What is psychology?

What is psychology?

Psychology is a science that many people study. Universities give a lot of homework in psychology. Studybay is always there to help you with your homework. Reviews show that it is a legit and safe service.

Types of psychology

All existing branches of psychology are divided into two major groups:

Academic psychology. The science that deals with the study of mental manifestations peculiar to humans and animals. It determines the dependencies between phenomena in different spheres of mental life. Describing what psychology is, let us note that the aim of the academic variety is to develop theory, identify patterns in the psyche and study various phenomena. This can be considered a kind of basis for the development of science.

Applied psychology. This type is also called a practical. Its main purpose - the study of various ways to apply existing knowledge in everyday life to come to some result. With the help of applied psychology develops recommendations that allow the development of mental life. It also provides some kind of response to different methodologies, confirming and refuting them.

Linking psychology with the other sciences

Many sciences are intertwined with each other, this is also true of psychology. This interaction has given rise to numerous branches of this science. Practical psychology and other varieties have links:

With biology. For the study of the psyche, insights into the structure of the body, the workings of the nervous system and so on are useful.

With history. The data recorded in various sources and studied in history are an important basis for psychology.

With medicine. This science helps to study the human condition better, so that it is easier to prevent serious problems and to prescribe effective treatment.

With sociology. The development and formation of personality is greatly influenced by one's environment and social position. This information plays a big role in the development of psychology.

With philosophy. With the help of this science there is a study of a person's views on different situations in life, and psychology has a connection with their formation.

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