What is hangharvesting and why you must use it

What is hangharvesting and why you must use it

Due to the latest advent in technology, it has become easier to harvest your crop faster without any fear of getting damaged due to over handling or by totes. Years of study have proved that by doing hangharvesting properly you may be able to get your harvest early thereby increase your business faster. Rather it won’t affect the overall quality and integrity of flower.


Steps involved in hangharvesting are :

First step is cut your crop and hang it on the hanger, it will be dried very quickly without making the hanger bend or break. It is the last time when you will touch your flower and after that te raised ridges will protect your flower in place.

Next step is transportation

This is extremely important as the harvest be damaged while transportation if not done precisely. By using integrated handle, it is done by carrying full stick of pro hangers or by loading stucks and them carried away to the drying location.

Also, as a necessary aspect Driflower hangers and kits possess consistent airflow to the crop and it is monitored throughout the transportation process. You will not have to worry about all those procedures.

In the last step empty the hangers fastly, save your time and money with us. After the hemp is dried, empty the hangers and you are done without any further complications.

We do have a wide range of products like hangers, brackets, sticks, racks apparels etc. whatever you need regarding the hangharvesting process all equipment are here at our store in Driflower. We do have complete kits (pro pods, shipping container, conversion kit, shelving rack etc).

So if you are looking to invest in this great technology of hangharvesting, see some shipping container conversion kit available at our store and may enquire about the same.

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