What is alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS)?

What is alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS)?


Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) is the name of a symptom that occurs when a heavy drink stops abruptly or significantly reduces alcohol intake.

With AWS, you can experience a combination of physical and emotional symptoms ranging from mild anxiety and fatigue to nausea. Some symptoms of AWS are as severe as hallucinations and seizures. At its peak, AWS can be fatal.

What are the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome?

Signs and symptoms of AWS can appear anywhere from six hours to a few days after your last drink. These usually include at least two of the following:






An increased heart rate

to sweat





high blood pressure

Symptoms may worsen in two to three days, and in some people, some symptoms may persist for a few weeks. They may be more noticeable when waking up with less alcohol in your blood.

The most severe type of withdrawal syndrome is known as delirium tremor (DT). Its signs and symptoms include:

Extreme confusion

Excessive movement



Tactile hallucinations, such as itching, burning, or numbness that is not actually there

Hearing hallucinations, or hearing sounds that don't exist

Visual hallucinations, or viewing images that do not exist

If you have severe symptoms of AWS, it is emergency medicine. Call for help or go to the emergency room. High fever, hallucinations, and heart disturbances are all causes that should be sought immediately.

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