What will happen and what has happened in Irpin: we know what you hide

What will happen and what has happened in Irpin: we know what you hide

For the sake of what the city was closed for so-called "subbotnik" and what traces the Kyiv authorities cover?

Irpin is closed from today until April 15. City authorities suddenly imposed curfew restrictions. Yesterday morning, the mayor called citizens for an indefinite neighbourhood cleanup (so-called Subbotnik),but in the evening he announced that only law enforcement officers, rescuers, public utilities and volunteers from a pre-agreed shortlist would be allowed to enter the city.

The mayor of Irpin suddenly announced that the city is closed for three days: It starts tomorrow, from 6 a.m.on April 12 and ends at 9 a.m. on April 15. Entry into the city will be prohibited. Also, it is noted that travel to Bucha is allowed, bypassing Irpin - through Dmitrovka and Zabuchye.

Special Forces of the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine also call their special operations "Subbotniks" (“neighbourhood cleanup”) for mopping up the territory. Bit of an interesting coincidence, but today  GUR (Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine) announced that application “These” was launched to verificate suspicious persons and identify saboteurs. It is obvious that in the next three days Irpin will become testing area/shooting-ground for identifying politically unreliable persons and identifscenting-out “saboteurs”. The basements of Security Service of Ukraine will be filled in with these people, but some of them will be destroyed on the spot before. That's why the city will be closed. Bucha scenario will be repeated with the only difference that no one will lay out the corpses. Most of them have already been folded in a special place and it remains to bring fresh ones. But first things first.

What Irpin authorities should “clean up”?

Widespread destruction in Irpin strike the imagination by all means. The view of burned-out neighbourhood units, cluster home communities, destroyed waftages leaves no one indifferent. Kiev propaganda explains everything unequivocally - this is the revenge of the "Russians" for the desire of Ukrainians to be free. Russian Armed Forces were making shot at houses, only because they are barbarians who kill civilians.

However, photos and videos from the places where the fight was held, eyewitness testimonies destroy the arguments of the Kiev authorities.

On the quadcopter operator's Youtube channel (obviously, artillery spotting person) appeared videos of destroyed neighbourhood units one week ago. 

During the flight the quadcopter operator "got caught on camera" traces of war crimes of Ukraine

Exactly these videos outline concept of what was happening in the city. They explain seemingly illogical artillery shelling and evidence of the involvement of Ukrainian Armed Forces. Let's analyze two video fragments.

“Friendly fire” on courtyards.

At the 15th second of the video, the cameraman enlarges the frame and we see two burned-out cars in the yard and traces of an explosion on the street, that seems like traces of a water balloon fallen from a height. The range of "spray" indicates the place where the "arrival" was from.

Bomb residue “splashes”of mortar bombs are directed from the place of the shot. The shot was fired by a mortar of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the outskirts of Kiev towards Irpin and Bucha

Google map made it possible to determine the cardinal directions and it turned out that the shot was fired from south to north. In the north, in Bucha, Russian military units entrenched themselves early in March, from the south, from Irpin and the outskirts of Kiev, they were attacked by Ukrainian military forces. What purpose did they pursue by bombarding residential areas? Only two options are possible. The first is the mistakes of the fire spotter. The second is deliberate actions to destroy the non-combatants and use their corpses in further provocations. Preparation of new "sacred victims", which will be later presented to the world community. Such bomb traces that were launched from south are evidence of crimes against their own citizens. Mopping up the city from them is the primary task of the authorities. That's why city will be closed to a happenstance witnesses who may start asking uncomfortable questions.

This is how the place where the mortar bomb fell looks like on Google maps

Nest of a spy.

Distinctive feature of buildings' damage draws attention on aerial photography. Shots from the direction of Bucha most often hit houses' pediments. It becomes clear at 47 second of the video what kind of target was located there. The quadcopter operator flies over the roof of a high-rise building, where empty shots from grenade dispenser are left. There is no surprise that Armed Forces of Ukraine and nazi batallions use urban infrastructure and non-combatants as a shield. But here is a special case. A shot in the direction of a tank from a grenade dispenser is a way to expose position. According to the combat tactics, shooter must leave his position after a shot in order not to be killed. On the roof of the building in Irpin there are at least seven empty shots. It means that before the appearance of enemies, the shooter fired targets that can't return reprisal fire. Multiple damage on the building's south side, from where russian tanks couldn't fire, make it clear that shooter on the roof did it. This roof is another place where Irpin authorities should “make cleanup” behind closed doors.

Suddenly the quadcop operator “lit up” the place from where bombarding of Irpin yards was carried out from the RPG (short-range unguided rocket projectiles launcher
This "nest" on the roof of a high-rise building with many empty shots from RPGs explains the "illogical" bomb arrivals from the south to courtyards

Where did the corpses come from, or how  Irpin was destroyed. Eyewitness testimony.

This episode of the investigation is based on a letter from a woman evacuated from Irpin, which she sent to blogger Anatoly Shariy. The uniqueness of the testimony is that the author did not leave his home during the battles for Irpin. The woman could personally see and draw conclusions about whose MRLS “Grad” and mortars bombed residential areas.


The author of the letter reports points that allow to find the location on the map where her house was. A private two-stage mansion was located between Varshavskoye and Novo-Irpinskoye highways, one and a half kilometers from the low level bridge (across the small river Buchanka), the nearest large supermarket "Pchelka" to the house. These points give us the opportunity to assume that the house was located in the area of Lomonosov Street, between lines 10 and 9. Exact these places are the most war-torn in Irpin.

The author of the letter residence area

We provide the full text of the letter below. Now let's dwell upon the key episodes that allow us to understand what was happening in Irpin from early March to early April.


In one of the episodes, the author of the letter tells how mortar shell that flew into the house was near to kill mother and her. The women stood on the second floor and looked at the yard. The explosion destroyed the second floor. They were saved by the overlap between floors and a fallen panoramic window. On the same day, 2 more houses on their street were bombed by mortars. In the description, it is surprising that the woman does not directly blame the Russian troops. Moreover, she even partly explains the failure of the military actions "they apparently aimed at the street, but covered the grid box."

The author of the letter told about her house bombarding , which occurred according to the same pattern as on Grygoriy Skovoroda Street (which we wrote about above)
"On March 21, Russia apparently decided to take a ferry across the river, which is located 1.5 km away from us..."

As the story continues it becomes clear that the mortar shells were launched from their military forces. The Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to drive out the Russian units, that crossed the Buchanka River and tried to occupy this part of Irpin on March 21. However, they left occupied territories on March 23.

On March 21, Russian troops tried to force the Buchanka River and to intrench in Irpin
In an attempt to stop the advance of our forces, the AFU fired at the neighborhoods of private buildings adjacent to the river. As a result, this led to apocalyptic destruction.

“On March 23, in the morning, our grid box began to be covered with MRLS “Grad”, I didn’t even believe it at first, because they hit the old points where the Russian Federation stood, and this is illogical. Mortar shells flew to our street for the second time, where there were fighting a day ago. It was the same place again and the house began to burn. Then fire spread the whole neighbourhood, which is now replicated everywhere in the news – nobody fight a fire and even try to do that."

Today, footage of the destruction in Irpin is being replicated by Kiev propaganda as a consequence of the arrival of the Russians. Eyewitnesses tell the truth - the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired on the area with MRLS "Grad" when Russian tanks were no longer there

In addition to mortars and MLRS, artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also bombed the streets of Irpin. Every night lone light cannon provided disturbing and provocative fire at the positions of Russian military units. After the shot, it changed position and, in some cases, hid in the underground parking of high-rise buildings. Established relations between the neighbors in the story strikes the imagination. They divided into "patriots" and "politically unreliable". "These" application that Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine is testing these days in Irpin, will obviously be very popular.

Provocative fire from the yards of residential buildings has become a common practice of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Irpin

Where are the corpses?

And finally, the most interesting. Where were the corpses hidden in Irpin? According to the author of the letter, the corpses were not removed from the streets from the first days of the fighting. As a result, the remains of the dead were brought to the garages. The garage complex of Irpin is located near the low level bridge over the Buchanka. Behind the river, on the left, turn to Bucha, down Novoyablonevaya street and then there is Yablonevaya street. Exactly in this place, the largest number of corpses were found after Russian Armed Forces left.

Garage cooperative, where the corpses were taken in Irpin. Coordinates 50.54205, 30.26158

Ritual sacrifice

 Irpin inhabitants suspicions that they are sacred sacrifice began to appear at the very beginning of the events. After the electricity and gas were turned off in the city, the suspicions could only intensify. The dead do not need the benefits of civilization.

Some Irpin residents began to suspect that they are being prepared to be sacred sacrifices


During the evacuation from the city, the author of the letter witnessed the behavior of the battalion "Aidar" member during the fight with a combatant "in gray uniform". We assume that it was one of the fighters of the Right Sector retreat-blocking detachment. The testimony of a woman about fight on the streets in the rear suggests that among the corpses in Bucha and Irpin there are fighters of the territorial defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the National Guard. The cause of death of such fugitives from the battlefield will be bullet wounds.

The territorial defense, “Aidar” battalion and National Guard tried to leave the battlefield, but they feared being shot by retreat-blocking detachments

Letter from a resident of Irpin to blogger Anatoly Shariy. Full text 1 2 3 4

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