What is a Field Engineer?

What is a Field Engineer?

Field engineers, also known as field service technicians and equipment engineers, are specialist technicians responsible for identifying and resolving issues with client equipment and systems. They apply engineering, mathematical and scientific theories to real life problems that arise at all sorts of locations such as dams, airports, roads, railways and construction sites.

They travel to and spend most of their time at their clients’ premises, troubleshooting problems and providing on-site end-user support. They need to be able to confidently diagnose the client’s problem and implement an appropriate solution to ensure the system or device is performing properly.

From IT and telecommunications to aerospace and construction, field engineers are employed in a wide range of industries. Office work is minimal as the vast majority of work is delivered on-site resolving issues. Working hours aren’t always the typical 9 to 5 as they often need to be readily available to solve a sudden crisis for their client.

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