What causes Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer error & How to Fix it

What causes Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer error & How to Fix it

David Buttler

If you received ‘Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer’ error message while running QuickBooks Database Server Manager, then you will no longer be able to go into Multi-user mode. The QuickBooks 2018 qbdbmgrn not running error usually appears when something is blocking the multi-user connection to the server. The QuickBooks qbdbmgrn not running error indicates QuickBooks Database Server Manager failed to start on the server computer. Continue reading the article to know about the ‘QuickBooks database server manager not running’ error, its causes and solutions.

Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer
If you are getting ‘Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer’ error and want to fix it at once, then get assistance from certified QuickBooks professionals by calling us on our toll-free number (1.800.579.9430).

What are the causes behind Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer?

There are numerous reasons behind the ‘QuickBooks Database Server Manager stopped’ error. Take a look at some of them given below:

1.The Windows firewall is preventing the connection of QuickBooks to the server.

2.QuickBooks Database Server Manager is not running on the server computer.

3.QuickBooks desktop application is damaged.

4.Corrupt installation of QuickBooks.

Now, move on to the troubleshooting procedure given below.

Possible Quick Fixes for Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer

Following are some quick troubleshooting methods to resolve the error:

Method 1. Repair QuickBooks

Follow these steps to repair the damaged QuickBooks desktop:

1.Press the Windows and R keys together to open the Run window.

2.Write ‘appwiz.cpl’ and hit Enter.

3.Find QuickBooks in the list of programs.

4.Choose QuickBooks.

5.Click Uninstall/Change and then Next.

6.Select Repair and then click Finish.

If the error continues, move on to the next method.

Method 2. Use QuickBooks File Doctor

The tool will resolve company and network issues. You need to have QuickBooks Tool Hub on your computer to run File Doctor. Follow these steps to download the tool hub and run the tool:

1.Close QuickBooks desktop.

2.Get the most recent version of the QuickBooks Tool Hub.

3.Move to Downloads.

4.Then, open the QuickBooksToolHub.exe file.

5.Install the tool hub by following the on-screen steps.

6.Agree to the terms and conditions checkbox.

7.When the installation completes, the QuickBooks Tool Hub icon will appear on the desktop.

8.Open the tool hub and choose the Company File Issues tab.

9.Click Run QuickBooks File Doctor.

10.Next, choose the company file from the drop-down menu.

11.If the file is not visible, click Browse and search the file.

12.Select the Check you file option and click Continue.

13.Enter the admin login credentials and click Next.

If you still get the same error, try the next method.

Method 3. Update Windows firewall

You get the error because the firewall is preventing the connection between QuickBooks and the server. Updating the firewall can fix the issue. Follow these steps to do so:

1.Tap Windows and R keys together on your keyboard to open the Run window.

2.Inside the Run box, write ‘Control firewall.cpl’ and hit Enter.

3.Open Windows Firewall and hover over the Update your firewall section.

4.Click Update Now and then Use Recommended Settings.

5.After updating the firewall, restart the workstation.

If the method given above didn’t work, move on to the next method.

Method 4. Start QuickBooks services again

1.Open the Run window by pressing the Windows and R keys together.

2.Type ‘services.msc’ in the Run window and hit Enter.

3.Select the QuickBooks Database version by scrolling down the services.

4.Choose your QuickBooks Database Server Manager and right-click on it.

5.Click Restart.

If the error persists, proceed to the method.

Method 5. Clean Install QuickBooks

Clean install QuickBooks with the help of the following steps:

1.Keep note of license number, product year and version.

2.Remove QuickBooks:

•Select the Windows Start menu and open Control Panel.

•Click Programs and Features or Uninstall a Program.

•From the list of programs, choose the QuickBooks Desktop version you want to uninstall.

•Choose Uninstall/Change and then Remove. 

•Click Next.

3.Reinstall QuickBooks desktop.

That’s all about Qbdbmgrn not running on this computer. We tried our best to help you fix the error. If you face any trouble following the troubleshooting steps, contact the certified QuickBooks expert’s team by dialing our customer support number (1.800.579.9430).

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