What is the Samba File Server and how to set it up

What is the Samba File Server and how to set it up

Mark Zigman

For many Microsoft Windows clients and Linux/UNIX servers, file and print services are provided by the free and open-source Samba software package. As a file server, print server, and authentication server, it is effective. The following elements make up the Samba software suite:

Samba Server: The server part offers customers file and printing services.

The client part of Samba allows Linux/UNIX servers to connect to a Windows network's shared resources.

Tools for Samba Administration - The administrative tools offer the utilities required to control and set up the Samba server.

We'll concentrate on the Samba server component in this post and go through how to set up a Samba file server on Linux.

Step 1: Install Samba

Installing the Samba software on your Linux machine is the first step. Run the following command in your terminal to install the package:

sudo apt-get install samba

Step 2: Create a Samba User

The next step is to set up a Samba user account. When clients connect to the Samba file server, this account will be used to verify their identities. Run the following command to create a Samba user:

sudo smbpasswd -a username

The name of the user you wish to create should be substituted for "username". A user password must be entered when requested.

Step 3: Configure Samba

After creating the Samba user, you need to configure the Samba server to share files and directories. The Samba configuration file is located at /etc/samba/smb.conf. You can edit this file using any text editor of your choice.

Open the smb.conf file using the following command:

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add the following lines to the [global] section of the file:


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workgroup = WORKGROUP security = user map to guest = bad user

The workgroup parameter specifies the workgroup name of your network. The security parameter specifies the authentication method for the clients accessing the Samba server. The map to guest parameter specifies the action to be taken if a guest client tries to access a share that requires authentication.

Step 4: Create a Shared Directory

The next step is to create a directory that you want to share on the Samba file server. You can create a directory using the following command:

sudo mkdir /home/share

Replace '/home/share' with the path to the directory you want to share.

After creating the directory, you need to set the appropriate permissions for the directory. You can set the permissions using the following command:

sudo chmod 777 /home/share

This command sets the read, write, and execute permissions for all users on the system.

Step 5: Configure the Shared Directory

After creating the shared directory, you need to configure the directory to be shared on the Samba server. Open the smb.conf file using the following command:

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add the following lines to the end of the file:


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[share] path = /home/share valid users = username read only = no

Replace 'share' with the name you want to give to the share. The path parameter specifies the path to the shared directory. The valid users parameter specifies the username of the user who has access to the share. The read-only parameter specifies whether the share can be modified or not.

Step 6: Restart Samba

After making changes to the Samba configuration file, you need to restart the Samba service for the changes to take effect. You can restart the Samba service using the following command:

``sudo systemctl restart smbd``

Step 7: Configure Firewall

If you have a firewall enabled on your Linux system, you need to allow traffic on the Samba ports. The default Samba ports are TCP 139 and TCP 445. You can allow traffic on these ports using the following commands:

sudo ufw allow 139/tcp
sudo ufw allow 445/tcp

Step 8: Access the Samba Share

Now that the Samba server is configured, you can access the shared directory from a Windows client. Open File Explorer on a Windows client and type the following in the address bar:

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Replace 'linux-server-ip' with the IP address of your Linux system and 'share' with the name of the share you created.

You will be prompted to enter the username and password you created earlier. After entering the correct credentials, you will have access to the shared directory.


Setting up a Samba file server on Linux can be a great way to share files and directories with Windows clients. With just a few steps, you can configure a Samba server and start sharing files. The Samba software suite is a powerful tool that can provide file and print services for various Microsoft Windows clients and Linux/UNIX servers.

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