What exactly is PHP? Beginner's tutorial

What exactly is PHP? Beginner's tutorial

PHP is a server-side interpreted programming language that is mainly used to create dynamic web pages. Initially, the abbreviation stood for "Personal Home Page Tools," but it is now shortened to "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor."

The PHP code is already performed on the webserver if client-side languages such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript are only interpreted by the web browser when a web page is accessed. Following that, the PHP scripts create HTML output, which is subsequently transmitted to the web browser. This does not return the actual code (the PHP script) but rather the output of the script's execution.

PHP is mainly used for server-side programming, particularly for dynamic websites and apps. It's also ideal for creating office software and command-line programming. Despite being appropriate for novices, PHP has a large number of functionality. The programming language is known for its strong database support; it can run on various platforms, and it comes with a PHP licence that allows you to use and alter the source code. All of these factors combine to make it a powerful tool.

PHP has power over the four most popular content management systems: WordPress, TYPO3, Joomla, and Drupal. W3Techs conducted market research and found that the programming language is employed on 82.3 per cent of all online pages (as of November 18, 2016). As a result, PHP has become the most widely used server-side programming language for web development. The fact that PHP has a Hypertext Preprocessor is reason enough to learn about its capabilities.

This PHP course is geared for newcomers and gives an overview of server-side programming. Some instances, however, need a rudimentary understanding of web programming. It's also a good idea to educate yourself with the HTML markup language ahead of time.

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Understanding the examples presented here and adapting them to the demands of your web project is the fastest method to learn PHP. All you need for server-side programming with PHP is a web server with a PHP interpreter, a text editor (such as Notepad +++ or Vim), and your web browser. The XAMPP local test environment, which is supplied free of charge by Apache Friends for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems, is suggested for the server.

It should install PHP.

To administer PHP scripts, you'll need a Web server that can interpret the programming language, as well as a PHP interpreter. It's a piece of software that can parse PHP code and extract sections from it. PHP is, in theory, interoperable with all central web servers. The interpreter is part of the PHP installation package. It may download the latest version for free from the official php.net project website.

The PHP interpreter is usually included as a server module or FastCGI. The interpreter should not be used as a CGI programme due to its poor performance. In reality, PHP is frequently used in conjunction with the Apache HTTP server for setup. We refer to the operating systems LAMP, WAMP (Windows), or MAMP (macOS) if this connection is completed by one of the database systems MySQL or MariaDB (for Linux).

Software Stacks: Software stacks are preconfigured software bundles. The whole XAMPP package, which contains a local installation of the Apache web server, the MariaDB database system, and the programming languages Perl and PHP, is recommended for learning PHP. In our XAMPP guide, you'll find complete installation instructions.

PHP syntax is a computer language with a simple syntax.

If you've set up a local webserver (for example, with XAMPP), double-check that PHP is installed successfully and ready to run scripts.

A script is a small computer programme that is not precompiled into binary code in general. A programming language such as PHP, Perl, or JavaScript is used to create scripts. Depending on their kind (client-side), they are either executed on the webserver by an interpreter (server-side) or by a web browser engine, depending on their kind (client-side).

The schema structure of PHP programmes is always the same. The starting PHP tag? PHP signals the start of a scripting environment. Following that is the PHP code, which is delivered in the form of instructions. The phpinfo () function is used in the example below. Most functions need one or more parameters in parentheses; however, these parameters are optional in phpinfo (): phpinfo (INFO ALL). A semicolon marks the conclusion of each statement ( ; ). Finally, we utilise the closing PHP tag:?> to close the script environment.

Definition functions are subcategories that allow for the removal of portions of the programme code. Recurring tasks can be created as a single function and then renamed using the function name to prevent repetition. Web designers can utilise established PHP functions or write their own.

Start your web server after renaming the text file test in.php format (PHP script). Place test.php in the XAMPP directory at the htdocs location if you're using the XAMPP test environment (C: \ xampp \ htdocs).

It may then access the example file in the web browser by typing localhost / test.php into the address bar. It must choose the URL based on the relevant file path for users with a different web server or unique XAMPP software setup.

Requesting that your web browser send the test.php file to the webserver by typing the URL"http: /localhost/test.php" The file is retrieved from the correct location by the Apache HTTP Server or the webserver software of your choice. The.php suffix denotes the presence of PHP code in the file. The PHP interpreter included in the web server has now been turned on. Does it begin parsing the content with the opening PHP tag? Php, which indicates the beginning of PHP code. The interpreter may run PHP code and create HTML output for the browser, delivered by the webserver.

If PHP is correctly installed, the following web page should appear after running the script:

The default phpinfo (INFO ALL) function, which shows thorough information about your web server's PHP settings, is abbreviated as phpinfo (). If the web browser cannot find a version of PHP, it either shows an error message or transmits the PHP code to the browser without understanding it.

Good day, world! or how to use PHP's echo function to modify text

If PHP is properly installed, you may use the echo function to create your first custom script. Echo, unlike phpinfo (), isn't a function in the traditional sense. Instead, it's a language construct that produces text from a string of letters.

Definition language constructs are PHP commands that are used to govern the program's flow. Instructions echo as if, for, do, include, return, exit, or die among the language structures. This is why, unlike functions, calling keywords does not need the usage of square brackets.

Open a new PHP document and type the following line of code to begin a new script:

PHP echo 'Hello World!'; PHP echo 'Hello World!'; PHP echo 'Hello World!'; PHP echo 'H

The programming environment is started using the open? Php tag. The echo language construct, the Hello World! Between quotes and the command?> shut the script are all followed by the echo language construct. After the instruction, pay close attention to the semicolon. Any text can, of course, be substituted for Hello World!.

A string is a variable-length series of characters made up of letters, numbers, and special characters, as defined in computer science. Strings are distinct data types in programming and are delimited to distinguish them from other forms of data, such as integers (integers) or floats (a floating-point number).

Next, save the script as hello.php in your web server's htdocs folder, then open it in your browser with the path " localhost / hello.php ". If it correctly sent the code, the character string you're using should now appear in the browser window:

The echo language construct is a text line with an echo language construct.

The Hello World! The string is used by the webserver when the echo language construct is used.

If necessary, HTML tags can be added to each text change using echo. The browser then interprets these tags by the HTML standard. Use the following sample script to persuade yourself of this:

echo '<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>This is my first PHP page.</p>';

</p>'; \s?>

The following is the outcome of executing the script in your browser:

The result of an HTML tag-based script.

The web browser automatically interprets HTML tags that appear as a result of running the script.

The web browser interprets Hello World! as a first-level title thanks to the h1> element. The text paragraph p> is then followed by an automated line break.

The echo can be used with single (') and double (") quotations as needed. When all you want to do is change text, the quotations you use aren't crucial. Variables enter the picture.

The determinants

The echo language concept provides more than a single line of text and, in the end, might be done using HTML rather than PHP. Variables, which allow the instruction to produce dynamic texts, are the primary added value of echo.

Variables are encountered by PHP users in the following format, for example:


Each variable begins with a dollar sign ($) and ends with the variable's name. PHP scripts employ variables to incorporate external data in web pages. Values of many sorts, ranging from basic integers and strings to whole texts and HTML page structures, can be used.

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