What is Shiatsu Massage?

What is Shiatsu Massage?

Shiatsu massage is a derivative form of traditional Japanese bodywork depending upon theories in traditional Chinese medical theory like the flow of'chi' or'blood'. Shiatsu derives from the Western massage technique known as anma. The anma, or massage, uses gentle pressure and manipulation of the human body to encourage the flow of'chi' or'blood' through the entire body. This technique originated in China and was brought to Japan in which it had been used as a complementary treatment to a number of the oriental medicine clinics.

In today's world, a lot of people are utilizing shiatsu massage since they want to feel refreshed and relaxed. Shiatsu means finger pressure and has been used as a way to help relax the whole body. Shiatsu massage utilizes several approaches to help relax the customer. One of these techniques is that the Five Points Shiatsu massage. That is sometimes also called the Five Elements Shiatsu massage.

Shiatsu has also been used as a means to help those who have accidents or aches in their muscles and joints. Most shiatsu therapists provide this kind of therapy to their customers because of the positive results they receive. Shiatsu is famous in Japan and some shiatsu therapists are trained to become full-time teachers. This type of treatment can be very beneficial when done properly by an experienced professional.

Take a look at the site here Shiatsu uses five basic points in your human body to pinpoint pressure points. These pressure points are on different meridians, or energy pathways, of your system. Every one of those five points or meridians has its own purpose and can be very useful depending on what the individual needs. For example, if the customer suffers from constipation, then the therapist can apply pressure to specific points across the colon to help relieve the pain related to constipation. Shiatsu therapists use their fingers, thumbs, or even a finger in a hands on movement to use this strain to the patient. Shiatsu therapists think that energy flows throughout the meridian system and that by applying pressure to specific points along the meridians, they're allowing energy to flow freely through the body.

Another technique used during a Shiatsu massage is using audio or gentle lighting. Music or gentle light can help to relax the individual in addition to soothe her or his soul. The soothing music or lighting may also impact the energy levels inside the space. After the individual is receiving this type of therapy, they should expect to feel extremely relaxed, however there are still pain and discomfort that can occur. Hence, the therapist shouldn't expect the customer to be completely pain free during the entire session.

Shiatsu massage can happen on different parts of the body using different techniques. Usually the therapist starts at one part of their human body using gentle movements. Then, as he or she nears the various areas of the human body using different methods, the pressure along with the rhythm of the massage increases. This will last until each the different parts of the body have been treated. The therapist can use their palms, thumbs, or fingers while massaging certain areas of the human body.

The outcomes for this type of massage are usually not permanent but are rather effective. The Swedish massage has helped many people find relief from stress, tension, and pain. Although Swedish massage does help to ease the individual's symptoms, it cannot reverse any type of illness.

Shiatsu massages are suggested for people who wish to feel relaxed and calm, but don't want to suffer with any type of illness. Shiatsu therapists are trained to locate the most common pressure points, which enables them to relieve the person's symptoms instantly. For those who are frightened that this kind of massage can be painful, it's important to realize that many therapists do not use their hands when working on someone. Many Shiatsu therapists instead use their palms, thumbs, and even elbows while running the therapy. Due to this, there is not any fear of being injured while this sort of massage lasts at least sixty minutes.

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