sexually harassed?
On Monday, the hashtag #MeToo began trending on Twitter, as women shared their own experiences with sexual harassment.
"It's so hard to think about, because it's like, how can you possibly go back to your workplace and be taken seriously and not get harassed?" said one woman in the first round of tweets. "I have no idea how I could go back."
in this situation?
I recently asked a question about whether or not certain choices would have been harmful to the player. I received a lot of great answers, and many of them were very insightful and accurate. Now, I want to know what you would've chosen in the situation I described in my question.

if you were the one on the receiving end of a verbal attack?
A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, asked a group of people to describe what they would do if they were attacked. The results were interesting.

if you had been asked to design and build a new house for the man who was about to start a war? This was the question posed to me when I was invited to participate in a competition in which the winner would be commissioned to build the new home of the next President of the United States.
So I decided to give it a shot. I thought that a house should express the personality of its occupant, and for that reason I chose the name “The President’s House”.
if you were in the same position?
About a month ago, I was asked to give a talk for the local community organization. It was a presentation on the importance of diversity and inclusion. I think I did a pretty good job with it. I spent the whole time talking about the history of the organization, how they started, and how they are working to change the community. One of the things I mentioned was how the organization is now trying to diversify their leadership.
if you'd known?
I was a little young to have a really good idea what I wanted to do with my life.
It was just after my 18th birthday and I was sitting in a cafe with some friends, having a nice evening, when I noticed this girl across the room. She was beautiful, she was smart, she could have been absolutely anything she wanted.
And I thought to myself: “Yeah, that’s it! That’s what I want to be.”

if you had to live in a building that had been used as a prison?
Well, it's not exactly a good idea.
But it's what happened to a group of young people from the UK who were taken into care after their parents were arrested and imprisoned for a range of drug-related offences.
The group - which included children from a number of different ethnic backgrounds - were placed in the care of the local authority in Newcastle.
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