What master do I need to be an architect?

What master do I need to be an architect?


1. Background: Bachelor of Architecture and Diploma of Technical Architecture

Before the Bologna Plan, which structured university degrees in ECTS credits, there were two different professionals in architecture: the Bachelor of Architecture, and therefore an architect, and the Diploma in Technical Architecture, also known as a surveyor /to. By changing to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education was established, which sets four levels of higher education: level 1, Higher Technician; level 2, Grade; level 3, Master; and level 4, PhD.

With this modification of the Spanish university system, the title of Architect has equivalence at level 3 , master's degree, and the title of Technical Architect at level 2, of Degree. Those who are in possession of the title of Architect and Technical Architect can obtain this correspondence certificate through a procedure of the Ministry of Education that is permanently open.

However, this equivalence implies that, currently, to be an architect in Spain you must be in possession of a master's degree that enables you to exercise that profession, having previously passed the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture (a minimum of 300 ECTS or 5 years duration).

2. what is a technical architect

A regulated profession is that professional activity for which access or practice requires a degree, and which constitutes a profession in a Member State of the European Union. In Spain, among the regulated professions is that of architect, which requires being in possession of a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture and a Master's Degree in Architecture. This must be official and empowering in order to work as an architect. In turn, it is necessary to enroll in an Official College of Architects corresponding to the professional address.

"If you are not registered, it is not possible to freely exercise the profession of Architect in any of its aspects, whether they are formalized work and subject to a collegiate visa (work projects or end-of-work certifications) or jobs that do not require the visa (planning instruments, reports, opinions, expert opinions etc ...) "

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