What is the art form of Storytelling on Social Network?

What is the art form of Storytelling on Social Network?


The art of storytelling stories on social networks, also called storytelling , is one of the disciplines that every brand must develop in order to position itself and engage with its consumers.

 However, this art takes a new direction from the rise of social networks , due to the possibilities of monitoring and interaction that each person who is involved in the story has. 

In addition, these stories can include texts, photos, videos or applications, so they become much more attractive to users.

Why to tell a story on Social Network ?

What makes a brand different from another that provides the same products or services, or has a strong influence on its customers, is the story behind it.

 That story is what gives a human aspect and a warm flavor, awakening emotional, humorous or compromising feelings in the public.

What are the tips of storytelling on social network?

All brands have a story about their creation, it's just a matter of taking those memories, giving them some narrative magic and planning their insertion in social networks.

1. As if it were the chapters of a book, dosing history in parts is an excellent strategy that stimulates interest and enthusiasm in readers, who will look forward to its continuation.

2. Some brands have their own voice , that is, they are represented by a particular character who, in many cases, is the same creator. Protagonists like Bill Gates at Microsoft or Steve Jobs at Apple are examples of how a personal voice can enhance the story and message of a brand.

3. The power of social media images is second to none, a post that includes an image generates significantly more likes, shares and comments than a plain text. 

4. Thinking strategically what images could accompany the written story, or how you could even tell the story in one or several images, is the key to the brand engaging with its followers.

5. The creation of interactive stories is the differential attribute that gives power to a story in social networks. 

6. Users can carry out various actions, the important thing is to encourage them to perform them, that way they will be more intensely involved. 

7. For example, you can post an incomplete story that invites fans to continue the story through comments, including creating collective stories among several users, thereby strengthening the idea of community.

8. Simplicity is one of the characteristics that a story should never stop having. It is recommended to work with short and concise stories, easy to read and assimilation to the public.

9. Contributing elements to the story that allow people to identify with it is another key to increasing engagement. It is essential to think about the target audience, consider what are their interests, motivations, aspirations, problems and daily problems, to appeal to those feelings when giving them a story.

The art of telling stories is also the art of increasing sales. While it is necessary to concentrate on the creative side, the business objectives of the company must always be taken into account.

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