What is the Leased Line and How Does it Work

What is the Leased Line and How Does it Work

Best Leased Line Providers UK

What is a 'dedicated leased line,' exactly? It's a term you've probably come across if you deal with the network or connectivity of your company's IT provision.

A leased line, in short, is a sort of private network service. It can handle a wide range of data services. Leased lines are typically advertised as an internet connection option to standard public broadband.

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If you're not sure why anyone would want or need something else than standard broadband.

consider the following facts about your internet connection:

  • Is it always able to give the degree of performance you require?
  • Is it ever buggy, and do you ever have to endure go-slows?
  • Is your internet service's quality ever a hindrance to completing things swiftly, efficiently, and on time?

These may be concerns that have sprung to the forefront of your mind this year as you and your coworkers have been compelled to work from home for more than expected. The rapid move to domestic broadband, primarily if a Business leased line supplies your organization, has highlighted just how important quality and speed of Internet access is in maintaining exceptional customer service and corporate productivity.

What Distinguishes a leased line, though?

How leased lines work

A leased line is a private internet connection supplied directly to your business's location for the sole use of your company. This contrasts with standard broadband connections, such as ADSL, Fiber-to-the-Cabinet (FTTC), or Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP), in which bandwidth is shared among several customers. This is known as 'congested' bandwidth.

Consider the internet to be a highway: everyone must utilize it at some time to get from point A to point B, right? When driving on the highway, you may encounter traffic jams caused by several users using the road simultaneously, which is referred to as contention in this example. It provides guaranteed fast speed, there is no other traffic, and it is uncontended.

Consider what occurs at home when all of your neighbors are online simultaneously: your internet connection may lag, causing downloads to delay, and while this wastes your time, it has little to no financial impact. On the other hand, when organizations experience a slow connection, the ramifications are more severe and, in many cases, costly due to team efficiencies, customer service, etc. This is precisely the type of problem that a leased line is intended to solve. You obtain guaranteed bandwidth, speeds, and exclusive connection usage by establishing a direct, dedicated, uncontended private line from your internet service provider (ISP) to your business premises, all guaranteed by unambiguous SLAs.

Another advantage of a leased line is that it divides bandwidth evenly between uploads and downloads, ensuring that both run at the same pace. Asymmetrical or synchronous link is what this is called. This is not the case with standard broadband — the internet connection you get at home is asymmetrical, which means it allocates more bandwidth to downloads than uploads because we spend more time downloading (for example, movies and music) than uploading (for example, images to the cloud).

So, while asymmetric broadband is excellent for streaming movies and music, which require a lot of download capacity, it's not where your time as a business is spent.

And this isn't what you need while you're attempting to broadcast a webinar presentation that uses the upload feature. Every cloud-based productivity platform or business software relies as much on users' ability to submit data as it does on downloading data. This is where leased lines come in to offer the necessary balance.

Wired v Wireless Leased Lines.

Leased lines can be transmitted electronically, radio, or through fiber optic cables. Both have their pros and cons. Because of the additional work involved in laying a physical cable, which often necessitates digging up roads and pavements, radio has a short lead time, typically 10-21 working days from the moment an order is placed, whereas fiber takes 60-90 working days.

Another benefit of radio is no fear of the line being accidentally broken when working on a building site, such as when a motorized digger is on the job. This can be particularly troublesome in city centers, resulting in downtime for fiber leased lines and negative consequences for businesses supported by those connections.

However, where fiber cabling is already in place, pricing can be more competitive than radio. Lead times can also be cut in half, from 60 to 30-45 days.

When both technologies are used together, they can provide comprehensive resilience with a guarantee of 100 percent uptime – if the fibre line goes down, the radio takes over. Vice versa, ensuring that your business is protected from outages as one service acts as a failover to the other to keep things running and connected.

Choose Right Leased Line for Your Business

The user uses the leased lines for direct internet access (DIA), office-to-office connections, or as part of a private WAN network. Our goal at M247 is to provide adaptable solutions that provide expanding organizations with the bandwidth, speed, and resilience they require.

We have the infrastructure to offer better-than-average lead times for fiber lines and reduced pricing thanks to our own private real fibre leased line and LLU. We offer bandwidths at price points to suit every budget, whether you choose a wireless or fiber line, making it simple to adjust your connection in pace with your changing business needs.

Guaranteed uptimes of 99.95 percent, 24/7/365 monitoring, and competitive fix time SLAs are all part of the package. If you'd like to learn more about how to improve your company's connectivity, click here. Then, use our postcode checker to see what's available in your region.

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