What is a Non-Stress Test in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy?

What is a Non-Stress Test in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy?

Aziz Q Shaikh

The survival and health of mothers and newborns are linked. The medical interventions designed for mothers can also benefit the overall health of their infant, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The right hygiene, pre-natal tests and pregnancy counseling could prove extremely beneficial for the baby.

One such method to improve the child’s survival rate is the nonstress test (NST). It is usually performed in the last trimester, to determine fetal well-being. It is mostly done on mothers who have high risk pregnancies, gestational diabetes, low amniotic fluid, or those who have moved past the due date, say specialists at the best maternity hospitals in Delhi.

Procedure of Nonstress Test

This is a less-invasive test and does not take more than 30 minutes. You will be asked to lie down on the exam table and two monitoring belts with transducers will be placed on your belly. One measures the baby’s heart beat and the other measures the contractions. Now, you will be asked to press a button every time a movement is felt. This way the heartbeat changes are recorded, while the fetus is moving. In case the baby is inactive, the nurse will ring a bell or use an acoustic stimulator to wake it up.

What Does a Nonstress Test Check?

The test is mainly recommended to reassure the parents of the baby’s health. Information on the child’s oxygen supply, heart rhythm, activities like kicking or punching can be expected. If the child is not receiving enough oxygen, it needs to be delivered early. Also, if the child slows down or shows no signs of motility, medical interventions are required. If you have existing conditions, such as kidney, heart or blood disorders, along with the ones discussed above, a nonstress test is a must.

Preparing for the Test

Although the test requires no special preparation, keep the following in mind for a smooth experience:

  • If you are a smoker, consider avoiding it at least 4 hours before the exam.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothes that can be easily lifted to expose your belly.
  • There might be certain quantitative restrictions on lunch or breakfast, which would be recommended by your doctor.
  • Try not to stress or be anxious, since this could further affect the baby’s health.
  • Additional instructions, depending on your pregnancy condition, might be given, which need to be followed diligently.

Test Results: What You Should Know

The report will be rated as reactive or non-reactive. If the heartbeat increases to a certain level above the baseline according to the gestational age, the baby is healthy. In case, the heartbeat does not fulfill the standard parameter, the test is considered non-reactive. However, it does not necessarily mean declining health. The baby might have been asleep during the test and is perfectly fine otherwise. But further tests will be recommended by the doctor for greater reassurance.

A nonstress test does not pose any threats to the mother or the baby, say experts at the best maternity hospital in Delhi.

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