What is Solution Architecture and what is its importance?

What is Solution Architecture and what is its importance?


Solution architecture and software architecture. Do you know what those two terms mean? For many people, the terms are similar, but the reality is that they are different concepts and used for different needs.

The solution architecture, as the name implies, builds solutions based on the needs of the company, with its own resources. It can also be used to align new solutions with the existing architecture, following corporate standards and integrations.

what does a solution architect do

While the software architecture defines the behavior, delivery and documentation necessary for the operation of the systems. In this article, we will show in more detail about the need for each type of architecture. Follow!

What is Solution Architecture and what is its importance?

Solutions Architecture designs and implements IT resources and tools to meet business needs. In practice, this means that the company's objectives must be aligned with the software, platforms and infrastructure that will be created or that are already in use. Among the solutions developed, they can be:

Maintenance of services;

Implementation of new systems;

Handling structured data, among others.

We can compare the architecture of solutions with the architecture of a house. In residential architecture, the professional develops projects optimizing resources, providing harmony and with functional tools.

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