What is the Strongest Type of Cardboard?

What is the Strongest Type of Cardboard?

Victoria Adam
Cardboard sheets are widely used all over the world for packaging purposes. The reason for using cardboard at a large scale is because of multifaceted benefits. Cardboard material is cost-effective, eco-friendly, higher in sustainability, and easy to access. Another reason for using custom cardboard boxes for sale is that it is a great marketing tool. Choosing the right type of cardboard boxes will endorse a long-lasting impression of the brand, and hence it will get more customers as well.

Paperboard V/S Corrugated Cardboard

For paperboard, only a single sheet of cardboard paper is used in its manufacturing. It is the thinnest form of cardboard paper and does not have enough strength to hold heavy objects. The boxes made of paperboard are generally available for the packaging of cereals. 
The preparation of corrugated cardboard sheets involves a few steps. The raw paper is the major component in the manufacturing of corrugated cardboard sheets. The raw material that is paper is passed through hot machines known as corrugators. To get a range of sheets having diversity in their thickness, the manufacturing of paper involves different paper mills. 

Why Corrugated Cardboard?

Corrugated cardboard material has flute sheets that have different levels of thickness. The flute sheets have different designations that include:

  • Flute Type A: It has a flute thickness of about 4.8mm (the thickest one)
  • Flute Type C: It possesses a flute thickness of about 4.0mm.
  • Flute Type B: It consists of a thickness of almost 3.2mm.
  • Flute Type E: It has a thickness level of about 1.6mm.
  • Flute Type F: It holds a flute thickness of about 0.8mm (the thinnest one)

Flute type C is commonly used for making cardboard solutions. With the help of the thickness level, you can choose the right flute sheet to get your custom cardboard boxes for sale very effectively. 

Types of Corrugated Cardboard

With the mixture of flute designations, you can get different types of cardboard sheets. The most common types of cardboard sheets are as follows:

  • Single face board
  • Single wallboard
  • Double-walled
  • Triple walled

Single Face Board

It possesses a single sheet of corrugated cardboard material that has an s-curved shape. The purpose of this using this sheet is cushioning. Cushioning is done by wrapping a single face board around the product. It helps to protect the goods during the process of transportation. Usually, the brands use a single face board to wrap the fragile products to protect them from any damage during shipping.

Single Wallboard

When one carton board and corrugated s-curved cardboard gets attached, it will result in a single wallboard. Usually, adhesives like glue are used to bind these materials. They are used in the manufacturing of custom cardboard boxes for sale. Graphic cardboards are manufactured by using single wallboards such as book covers. Cereals, tissue rollers, and toilet paper rollers are wrapped in this type of cardboard.

Double Wallboard

When two s-curved cardboards are sandwiched between two carton sheets, it will generate double-walled cardboard sheets. Adhesives like starch glue are used between every layer to bind them. Double-walled is more solid as compared to the single wallboard. These cardboards are mainly used in the packaging of medium weight objects. For example, for the packaging of cosmetic products, toys, and accessories, double wallboard sheets are generally used. They can also be used for storing households and for transporting goods from one place to another.

Triple Walled

It involves the sandwiching of triple layers of s-curved cardboards and plain carton sheets. Starch glue is mainly used to give them a triple-walled structure. They can hold heavy objects and provide an efficient grip so that products can be transported safely. They are used for the packaging of heavy objects and machinery that includes refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines, etc.

The Strongest Type of Cardboard

Triple wallboard sheets are the strongest among the other types of cardboard. They are higher in durability and adaptability. They are a great resistance against weather conditions to protect products from any damage. This means cardboard materials are environmentally friendly. Also, they are cheap and can be manufactured conveniently. The thickness of flute sheets is important to consider in order to form corrugated cardboard sheets.

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