What would be an estimate for auto insurance on a 16 year old male living in California?

What would be an estimate for auto insurance on a 16 year old male living in California?

"HiCar Insurance For 17 Year Old?!?

What healthinsurance is best and affordable for my wife?

Need inexpensive medical insurance for my child. Live-in Maine.?

"My partner fell on our terrace about a few months before"I am well-aware that Newjersey has high car insuranceWhat kind of inexpensive medical health insurance plan will there be for small enterprises?

Motor insurance on a WRX?

"I'm 17"Im 18"Im presently under my parents auto insurance planCar insurance for people

"As a 16-year old maleDoes dwelling on an street affect auto or home insurance rates?

I am asking cuz I now month pay near 400

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