What to Do in Your 20s to Have a Happy Life

What to Do in Your 20s to Have a Happy Life

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Here’s what you can do in your 20s to have a good life. This advice applies no matter how old you are, but most teenagers and kids don’t have complete or any control over their life. Once you are twenty, your life is yours, and your actions are yours.

The first thing to do is to observe the people around you from a completely objective point of view. If you have people or just one person in your life that is toxic, you need to get them out of your life or at least limit your contact with them. I will admit that I am a hypocrite(лицемерно) writing this now. I believe that you should get all toxic people out of your life no matter what, yet I still have people that I know I shouldn’t rely on.

I will say not all poisonous(ядовитые) people are necessarily evil(злые). If they get more out of the relationship every time you interact than you, they’re a toxic person. It’s OK to help out a friend in need, but if every interaction is about what you can do for them. It would be best if you got something out of the friendship/relationship. If you can, get them out of your life whenever you talk to them. Look at it from a third person’s perspective. It’s an excellent coping mechanism that I use to detach myself from the interaction emotionally. When you use it, look at their actions vs. their words.

Once your life is free from as much toxicity as possible, take a look at yourself. The world is full of good and bad people. There are pressures of all kinds in the world. It’s extremely tough(сложно) to make it to your 20’s without being negatively affected. This is where it gets hard to explain. Many people think they’re OK, whether it’s denial(отрицание), or pride(гордость). Maybe they think they’re fine because others have it worst, and they feel bad complaining. It’s like a paradox. The reason that they are messed up(испорчены) is the same reason that they can’t see that they’re messed up. That’s why you have to take a close look at yourself to dig deep into your thoughts.

The next step is knowing thyself(себя). People act and behave differently depending on who they’re around. You wouldn’t treat(относиться) a stranger(незанкомцу) like your wife/husband — an excellent way to know yourself. Ask yourself what makes you enraged(разъяренным) or sad. A personal example from my life is that I’m not too fond of it when someone says they would do something, then they don’t. But I hate it to my core when I honestly believe them to the degree that I planned my day/week around what they said they’d do. I always hate myself afterward because I knew it was my fault for believing the person even though I knew I couldn’t. I would be different if it were someone who is usually dependable, but it’s someone that I knew had done this type of thing before. The only reason I need this person. It is because this Is the only person that Has no job and a car. There are things I need, like food, that I can’t get without a car. It makes me mad when I need to rely on others. So I am working on becoming self-reliant. that is my problem.

The above are the first few things you should consider during your 20s. They will help you better handle whatever issues you’ll be experiencing later in life.

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