What is Codeine?

What is Codeine?

Antony Holt

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Buy Codeine is a widely-used medication known for its analgesic and antitussive properties. It is commonly used to relieve mild to moderate pain or cough symptoms. In this article, we will explore various aspects of purchasing codeine, including its availability, regulatory status, and popular brands.


What is Codeine?

Codeine is a pain reliever. It is used to offer short-term pain relief for acute moderate to severe pain, coughing, and diarrhea. It is not suggested as a long-term or chronic pain therapy. It can be used to relieve pain following procedures or injuries in the short term. It is only available with a prescription. It includes opioids, which are potentially addictive. It is also found as a component in other prescription medicines, such as co-codamol.

Patient Information Leaflet

For more information on the prescription medication please refer to the Codeine patient information leaflet.

 How to Buy Codeine:

Codeine for sale uk is a prescription-only medication in most countries, requiring a valid prescription from a licensed healthcare professional. To obtain codeine legally, one must follow these steps:

a. Consult a Healthcare Professional:

Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider, such as a doctor or nurse practitioner, to discuss your symptoms and medical history. They will evaluate your condition and determine if codeine is an appropriate treatment option.

b. Obtain Prescription:

If your healthcare provider deems codeine necessary for your treatment, they will issue a prescription. The prescription details the dosage, quantity, and instructions for use.

c. Pharmacy Purchase:

Once you have a valid prescription, you can purchase codeine Pills from a licensed pharmacy. Provide the prescription, and the pharmacist will dispense the medication according to the prescription's specifications.

Is codeine sold in pharmacy? : Availability of Codeine in Pharmacies

Is codeine sold in pharmacy? Codeine for sale uk is often available in pharmacies, but its availability varies depending on local regulations. In many countries, codeine-containing medications come under strict control due to the potential for misuse and addiction. Consequently, these medications are classified as controlled substances and are not available without a prescription.

Why isn't codeine over the counter?- Over-the-Counter (OTC) Codeine:

Why isn't codeine over the counter? Buy Codeine used to be available over the counter in certain preparations, typically combined with other ingredients like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. However, due to its opioid properties, many jurisdictions have implemented stricter regulations, making codeine products available only with a prescription. The primary reasons behind this are:

a. Misuse and Addiction:

Codeine for sale uk misuse, abuse, and addiction have become significant concerns in recent years. Regulations aim to reduce the risks associated with unrestricted access to codeine, especially when used inappropriately or without medical supervision.

b. Health Risks:

Codeine is an opioid, and its unregulated use can lead to various side effects, including respiratory depression, drowsiness, constipation, and dependence. By restricting access to codeine, regulators strive to ensure it is used safely and appropriately.


Can I buy pure codeine?

Can I buy pure codeine?  Pure codeine is not available for purchase over the counter or by prescription. It is typically found in its combined form with other medications, as mentioned earlier. Pharmaceutical regulations restrict the availability of pure codeine due to its potential for misuse and adverse effects.

Which brands have codeine? Codeine Brands:

Which brands have codeine? Several pharmaceutical companies manufacture codeine-containing medications. Some well-known brands that include codeine as an active ingredient are:

a. Tylenol with Codeine

b. Robitussin AC

c. Cheracol

d. Fiorinal with Codeine

e. Solpadeine

  • Tylenol with Codeine (acetaminophen + codeine)
  • Robitussin AC (guaifenesin + codeine)
  • Cheratussin AC (guaifenesin + codeine)
  • Fiorinal with Codeine (aspirin + caffeine + codeine)
  • Promethazine with Codeine (promethazine + codeine)

Where is codeine legal over-the-counter? While codeine generally requires a prescription, some countries have specific regulations that allow certain low-dose codeine preparations to be sold without a prescription. These jurisdictions may vary, but examples of countries that have legal over-the-counter codeine include:

a. Australia: Limited-strength codeine Pills medications were available over the counter until February 2018. Subsequently, Australia implemented stricter regulations, requiring a prescription for codeine-containing products.

b. Canada: As of the research date, codeine-containing products are available only with a prescription in Canada.

c. United Kingdom: Codeine-containing products typically require a prescription in the UK. However, certain low-dose codeine combinations may be available over the counter for short-term use.


Codeine is generally not available over the counter and requires a prescription from a healthcare professional. The regulations surrounding codeine aim to protect individuals from potential misuse, addiction, and associated health risks. It is essential to follow the local regulations and consult a healthcare provider for the appropriate and safe use of codeine-based medications.


Medical benefits of codeine

1. Pain relief: Codeine for sale uk is a type of opioid analgesic commonly used to alleviate mild to moderate pain. It works by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system, reducing the perception of pain.

2. Cough suppression: Codeine can effectively suppress coughing by acting on the cough center in the brain. It is often used as a cough suppressant, particularly for non-productive or irritating coughs.

3. Diarrhea management: Codeine has antidiarrheal properties and can help slow down bowel movements in cases of acute or chronic diarrhea. It acts on the intestinal muscles to reduce motility and water content in the stool, providing relief.

4. Enhanced anesthesia: In some surgical procedures, Codeine for sale uk can be used in combination with other anesthetics to enhance their effectiveness. It can increase pain tolerance, reduce anxiety, and provide a more profound sedative effect during anesthesia.

5. Treatment of severe pain: In cases where non-opioid analgesics are ineffective, codeine can be prescribed for the management of severe pain. It is often used when other pain-relieving options are not sufficient in providing relief.

It is important to note that Codeine for sale uk should only be used under medical supervision and in accordance with prescribed dosage guidelines. Misuse or overuse of codeine can lead to various side effects and potential addiction.

Codeine dosage

The appropriate otc codeine dosage can vary depending on various factors such as the medical condition being treated, the individual's age, weight, and overall health. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or a pharmacist to determine the correct dosage for your specific situation.

Codeine Pills is typically available in tablet or liquid form, and the typical adult dosage for pain relief usually ranges from 15 to 60 mg every 4 to 6 hours, with a maximum daily dose of 360 mg. However, it's important to follow the instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist.

It's worth mentioning that codeine is a potent opioid, and it carries the risk of side effects, including drowsiness, constipation, and respiratory depression. It also has the potential for abuse and addiction. It should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional and as prescribed.

Codeine Tablet Side Effect

Codeine, a medication typically used as a pain reliever or cough suppressant, can have several side effects. It is important to note that not everyone experiences these side effects, and some may be more common or severe than others. Here are five potential side effects of codeine:

1. Drowsiness: Codeine can cause drowsiness and sedation. This effect can impair your ability to drive or operate machinery, so it's essential to use caution while taking codeine.

2. Constipation: One of the most common side effects of codeine for sale uk is constipation. It slows down the movement of the digestive system, leading to infrequent bowel movements. Adequate fluid intake and dietary fiber can help manage this side effect.

3. Nausea and vomiting: Codeine may cause nausea and vomiting, particularly when you start taking it. Sometimes, taking codeine with food can help reduce these symptoms.

4. Respiratory depression: In high doses or when used improperly, codeine can suppress breathing, leading to respiratory depression. This side effect is more likely in individuals who are already predisposed to breathing difficulties, such as those with respiratory diseases.

5. Itching and rashes: Codeine for sale uk can cause itching, skin rashes, or hives in some people. In rare cases, severe allergic reactions may occur, resulting in difficulty breathing or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. Seek immediate medical assistance if you experience these symptoms.

 How much does real codeine cost?

How much does real codeine cost? The cost of real codeine can vary depending on various factors such as the brand, dosage strength, and location of purchase. On average, generic codeine may range from $10 to $30 per bottle or package. However, it is crucial to note that codeine is a prescription medication, and obtaining it without a valid prescription is illegal and unsafe.

What is the available form of codeine?

Codeine is available in various pharmaceutical forms, commonly as oral tablets, capsules, or syrups. These formulations may be combined with other medications, such as acetaminophen or promethazine, to provide different therapeutic effects. The form and strength of codeine prescribed by a healthcare professional depend on the patient's medical condition and the severity of their symptoms.

  • Tylenol with Codeine (acetaminophen + codeine)
  • Robitussin AC (guaifenesin + codeine)
  • Cheratussin AC (guaifenesin + codeine)
  • Fiorinal with Codeine (aspirin + caffeine + codeine)
  • Promethazine with Codeine (promethazine + codeine)

How much does prescription codeine cost?

How much does prescription codeine cost? The cost of prescription codeine for sale uk can differ based on factors like insurance coverage, the pharmacy's pricing, and the specific product prescribed. With insurance, patients may have copayments ranging from $5 to $50, while those without insurance may need to pay the full retail price, which can range from $20 to $100 or more, depending on the prescription size and brand.

 Can you buy acetaminophen with codeine over-the-counter?

No, you cannot buy acetaminophen with codeine over-the-counter. Acetaminophen with codeine is a combination medication that contains a controlled substance (codeine), making it available only by prescription.Can you buy acetaminophen with codeine over-the-counter? It is essential to follow the guidance of a healthcare professional when using this medication to avoid potential risks and side effects associated with codeine use.

 Can you buy codeine behind the counter?

Codeine is not typically available behind the counter without a prescription. It is classified as a controlled substance due to its potential for misuse and addiction. Can you buy codeine behind the counter?codeine can only be legally obtained with a valid prescription from a licensed healthcare professional. Attempting to buy codeine without a prescription is illegal and may lead to serious consequences.

What is the strongest over-the-counter pain pill?

The strongest over-the-counter (OTC) pain pills typically contain nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or acetaminophen as their active ingredients. NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen are effective for reducing inflammation and relieving moderate pain. However, it's important to note that the strength of pain relief can vary among individuals, and the best OTC pain pill for a specific person may depend on their medical history and any underlying health conditions. Always consult a healthcare professional or pharmacist to determine the most suitable OTC pain relief option for your needs.

What would a doctor prescribe Codeine for?

Codeine is a powerful opioid pain medication that has several uses. Health conditions for which codeine could be potentially prescribed for as a treatment by a healthcare professional include pain (e.g. after an operation suffering an injury) and the treatment of diarrhoea.

How does Codeine provide pain relief?

The primary reason Codeine is prescribed is to relieve pain. Codeine works to change how the brain and nervous system respond to pain. The combination of codeine with other medicines, such as paracetamol or acetaminophen may produce better pain relief. Codeine and paracetamol are combined to produce the codeine containing medicine co-codamol.

How do I use Codeine?

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It is crucial that you take Codeine as prescribed by your prescriber. Take Codeine with, or after a meal so you will not feel sick.

Take Codeine any time of the day however, try to take it at the same time each day and space your dose accordingly.

For adult patients, take 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours. Take the tablet as a whole with a glass full of water. Take Codeine continuously for as long as advised by your physician. If any of your symptoms persists, consult with your doctor, pharmacist or healthcare provider.

What is the proper dosage of Codeine?

Dose for Codeine

Your physician, pharmacist or prescriber will discuss the appropriate dosage of codeine for sale uk for your individual needs including how long the course of medication will be for, when therapy will stop and how to wean yourself from the medication to avoid potential withdrawal symptoms. The patient information sheet for codeine contains recommended doses, however it should be noted that a doctor, pharmacist, or healthcare professional should always be contacted before beginning a course of codeine. They can analyze your needs and make an informed choice about whether you need a greater or lower dose of the drug.

What side effects can codeine have?

Codeine Side Effects

The NHS state that the most common side effects of codeine include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sleepiness
  • Constipation
  • Confusion
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness and/or Vertigo
  • Dryness of the mouth
  • Breathing problems

More serious side effects are less common, affecting less than 1 in 100 people and can include symptoms of low blood pressure (such as tiredness and feeling dizzy) and/or stiff muscles / muscular pain.

Codeine FAQs

Can Codeine act as a cough suppressant?

Yes. Codeine is a cough suppressant (antitussive) that reacts with the brain in a way that reduces the urge to cough. It can be prescribed for "dry cough", or an otherwise unproductive cough that does not produce phlegm. According to a 2007 study by Bolser & Davenport, Codeine is widely regarded as the "gold standard" in cough suppressants.

Can Codeine treat diarrhoea? | Can Codeine treat period pain?

Yes. Codeine can be prescribed off label for treating diarrhoea if a doctor of healthcare provider deem it to be a suitable treatment. Diarrhoea is best described as urgent stools that are passed watery and too often. Codeine is potentially addictive, making it unsuitable for chronic diarrhoea. Its side effects make it a second-hand choice after loperamide in the treatment of diarrhoea.

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Can Codeine treat period pain?

Yes. Codeine can be prescribed for treating period pains if it's found that ordinary pain killer medication has been ineffective at treating period pain symptoms.

Is OTC Codeine available in the UK?

OTC Codeine

OTC codeine (over the counter codeine) is available to purchase in low doses from many pharmacies and shops in the United Kingdom. The same applies for pain relief medications that contain low dose codeine.

Can you develop an addiction to codeine and cough syrup?

There is a danger of developing an addiction to codeine and promethazine hydrochloride cough syrup (which can be commonly referred to as 'lean' and/or 'purple drank', as concluded by Wairagkar et al (1994), Peters el al (2007) and Garcin et al (2016).

Are codeine and dihydrocodeine the same?

Dihydrocodeine vs Codeine

No. codeine and dihydrocodeine (DHC) are not the same. A study by Leppert (2010) states that 'The analgesic effect of DHC is probably twice as potent as codeine for the parenteral and slightly stronger for an oral route'.



What experiences have Codeine users had?

Every patient suffering from pain has a unique individual experience when taking Codeine as a pain relief treatment.

User Reviews for Codeine

To see what people have to say about their experiences with the medication, take a look at the Codeine user reviews. There a wide range of customer reviews and experiences with Codeine usage available at Drugs.com for pain relief, diarrhea treatment and cough treatment and on iwantgreatcare.org.

You must speak to a doctor or your healthcare provider for medical advice before taking Codeine tablets. They will assess your suitability for the medication and whether your health condition requires Codeine or an alternative pain relief treatment.

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You can safely buy codeine online here at EU Meds. Our purchase process will guide you through getting the necessary prescription and receiving your order online through an EU pharmacy.

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