What is Bitcoin Black? Is it even a real thing?

What is Bitcoin Black? Is it even a real thing?


Bitcoin Black (BCB) aims to be the cryptocurrency of the people, by the people for the people.

The goal of Bitcoin Black

Bitcoin Black is run by community members. The community thinks Bitcoin is an improvement to the monetary system inefficiency and not being limited by borders. But, the community thinks that Bitcoin still is for the elite, just as the fiat currencies, and that the altcoins are also controlled by this elite. Bitcoin Black wants to focus on fair distribution, mass adoption, lowering energy consumption & using energy more efficiently, fee-free transactions & instant transactions, ease of access for users & simplicity for users.

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Bitcoin Black technology

Bitcoin Black is built on Block Lattice, a technique very similar to blockchain, but with a few fundamental differences. In contrast to a traditional blockchain system, the blocks in a block-lattice system do not contain thousands of bundled transactions. Instead, every transaction consists of a send block on the sender's account chain and a corresponding receive block on the receiver's account chain. The network doesn’t have to update every account, which ultimately helps reduce scalability issues.

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