What is Judo?

What is Judo?


Judo is a tremendous and dynamic combat sport that demands both physical prowess and great mental discipline. From a standing position, it involves techniques that allow you to lift and throw your opponents onto their backs. On the ground, it includes techniques that allow you to pin your opponents down to the ground, control them, and apply various chokeholds or joint locks until submission. The early history of judo is inseparable from its founder, Japanese polymath and educator Jigoro Kano (1860–1938). Kano was born into a well-to-do Japanese family. His grandfather was a self-made man: a sake brewer from Shiga prefecture in central Japan. The rules of the sport of judo are complex. The objective is to cleanly throw, to pin, or to master the opponent, the latter being done by applying pressure to arm joints or to the neck to cause the opponent to yield. Instead, judo simply involves two individuals who, by gripping the judo uniform or judogi, use the forces of balance, power, and movement to attempt to subdue each other. Thus, it is simple and basic. In its simplicity, however, lies its complexity, and mastery of even the most basic of judo techniques that often take considerable time, effort, and energy, involving rigorous physical and mental training. The rank system judo has today, was adopted by most other Asian martial arts. There are several different grades for students and masters, which are shown with different coloured belts. The belts are supposed to show the athletes knowledge and leadership abilities. The belts are also 스포츠토토 a great motivation for the athletes.

Did you know?

Judo is a martial art that emphasizes the use of quick movement and leverage to throw an opponent. Its techniques are generally intended to turn an opponent's force to one's own advantage rather than to oppose it directly. The opponent must be thrown cleanly, pinned, or mastered through the application of pressure to arm joints or the neck. Judo evolved out of the older martial art jujitsu in late-19th-century Japan, but it is now practiced primarily as sport. It became an Olympic sport for men in 1964; women's judo was added in 1992.

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